I think we need a word for this. It's when a person refuses to acknowledge Trump's countless failings, or views them through a biased prism, or normalizes Trump's behavior as being just like any other politician - therefore unworthy of note, or concern.
Should we call it Trump Blindness Syndrome (TBS)? Is there a better term for it?
I digress that the left still can't meme...
Trump is a person with faults as every single one of us equally has in spades, and the only difference is his are on blast and everyone else's are largely ignored. That doesn't make them a bigger deal than anyone else's unless through his action they are proven to be detrimental to the function of the job. I haven't seen it, so I don't think any of these things matter.
Next, up... On the job related front no President was likely as committed to peace as Trump is and I'm down with that. _REALLY_ down with that... You pick it... Attempting to deescalate the Middle-East situation is a power-move for world peace. Attempt to ease tensions with North Korea is a big deal. He's also the only one that has worked toward downsizing government a move which I also 100% support.
So, can I get past his personal flaws and be cool with what he does ON THE JOB? Yes. Do I like him personally? Absolutely not. But, that's not what I vote for. His ego is amazing, but my ego isn't getting in my way of seeing the value/net positive.
All of the things you have mentioned are his own personal personality flaws and whatnot and have nothing to do with me or anyone else. That's your problem, not his, essentially...
Anyone who wasn't stuck on their own ego-delusions of the situation would just look at metrics related to his work, and then make their decision based on whether he's doing the thing.
I mean do you have to know the personal views or be adoring of someone who serves you a cheeseburger at a fast food joint? That's exactly how I look at it. As long as he is doing the job, I absolutely don't care about what goes on in his personal space even if it's on blast.