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UN adding Israel to ‘blacklist’ of countries harming children in conflict


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Quran said it's forbiden to slaughter or rape, Hamas did not rape or slaughter civilains,

Not all people, including Palestinians, follow the Quran. And then undoubtedly many who say they do in reality don't.

,Sure there are individual crimes made by hamas members.not comparable to what did by Israel "most moral army " in eyes of zionists.

That's debatable. If Hamas were to win, I don't think it be a love fest.

Original sin is Israel by siezed Gaza for 14 years ,make it as open air prison.

Categorically false. Also, just a reminder that the people of Gaza elected Hamas, so that also falls on the lot of them.

Hamas taken hostages to exchange with Israel.did not torture them.

Again, absolutely false as eyewitnesses have testified. Matter of fact, one of the hostages released a few weeks ago stated that a younger woman was repeatedly raped that she saw when in the tunnels.

You refuse to deal with the reality of what some in Hamas has done whereas I have not done the same trying to defend some of which Israelis have done, thus I'm being honest about this.


Eastern Orthodox
Not all people, including Palestinians, follow the Quran. And then undoubtedly many who say they do in reality don't.

That's debatable. If Hamas were to win, I don't think it be a love fest.

Categorically false. Also, just a reminder that the people of Gaza elected Hamas, so that also falls on the lot of them.

Again, absolutely false as eyewitnesses have testified. Matter of fact, one of the hostages released a few weeks ago stated that a younger woman was repeatedly raped that she saw when in the tunnels.

You refuse to deal with the reality of what some in Hamas has done whereas I have not done the same trying to defend some of which Israelis have done, thus I'm being honest about this.

On the vote: the majority of the population (which is young) were not of voting age then. It might turn out the same if the vote took place today, I don't know, just sayin...


aged ecumenical anthropologist
On the vote: the majority of the population (which is young) were not of voting age then. It might turn out the same if the vote took place today, I don't know, just sayin...
True, but elections do have their consequences, which is true in most countries worldwide.

Also, there were reporters in Gaza when 10-7 happened, and they covered the celebrations going on there and also in some other Arabic countries as well. I watched some of that live and then we got more information from reporters the next day.

As you well know, these were civilians, not soldiers, that were killed and/or abused.


Veteran Member
Israeli military was embedded among civilians using them as human shields you might say, but a quarter of those killed on Oct 7 where active military
So, you believe the Israeli soldiers that got killed on 10-7, and others soldiers involved in fighting Palestinians that day, were using Israeli citizens as human shields?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So, you believe the Israeli soldiers that got killed on 10-7, and others soldiers involved in fighting Palestinians that day, were using Israeli citizens as human shields?

One big reason why most Israelis now deplore Netanyahu is that there weren't any active IDF in the region, whereas 10-7 happened anyway even though Israeli intelligence had indicated that such an attack was possible as Palestinians had been seen running training exercises for months. I was on one of the kibbutzim back in 1998 that was quite close to the Gaza border, and they used to hire Palestinians for labor but kept getting sabotaged, so they hired Thais instead.


Veteran Member
One big reason why most Israelis now deplore Netanyahu is that there weren't any active IDF in the region, whereas 10-7 happened anyway even though Israeli intelligence had indicated that such an attack was possible as Palestinians had been seen running training exercises for months. I was on one of the kibbutzim back in 1998 that was quite close to the Gaza border, and they used to hire Palestinians for labor but kept getting sabotaged, so they hired Thais instead.
You think Netanyahu wanted the 10-7 massacre , or something equally devastating, to happen, with Hamas targeting Israeli civilians?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Not all people, including Palestinians, follow the Quran. And then undoubtedly many who say they do in reality don't.

That's debatable. If Hamas were to win, I don't think it be a love fest.

Categorically false. Also, just a reminder that the people of Gaza elected Hamas, so that also falls on the lot of them.

Again, absolutely false as eyewitnesses have testified. Matter of fact, one of the hostages released a few weeks ago stated that a younger woman was repeatedly raped that she saw when in the tunnels.

You refuse to deal with the reality of what some in Hamas has done whereas I have not done the same trying to defend some of which Israelis have done, thus I'm being honest about this.
Quran say don't kill innocents ,it's was refere verse talking to Allah law to Jews (children of Israel) , **mod edit**

since you interesting in Quran "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors."

Hamas win world opinion,by showning the Western world how evil is Israel **mod edit**.

despite that I don't believe Israeli media,before 40 beheaded babies , I would condenmed if that did by Hamas , would you condemn crimes ,which world witness , I don't think so .because majority of pro Israel had no human sense toward Palestinians .

What reality you talking about ? No one Israeli hostages said we got raped or tortured .
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Quran say don't kill innocents ,it's was refere verse talking to Allah law to Jews (children of Israel) , ,**mod edit**

since you interesting in Quran "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors."

Hamas win world opinion,by showning the Western world how evil is Israel **mod edit** .
despite that I don't believe Israeli media,before 40 beheaded babies , I would condenmed if that did by Hamas , would you condemn crimes ,which world witness , I don't think so .because majority of pro Israel had no human sense toward Palestinians .

What reality you talking about ? No one Israeli hostages said we got raped or tortured .
The supposed 40 babies beheaded I've never seen in the Israeli media, and kf my memory is correct I asked you to show where some Israeli source supposedly said that but didn't get a response. So, maybe link us to that supposed source.

I listened to an interview of the woman who said a younger xgirls was gang-raped, and yet you come back with your last line. How disingenuous you are being. I listened to her, plus it was reported even earlier in at least one other case.

IOW, all you are doing is making garbage up, thus nothing you post should be believed unless you are willing to supply links.
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Veteran Member
I won't go that far.
I'm not saying I believe it, but it is interesting some of the beliefs people have about it being an inside job, that the government saw the training near by, had the secret intelligence about the plan, and intentionally did not want more idf soldiers in the area, because a major terrorist attack on civilians, was what some felt was needed, to be justified in something similar as George bush juniors war on terrorism.

Israel has an extremely advanced military, and secret service, even Arab spies they pay to know what is going on in the west bank and gaza.

It has been obvious that they have been training for a large terrorist attack in that area roughly even to people that don't work for Israeli government. But the government has even far more capabilities for intelligence to know what their enemies are doing+ planning with even hired Arab spies pretending to be Hamas.

I'm not going to jump to the conclusion that it was an inside job, but the idf and the government and secret police+ secret service in Israel, is the best I know of.

The way they have been able to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists and even know so much about what is going on in Iran, with spies and the Mossad , responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Its director answers directly and only to the Prime Minister.

They are in Iran and so many countries, and I don't know how they do it, but they will show up on motorcycles, shoot the person that is supposed to be assassinated, catch the shells in a gun, take off, and not get caught or leave evidence.

It's amazing, ingenious, courageous, almost seems miraculous. So, to say " they would have seen this coming, and known how to prevent it", is a statement that has merit, worthy of belief, even if it is not true.

I just think Israel knows such moves from Hamas, large, planned, prepared operations, before they happen, to some extent. Even some of the victims of kidnapping, said that they could feel it in their guts that it was about to happen, or something terrible was about to happen before it actually happened.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I just think Israel knows such moves from Hamas, large, planned, prepared operations, before they happen, to some extent. Even some of the victims of kidnapping, said that they could feel it in their guts that it was about to happen, or something terrible was about to happen before it actually happened.
And this is one big REASON why a significant majority of Israelis want Netanyahu out!


Veteran Member
And this is one big REASON why a significant majority of Israelis want Netanyahu out!
Yes. People who blame Jews need to recognize that some of the greatest criticism and effective protests, are in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, or cities in Israel, where Jews are getting arrested and beaten by the government, for demanding his resignation, that he stop the leveling of cities, in exchange for a hostage exchange, bring the missing israelis home.

Their loved ones know that the more gaza gets leveled, the less likely they are to see their kidnapped loved ones again.

But the Jews filled the streets protesting the crimes committed against Palestinian refugees that Israel military contributed to in the Lebanon civil war .

It actually won my heart for the average Israeli citizen, because I don't think Palestinians would protest such crimes against Israeli citizens on average. I love the Palestinians who are compassionate and reasonable, who don't want blood shed as well, but I see the Jews far far more likely to protest abuse and corruption in the government, or crimes against civilians bothering their conscience.

Yitzhak Rabin, prime minister of Israel, did more to create peace with his enemies, won the Nobel peace prize, and prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu contributed very much to his assassination, by parading pictures of him , mocking him as being dressed like Adolf Hitler or gestapo. And he was simply creating peace, assassinated by one of the fanatic minority Israelis that don't share hate or that attitude with the majority of citizens, ..
Rabin was trying to be a friend to Jews and Arabs as best he can relieve suffering, end hate, in ways that are not irresponsible or dangerous for his nation.

His wife Leah Rabin, I love her, was fighting Benjamin Netanyahu for the rest of her life. Israel, honors him as a great hero, renaming very sacred monuments and memorials after him. So, many , probably most Jews there , were they to pick a side, it would be Leah Rabin , her mission of opposing this current administration (or regime), calling for his resignation.

I actually admired Netanyahu until I started studying Leah Rabin, and her husband became my favorite prime minister of Israel. Leah was friends with Jackie lee Kennedy. Jackie lee is alternative for Jacob and Leah. Leah was first bride of Jacob. JFK and Yitzhak (Yitzhak means Isaac. Isaac was the father of Jacob.) were both assassinated by their own citizens, in the month of November.

There was a time in JFK life, and in Yitzhak's life, where they could have possibly passed for twins or the same person.

Not exactly relevant, but I feel like I have a personal relationship with them that turned me against Netanyahu. On October 7th, I printed out pictures of the assassinated prime minister with his wife Leah to put on my wall for the first time. I also printed out pictures of Palestinians working together with Israelis, attempts at healing wounds, attempts at friendship.

I didn't know until after printing those, that the greatest massacre of Jews in a single day, since the Holocaust, happened earlier that day. To me, that simply could not have happened by chance.

And now Leah Rabins greatest enemy has international outrage, the worst reputation, lost many of his closest friends, and many people give credible, substantial reasons for calling him war criminal, because of the famine, the starvation, the ways that trucks and trains with humanitarian aid have been seized and the supplies thrown on the ground, trampled, destroyed, confiscated.

Large quantities of innocent civilians are being tortured to death by starvation, traumatized by their loved ones dying with indiscriminate bombing, leveling entire cities.

So, that is arguably against the Geneva convention, therefore, arguably puts Netanyahu in the war criminal category.

But I don't see how it could be coincidence alone, by chance, by accident, the day I create a shrine for Leah Rabin, with pictures of Palestinian and Israeli students, youth, working together as friends , creating peace... the dream of Leah Rabin and her husband, was the day of the terrorist attacks.

I did not know anything worthy of the news was happening in Israel. Something just told me, inner tug at the heart + soul, to make a shrine for Leah Rabin and her husband. So, this conflict is more personal to me than to most who are not directly involved.:heartarrow:


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
The supposed 40 babies beheaded I've never seen in the Israeli media, and kf my memory is correct I asked you to show where some Israeli source supposedly said that but didn't get a response. So, maybe link us to that supposed source.

I listened to an interview of the woman who said a younger xgirls was gang-raped, and yet you come back with your last line. How disingenuous you are being. I listened to her, plus it was reported even earlier in at least one other case.

IOW, all you are doing is making garbage up, thus nothing you post should be believed unless you are willing to supply links.
Sure you never seen in Israeli media ?

that lie of 40 beheaded babies was wide news
made up by pro-Israel.to justify this genocide.
Editor’s note: This article has been corrected and updated. An earlier version cited, in the headline and the text, a foreign press reporter who visited Kfar Aza saying she was told by an IDF commander that the bodies of 40 babies, some of them beheaded, had been found at the kibbutz. This claim has never been confirmed.

So you listen to one ,and all others waving to Hamas fighters , you didnot listen them ?

What supply links should I give to you, since you put whole blame only on the Palestinians ,and Israel is just the only victime !!?
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Sure you never seen in Israeli media ?

that lie of 40 beheaded babies was wide news
made up by pro-Israel.to justify this genocide.
Editor’s note: This article has been corrected and updated. An earlier version cited, in the headline and the text, a foreign press reporter who visited Kfar Aza saying she was told by an IDF commander that the bodies of 40 babies, some of them beheaded, had been found at the kibbutz. This claim has never been confirmed.

So you listen to one ,and all others waving to Hamas fighters , you didnot listen them ?

What supply links should I give to you, since you put whole blame only on the Palestinians ,and Israel is just the only victime !!?
Your link does not support your assertion that there was 40 who were supposedly beheaded, so there's no reason for me to continue with you on this.

Secondly, your last line above is simply not true as I also have blamed Netanyahu and his Likud coalition.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Your link does not support your assertion that there was 40 who were supposedly beheaded, so there's no reason for me to continue with you on this.

Secondly, your last line above is simply not true as I also have blamed Netanyahu and his Likud coalition.
My links are Israeli, does not support the lie of 40 beheaded babies !!! ?!
it's just support your denial perspective is which unbelievable , sorry I can't deal with that

Blamed Netanyahu for what ? for mass killing civilians in Gaza ?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
My links are Israeli, does not support the lie of 40 beheaded babies !!! ?!
it's just support your denial perspective is which unbelievable , sorry I can't deal with that

Blamed Netanyahu for what ? for mass killing civilians in Gaza ?
I haven't seen the supposedly links as I have repeatedly asked for and you have virtually ignored.

There's no point in me continuing this with you as you simply don't provide evidence even after several requests.