I've been working on a file for my Book of Shadows on spellcraft (what most of the community calls magic or magick), and as a component of that file, I wanted to include a classification system for types of spells. Although I have a model that I now like, I'm curious to hear how others might approach this or have approached this. Or, if you're not crazy like I am and trying to come up with classification systems, what are some general types of spells you could identify in your practice?
I honestly dont know if this will help, but if I may?
I usually have a journal type Book of Shadows. Im a messy organized person (you know...like the old teen who says " uh ma, I know where everything is in my room..in a congested book") Thats what it is, I scrap book. I use colored stickers to mark pages where I do my sigils. Another color for prayers. Another for what each part of nature means to me and prayers with those.
You can substitute my color method with folders as you were saying. Um. I keep a calender of the moon phases. I started learning more about that and how it relates to other elements. So you can do an "element" file with each folder for individual elements you use. I remember you saying you are heavily an elemental person.
Id say you can wrap your organizing around the elements. For example, for sun (or fire?) you can have a folder with all the work and knowledge you have with your connection with the sun spirit. I like to write, so I usually write small essays about how I am connected to what element.
Scrap books, stickers, folders, etc I use.
In my kitchen, I have a few cabinets specifically for craft. Mostly kitchen things like herbs and natural foods. So if you work with food and such, using cabnets helps a lot and its simple.
Id have to think of others.