That's great that you're a gay rights supporter, but I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about belittling people who aren't part of the LGB part of the acronym. (Though I doubt many gay people would have find the 'next we'll need special labels for beastiality' bit very supportive.)
My point (and joke) was that EVERYONE is wanting a special title now as an identifier. It is getting out of hand.
But if you stop and think about it, that happens in all walks of life. I am guilty of it too. For example:
I am not a conservative, I am a Libertarian.
I am not just a Christian, I am a Christian Deist.
Others may say that they are not far left liberals, but rather moderate liberals.
Or not just believers in Judaism, but Reform Judaism.
Or not pro life, but pro life with exceptions (such as rape cases).
Not negro, but black (negro is Spanish for black).
Not black, but African American.
Not Indian, but Native American (which I have ancestry in).
That is the point I was making and joking about. Labels, labels everywhere...