2 Tim 3:16, 17....
"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."
"All scripture" was initially the Hebrew scriptures, quoted by Jesus and his apostles, but it came to include the Greek scriptures to make up the complete word of God. The Greek scriptures are also inspired of God and contain the teachings of Jesus Christ, without which we would know nothing about him or his apostles.
No holy book has survived as long and been preserved as accurately as the Bible. The Dead Sea Scrolls proved that this was true. Despite all attempts to destroy it, it is still here and instructing right hearted people all over the world, just as God intended.
His firstborn son...his Master Worker. (Prov 8:22, 30, 31) The one "through whom" creation came. (Col 1:15, 16)
Do you know the word "all" in ancient Hebrew does not necessarily mean "every"? I think that you ought to know it seeing you speak as an authority.
all (731), all the things (7), all...things (1), all kinds (1), all men (14), all people (4), all respects (3), all things (126), all* (1), always* (3), any (16), any at all (1), anyone (3), anything (3), anything* (1), continually* (6), entire (4), every (128), every form (1), every kind (9), every respect (1), every way (2), everyone (71), everyone's (1), everyone* (1), everything (45), forever* (1), full (2), great (2), no* (15), none* (1), nothing (1), nothing* (1), one (4), perfectly (1), quite (1), whatever (3), whatever* (1), whoever (7), whole (18).