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"Trump supporters use less cognitively complex language, more simplistic modes of thinking"

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I think that more liberal politicians should try to understand why a Trump supporter would use "more simplistic language" and perhaps try to reach a wider base accordingly instead of thumbing their noses at such a thing, which is often a result of poverty, lack of access to good education, or other socioeconomic factors.

Ivory-tower speeches don't make good policy. Realism does.


Well-Known Member
Simplicity in language can be valuable. I mean do we really need a million ways to say the simplest things? Do we need forty words for one concept? I say boiling down language to the basics would help us communicate with less guile. Without hypocrisy or craftiness. It could lay things bare and expose stupid/silly things that were obscured through a lot of fancy words.

On the other hand of course language does influence thought. If you limit someone's language enough then you can stunt their thoughts as well. They may not be able to even understand concepts that they have not understood through words. We know that some ideas cannot even be conveyed in certain languages. Many people complain that they cannot express their ideas in English for example or in other languages. This is not always due to the fact that they don't know English well enough either. Rather, the idea itself is foreign to the language.

For example some Asian cultures don't understand sarcasm. That's a foreign concept to them. They don't get it until they have been exposed to it enough to finally grasp it's subtlity.

So there are pluses and minuses to using more complex words.


Still learning to be wise
Staff member
Premium Member
To be completely fair, “brevity is the soul of wit.”

One can use language sparingly and still say a great deal. Conversely one can speak for a long time and say virtually nothing.

Whilst I probably wouldn’t be a Trump voter if I were an American, I don’t think it’s good to dismiss or otherwise denigrate a particular voting base for “using less complex words.”
That’s just elitism and all you end up doing is alienating folks who might have otherwise engaged in a fair exchange of ideas. Maybe even come to a compromise.

That all said, I mean, this is the era of social media. I’d wager that “less complex language” abounds across the political spectrum these days.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
To be completely fair, “brevity is the soul of wit.”

One can use language sparingly and still say a great deal. Conversely one can speak for a long time and say virtually nothing.

Whilst I probably wouldn’t be a Trump voter if I were an American, I don’t think it’s good to dismiss or otherwise denigrate a particular voting base for “using less complex words.”
That’s just elitism and all you end up doing is alienating folks who might have otherwise engaged in a fair exchange of ideas. Maybe even come to a compromise.

That all said, I mean, this is the era of social media. I’d wager that “less complex language” abounds across the political spectrum these days.
Thanks Polonius.


My own religion

It is maybe too simple. It is easy to find some non-Trump supporters, who do the same. The problem is that when you test, if you use a too simple test only geared towards the key words in the simple thinking a nd simple model of one group, you might overlook the simple thinking in another group, because they use other key words.
See, I used a complex mode of thinking ;) and asked a critical thinking question.


Well-Known Member
It is maybe too simple. It is easy to find some non-Trump supporters, who do the same. The problem is that when you test, if you use a too simple test only geared towards the key words in the simple thinking a nd simple model of one group, you might overlook the simple thinking in another group, because they use other key words.
See, I used a complex mode of thinking ;) and asked a critical thinking question.

Yeah, but I’m willing to bet you’d never vote for Trump ;)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That article appears to have more holes than a termite infested house.
That's some not very cognitively complex language yer
using there, toots.
I'm reminded of the problem with so many academics
& others who use convoluted grammar, lengthy prose,
& needlessly arcane words to put on airs. It's not better.
It's just a sign that someone thinks tedious interminable
writing embiggens them. Such people must use words
like "methodology" to replace the more accurate "method".
Why? Longer, & more syllables.

I once took a technical writing course that was an eye
opener. Writing is nothing more than....
- Know who your audience is.
- Convey your message clearly & efficiently to them.

Eschew obfuscation!
Last edited:


Oldest Heretic
In politics it is probably best to use the simplest and clearest language that you can, so as to get a message across to the maximum number of people.

However Trump himself, seems to be unable to under stand or use logic or language, that is much more advanced, than that attained at primary school.
This seems to appeal greatly, to those similarly limited.

However, in their daily lives, most people will use what ever level of language comes naturally to them. this will of course reflect their social and educational peer group. It is something that everyone does.

Secret Chief

That's some not very cognitively complex language yer
using there, toots.
I'm reminded of the problem with so many academics
& others who use convoluted grammar, lengthy prose,
& needlessly arcane words to put on airs. It's not better.
It's just a sign that someone thinks tedious interminable
writing embiggens them. Such people must use words
like "methodology" to replace the more accurate "method".
Why? Longer, & more syllables.

I once took a technical writing course that was an eye
opener. Writing is nothing more than....
- Know who your audience is.
- Convey your message clearly & efficiently to them.


Oldest Heretic
It is maybe too simple. It is easy to find some non-Trump supporters, who do the same. The problem is that when you test, if you use a too simple test only geared towards the key words in the simple thinking a nd simple model of one group, you might overlook the simple thinking in another group, because they use other key words.
See, I used a complex mode of thinking ;) and asked a critical thinking question.

You did not ask a "question" at all, you made a number of statements.

However it is true that people speak in the daily language of their "tribe"

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I guess this is due to the fact that, on average, rightists tend to be much more outspoken than leftists.
Leftists' choice to be politically correct implies a more sophisticated language to express a concept.;)

Of course this is a overgeneralization. I am just guessing.