According to his Dr. he has been released to go back to work. he has had no fever or signs for Covid in 24 hours. However there's a 72 hour window he could still go back into Covid.
According to his Dr. he has been released to go back to work. he has had no fever or signs for Covid in 24 hours. However there's a 72 hour window he could still go back into Covid.
According to his Dr. he has been released to go back to work. he has had no fever or signs for Covid in 24 hours. However there's a 72 hour window he could still go back into Covid.
If he doesn't have symptoms and his doctor cleared him, he may get them again but who knows. Long as he drinks his chicken soap and wash his hands, he probably do fine.
If he doesn't have symptoms and his doctor cleared him, he may get them again but who knows. Long as he drinks his chicken soap and wash his hands, he probably do fine.