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Types of Religiosity


This article was written in arabic ,and i used the google translator to translate it and made the best possible modifications to the translation because i find it very enlightening

Muhammad al-Mahdi: Consultant Psychiatrist

True religion is the name of all things to worship God, one because it came down from the one God, but when dealing with human beings, this religion and its application in their lives is different, each have method of application and this difference is due to three factors:

1: inspite of the unity of religion, it is divided into multiple elements, the Belief , the worship ,transactions and ethics , and every person takes from these aspects in a way that differs from other people

2: Man , despite his apparent singularity , consists of elements of the various activities differed upon by different psychatric schools .

3: Islam is characterized by its multi levels, which enables the muslim to ascend from one level to another whenever he works hard in the understanding and application of this religion, and these levels Al Islam , Al iman and Al ihsan (as stated in the hadeeth narrated by Omar may God be pleased with him)

So ,we have a person with multiple components (even though his apparent singularity) interacting with a religion of multiple branches and levels (although the unity of its foundation and source )
Hence the difference in the religious experience from one person to another, which we see in the difference in degree and quality of religiousness of persons and groups.

In order to better understand the origin of this diversity we must know that the activities of the human being can be identified in three divisions: knowledge, passion (emotion or feeling) and behavior (the will and the act), and from this multiplicity we cite the following forms of religious experiences that we see in our daily life:

1-Intellectual religiosity (knowledge)

And here the religion is limited to the circle of knowledge where we find the person knows many of the provisions of religion and its concepts, but this knowledge stops at the side of rational thought and doesn't extend to the circle of emotions or behavior. It is simply intellectual knowledge and some of these people may be adept at talking or writing about religion ,when they do not adhere to its teachings in their daily lives.

2- emotional religiosity (enthusiastic)

In this case, we find that the person shows emotions and a sweeping great enthusiasm towards religion, but that is not matched by a good knowledge of its provisions , nor commitment to its conduct rules, and this type spread in young people, especially who recently became religious .This is a stage that must be completed by the aspects of knowledge and behavior , so as not to wander or to radicalize or go away.

3- Behavioural religiosity ( worship)

Here, religion is limited to the circle of behavior, where one person performs acts of worship and religious rituals, but without sufficient knowledge of their wisdom and provisions and without emotions that gives to these acts of worship their spiritual meaning , but only performs these acts of worship as a social norm he is accustomed to . This type can be completed and instructed to add the knowledge and awaken the spiritual side.

4- utilitarian religiosity (shared interests)

In this case, we find that the person is committed to a lot of aspects of religion externally to atain a particular social status or achieve mundane objectives , and these people who pretend religiosity take advantage of people's respect for religion and its symbols and try to win their trust and affection by demonstrating religiosity , and the person in this case uses religion to his service and not vice versa, and is always found where there are gains and worldly interests and is absent in hardship and adversity.

- Interactive religiosity

We find this type of religiosity in people who have spent their lives away from religion having fun ,enjoying themselves and taking the pleasures of this world regardless of Halal and Haram, but suddenly, as a result of being subjected to a particular incident, we find they have changed from one extreme to the contrary, begining with the commitment by the manifestations of religion, with passion and strong enthusiasm . however ,his religiousity remains superficial ,lacking the aspects of knowledge and deep spirituality .

and it is good If he found a receptive and guiding community that helps him complete the way up gently and with vision.

6- Defensive religiousity (neurotic) :

Religion may be a defense against fear, anxiety or guilt or remorse or in defense against oppression and frustration, in this case the individual resort to religion to ease these feelings and get rid of them .And the more power these feelings ,a stronger trend of religion is found

There is nothing wrong in it, but it lacks the aspects of spirituality ,transactions and ethics.
It also occurs in some people who feel helpless in the face of life requirements and difficulties that they were unable to face , we may find one of those neglecting studying , work or other responsibilities while giving his time to the exercise of some religious rituals that does not require effort or hardship to cover his limitations and inability and to escape real confrontation with reality.

7-psychotic religiousity

Face this kind during our work in clinics and psychiatric hospitals in some patients with early psychosis (mental illness) as the patient resort to religion in an attempt to alleviate the degradation and dispersal , but the time is usually late , and he shows the symptoms of mental illness imbued with some of the wrong quasi-religious concepts , the patient may declare to be a prophet sent to guide mankind, or the Mahdi and act on this basis and despite the failure of this attempt , it 's evidence of the role of religion in the maintenance of personality in the face of degradation and dispersal, in other words we say: religiosity is a healthy defensive machanism, if it was in a timely and appropriate methodology.

8- extremism

It means going to extremes in one or more aspects of religion, out of the acceptable limits approved by Shariah and agreed upon by all scholars of religion.

Extremism can be divided into types:

- Intellectual extremism: it is difficult to debate with this person as he is closed on his ideas and does not accept a different opinion

- Emotional extremism: a person's emotions are concentrated on the religious aspects and he become very sensitive in this regard with a gross exaggeration

Behavioural Extremism: Here we find the person exaggerates in the performance of religious rituals out of the acceptable limits religiously as if this ritual is an end in itself, we find that these rituals are devoid of meaning and spirituality ,and the extremism in the act does not end at his personal borders , but may exceed that to the society, and he may compel others to behave like him

9- Sufism

A subjective experience that is very special , a few people go through it ,so it's not easy to express with usual words because it occurs outside the boundaries of words,

but we can say that in this experience, the mystical person passes through a period of great suffering with many contradictions and suddenly feel that there is something tremendous had happened like a born-again , making him finds himself and see the universe in a completely different way and feel that many of the conflicts had subsided and many of the block and the masks have revealed , and that he unites with the universe
and inspite of the depth and charm of this experience , it remains a personal experience unfit for circulation ,
And above this ,it is a hazardous experience, where insights may mix with satanic whispers

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10 - The true Religiosity

This is the optimized type of Religious Experience, where the true religion penetrates in the circle of knowledge , passion and behavior. we find the person with sufficient and in depth religious knowledge , passion that makes him love his religion and a conduct that agree to all of this

Here , the religion is the central idea driving and directing all the activities of this person ( external and internal) .we find his speech in agreement with his work ,and his apparent looks is consistent with his inward reality

and that religious person devotes himself to serve his religion and not using it in his own service

The person who reaches this level of religiosity is truly feeling security, tranquility and peace, and has reached a degree of psychological balance that makes him meet adversity with patience and satisfaction . And when you meet this person , you find him quite satisfied with tolerance and balance in his words and his actions and he communicates with you with ease
and pleasure

and for those who can read in arabic ,here's the link :
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I believe all our current problems are attriuted to the lack of the true comprhensive religiosity among muslims and replacing it with other incomplete distorted types....and of course the pathological types of religiosity are the exception ,not the rule

What do you think ?


Well-Known Member
Nice classification but I object to #9.

I find some preachers focus on the outside appearance much more than the inside; like saying "the man has changed into a very good one; he started praying and grew his beard" or when they mention anything about women, it's all about hijab and of course hijab to them is niqab. "Religious" means wearing a niqab and growing one's beard!! So we shouldn't be surprised to see many Muslims who reduced the meaning of religion to the outside appearance without taking care of their inside.
Unfortunately, now we see Muslims who are unable to succeed in this life and they justify this by Islam.
Like When I find a female med student who wears niqab and who refuses to touch the male patient to recognize certain signs on him, this is learning and she refuse to learn well in the name of her religious beliefs and this leads me to wonder what she is doing in a med school exactly!! This is really frustrating and I have zero respect to such attitude. Such attitudes represent great misunderstanding of the religion and they distort its image, imo.

Behavioural Extremism: Here we find the person exaggerates in the performance of religious rituals out of the acceptable limits religiously as if this ritual is an end in itself, we find that these rituals are devoid of meaning and spirituality ,and the extremism in the act does not end at his personal borders , but may exceed that to the society, and he may compel others to behave like him
This one can be seen very well in our societies, such persons want to force their own understanding on others, even if they know a certain topic is disagreed upon by the scholars, they insist that their opinion is the correct one and how you are wrong.

I hope to see more and more Muslims who understand the core and spirit of Islam, who can interact effectively with the reality while adhering to the different aspect of their religion; the correct creed, the worship acts, the good manners and good character.
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