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Trump Outdid Trump! Told Record-Breaking 815 Falsehoods in Just 31 Days!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In the 31 days leading up to the midterm elections, Donald Trump ramped up his dishonesty to almost unimaginable levels -- even for him.

During that short period he told 815 falsehoods. In comparison, it took him the first 286 days of his presidency in 2017 to tell the same number of falsehoods.

By category, his top four most frequent false claims by were:

About Democrats -- 214 false claims.
About Immigrants -- 201 false claims
About the Economy -- 127 false claims
About Heath care -- 113 false claims

Moreover, many or most of Trump's falsehoods were written into his speeches this time around. In the past, Trump has usually departed from his prepared remarks to make his false claims. But this time around, they were prepared in advance. I think that shows his dishonesty was intentional.

As an aside, to me the most amusing falsehoods were the several times Trump claimed credit for laws passed under Obama! That amounts to a tacit admission that Obama did some good for the country -- something Trump and his supporters generally refuse to acknowledge.

But did the American people buy it?

Apparently not. While his gullible supporters almost certainly swallowed nearly every false claim Trump made, it seems the American people on the whole did not. Trump lost the House of Representatives, flipped only two Senate seats Republican (out of the 26 Democrat-held seats up for reelection), lost seven gubernatorial seats and several state legislatures. Not as bad as it could have been for him, but no one doubts he was a factor in all or most of those losses. Like most midterms, this one was a referendum on the president.

Moreover, polling immediately after the midterms shows that only 37% of registered voters want Trump reelected in 2020. Fully 58% want him gone, with the rest being undecided. He does not at this point have enough undecided voters he can win over to gain reelection.

The American people on the whole are not buying Trump's falsehoods. Only his gullible supporters are.

Questions? Comments?


815 false claims: The staggering scale of Donald Trump’s pre-midterm dishonesty | The Star

Public Wants Congress to be a Check on Trump | Monmouth University Polling Institute


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Obviously his supporters don't care that he lies as long as he tells them what they want to hear.

I think Trump has normalized lying to his supporters. Not for everyone, but it seems to me that his supporters lie quite a bit more these days than they did before Trump. I think he's made it acceptable to them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Eye of the beholder I guess...

Not really.

The Washington Post article you've cited is an opinion piece dealing in generalities and "philosophical" musings.

The Toronto Star article cited in the OP is factual reporting. All 815 of Trump's falsehoods are listed out for anyone to read and judge for themselves.

I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to know which article presents the truer picture.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Obviously his supporters don't care that he lies as long as he tells them what they want to hear.
Your point?
....and there ya go.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Hmm, not as many Trumpettes rushing in to shift goal posts and dissemble about what he "really" meant as in previous similar threads. Perhaps reason is prevailing? Or perhaps the rats are fleeing the sinking ship? Either way, it's a nice change.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Here’s the tally on that lying liar Hillary.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact
Over 8 years as 1st lady, then as Sec. of State, then as candidate.....31 lies. The Politifact site sets 20 lies per page. She used a whopping 1 & a half pages.
Those who voted for the “less belligerent” and “more honest” Trump would need roughly 80 pages for less than one year of their “honest and open, speaks whats on his mind” president.

I’m sorry. But all those who voted for him are undeniably, willfully gullible, naive victims of conmen. Yet still they think they made the right choice. So pathetically sad. :facepalm:

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Here’s the tally on that lying liar Hillary.
All False statements involving Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact
Over 8 years as 1st lady, then as Sec. of State, then as candidate.....31 lies. The Politifact site sets 20 lies per page. She used a whopping 1 & a half pages.
Those who voted for the “less belligerent” and “more honest” Trump would need roughly 80 pages for less than one year of their “honest and open, speaks whats on his mind” president.

I’m sorry. But all those who voted for him are undeniably, willfully gullible, naive victims of conmen. Yet still they think they made the right choice. So pathetically sad. :facepalm:
But her emails!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Hmm, not as many Trumpettes rushing in to shift goal posts and dissemble about what he "really" meant as in previous similar threads. Perhaps reason is prevailing? Or perhaps the rats are fleeing the sinking ship? Either way, it's a nice change.
Or perhaps we are bored replying. It's been non-stop anti-Trump for almost 2 years.

The point is, as long as he keeps actually doing things he has promised he will do, many of his supporters will just roll their eyes at his latest baiting of the left.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Or perhaps we are bored replying. It's been non-stop anti-Trump for almost 2 years.

The point is, as long as he keeps actually doing things he has promised he will do, many of his supporters will just roll their eyes at his latest baiting of the left.
I'm at the point where Trump is like the "boy who cried wolf" to me.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I'm at the point where Trump is like the "boy who cried wolf" to me.
Exactly. It wouldn't even occur to me to listen to him and fact check his every sigh as we see people doing (even here on RF). It's not analysis. It's obsession.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been keeping score, but it seems to me that most of the campaign promises Trump has kept have been done by executive orders -- and they can be undone by his successor via executive orders. So, his legacy won't be permanent.

I think the lasting legacy of his administration is that more voters will now put moral character, and not issues, at the top of their list when considering their candidates for public office. And that will be a good thing.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Your point?

A dishonest leader is an untrustworthy leader, and an untrustworthy leader is an unworthy leader. If you don't understand why ethics and integrity are important, then what does that say about your character? Perhaps you should consider dropping the references to Jesus and Buddha from your religious descriptor.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Exactly. It wouldn't even occur to me to listen to him and fact check his every sigh as we see people doing (even here on RF). It's not analysis. It's obsession.

How silly of us to hold "the leader of the free world" to any sort of standard. It reflects very poorly upon us as a society that honor and honesty means so little to so many. Whatever happened to accountability?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Many of his supporters don't pay attention to what he says and does - he's in their tribe and that's all that counts.

Some don't believe in virtue and morality except for being anti-abortion. So if he lies, cheats, steals, bears false witness and so forth or in other words, keep the Trumpian commandments

1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me. Except for Mammon, as a billionaire you are allowed to worship Mammon.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, but feel free to place a copy of Time magazine bearing thou regal image in every room in the White House.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain in public, but in the privacy of the White House goddamn the hell out of thou subordinates if they don`t praise thou like a deity.

4. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. Thou hast permission to sleep the entire Sabbath, for that is the only way thou can keep it holy.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother by keeping alive thy father`s Nazi legacy.

6. Thou shalt not kill thou enemies, instead kill their reputation on Twitter.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery, but as president thou gets a mulligan when thou fornicates with a porn star.

8. Thou shalt not steal in person, but thou hath a dispensation to execute tax laws that steal from the poor and give to the wealthy.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against a conservative, but thou are free to defame and libel heathen liberals.

10. Thou shalt not covet thou neighbor`s wife, but thou will be forgiven if thou grabs her by the *****.

The Ten Commandments Rewritten for Donald Trump