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Unfulfilled Prophecies in the Bible!

1. Jeremiah 36:30 it says, 'Jehoiakim in the father of Jehoaiachin..No one will be able to sit on his throne-the throne of David, no one will be able to sit after Jehoiakim.'

Now please read 2 kings 24:6 it says that..'Jehoiakim after he died, later on Jehoiachin sat on the throne'
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

2. Ezekiel 26 chapter it says that 'Nebuchaderzzar, he will destroyed Tyre'

We come to know that Alexander the great, was the person who destroyed Tyra. - Unfulfilled prophecy!

3. isaiah 7:14 says, prophesying of.."The coming a person who will born to virgin- his name will be Emmanuel"

here christian says it refer to Jesus Christ. Born to virgin- the Hebrew word there is "Alma" which means not "a virgin" always Alma mentioned "a young lady" the word for virgin in Hebrew is "Baitula" which is not there.

And it says 'He will be called "immanuel"

No where in the Bible is Jesus Christ called as Immanuel
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

4. "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall shall be a ruinous help" [Isaiah 17:1]

Damascus is still inhabited today with over a million people, and hardly a ruinous help.
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

5. "In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, the city of destruction." [Isaiah 19:18]

The Canaanite language has NEVER been spoken Egypt, and is now an extinct.
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

6. "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O zeon; put on thy beautiful garments , O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean" [Isaiah 52:1]

There are uncircumcised people living in Jerusalem even today.
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

7. "Behold, there I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia. No foot of man shall pass trough it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neighter shall it be inhabited 40 years" [Ezekiel, 29:10-11]

NEVER in its long history has Egypt ever been uninhabited for 40 years. This is Historical truth. - Unfulfilled prophecy!

I can give several, plenty unfulfilled prophecy - One is sufficient to prove the Bible is wrong!!
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Active Member
1. Jeremiah 36:30 it says, 'Jehoiakim in the father of Jehoaiachin..No one will be able to sit on his throne-the throne of David, no one will be able to sit after Jehoiakim.'

Now please read 2 kings 24:6 it says that..'Jehoiakim after he died, later on Jehoiachin sat on the throne'
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

Following the siege of Jerusalem during Jehoiakim’s “third year” (as vassal king), Daniel and other Judeans, including nobles and members of the royal family, were taken as exiles to Babylon. There being no record of an earlier Babylonian exile, this appears to place the event in the short reign of Jehoiachin, Jehoiakim’s successor.—2Ki 24:12-16; Jer 52:28.
After Jehoiakim’s son Jehoiachin surrendered, Nebuchadnezzar elevated Jehoiachin’s uncle Zedekiah to the throne of Judah. (2Ch 36:9, 10) This fulfilled Jeremiah’s prophecy that Jehoiakim would have no one sitting on the throne of David. (Jer 36:30) Jehoiakim’s son Jehoiachin ruled a mere three months and ten days.
Prophesy fulfilled!

2. Ezekiel 26 chapter it says that 'Nebuchaderzzar, he will destroyed Tyre'
We come to know that Alexander the great, was the person who destroyed Tyra. - Unfulfilled prophecy!

In the course of Nebuchadnezzar’s long siege against Tyre, the heads of his soldiers were “made bald” from the chafing of their helmets, and their shoulders were “rubbed bare” from carrying materials used in the construction of siegeworks. Since Nebuchadnezzar received no “wages” for serving as His instrument in executing judgment upon Tyre, Jehovah promised to compensate him with the wealth of Egypt. (Eze 29:17-20) According to the Jewish historian Josephus, the siege lasted 13 years (Against Apion, I, 156 [21]), and it cost the Babylonians a great deal. Secular history does not record exactly how thorough or effective Nebuchadnezzar’s efforts were. But the loss in lives and property to the Tyrians must have been great.—Eze 26:7-12.
Of course Alexander took Tyre also, but nearly 300 years later.
Prophesy fulfilled!

3. isaiah 7:14 says, prophesying of.."The coming a person who will born to virgin- his name will be Emmanuel"
here christian says it refer to Jesus Christ. Born to virgin- the Hebrew word there is "Alma" which means not "a virgin" always Alma mentioned "a young lady" the word for virgin in Hebrew is "Baitula" which is not there.

And it says 'He will be called "immanuel"

No where in the Bible is Jesus Christ called as Immanuel
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

“All this actually came about for that to be fulfilled which was spoken by Jehovah through his prophet,” Matthew observed. It was a sign that identified the long-awaited Messiah. So in keeping with these facts, Matthew’s Gospel (quoting Isa 7:14) uses the Greek word par·the′nos, meaning “virgin,” to translate ʽal·mah′, saying: “Look! The virgin [par·the′nos] will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Immanuel.” (Mt 1:22, 23) In no way was this taking liberties or distorting the text. Over a century earlier, the Jewish translators of the Greek Septuagint had also used par·the′nos in rendering Isaiah 7:14.
And did you know that Immanuel translates as "God is with us"? Not to say that Jesus is God of course.
Prophesy fulfilled!

4. "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall shall be a ruinous help" [Isaiah 17:1]
Damascus is still inhabited today with over a million people, and hardly a ruinous help.
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

Nowhere in that entire chapter of Isaiah, or anywhere else does it ever say that Damascus would never be inhabited again as it does in the pronouncements against Babylon.
Just a pronouncement of destruction, not a prophecy at all!

5. "In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, the city of destruction." [Isaiah 19:18]
The Canaanite language has NEVER been spoken Egypt, and is now an extinct.
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

Despite vigorous warning by Jeremiah (Jer 42:7-22), the remnant of Judah’s population fled to Egypt as a sanctuary, evidently joining Jews already in that land. (Jer 24:1, 8-10) Places specifically mentioned where they took up dwelling are Tahpanhes, apparently a fortress city in the Delta region (Jer 43:7-9); Migdol (Nu 33:7, 8); and Noph, considered to be the same as Memphis, an early capital in Lower Egypt (Jer 44:1; Eze 30:13). Thus, “the language of Canaan” (evidently Hebrew) was now being spoken in Egypt by these refugees. (Isa 19:18) Foolishly they renewed in Egypt the very idolatrous practices that had brought Jehovah’s judgment against Judah. (Jer 44:2-25) But the fulfillment of Jehovah’s prophecies caught up with the Israelite refugees when Nebuchadnezzar marched against Egypt and conquered the land.—Jer 43:8-13; 46:13-26.

6. "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O zeon; put on thy beautiful garments , O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean" [Isaiah 52:1]
There are uncircumcised people living in Jerusalem even today.
- Unfulfilled prophecy!

of Places. The place where Jehovah dwells or any place where he dwells representatively is a sanctified or holy place, a sanctuary. The tabernacle in the wilderness and the temples later built by Solomon and Zerubbabel (and rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great) were designated as miq·dash′ or qo′dhesh, ‘set apart’ or ‘holy’ places. Being located in the midst of a sinful people, these places had to be purified (in a typical, or pictorial, way) of defilement periodically by sprinkling with the blood of sacrificial animals.—Le 16:16.


Likewise Jerusalem, the city of the grand King (Ps 48:1, 2; 135:21), and the site on which it stood were considered sanctified. (Isa 48:1, 2; 52:1; Ne 11:1; Da 9:24) Correspondingly, New Jerusalem, the heavenly city, is a sanctuary into which only sanctified persons, and none who practice any form of uncleanness (such as spiritism, fornication, murder, idolatry, and lying) are allowed to enter.—Re 21:2; 22:14, 15, 19.
There is great danger and misunderstanding when reading everything literally.​

7. "Behold, there I am against thee, and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate, from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia. No foot of man shall pass trough it, nor foot of beast shall pass through it, neighter shall it be inhabited 40 years" [Ezekiel, 29:10-11]
NEVER in its long history has Egypt ever been uninhabited for 40 years. This is Historical truth. - Unfulfilled prophecy!

The prophet Ezekiel foretold a devastation due to come upon Egypt, evidently from Babylon, striking it “from Migdol to Syene and to the boundary of Ethiopia.” (Eze 29:10; 30:6) Since Syene is in the extreme S of ancient Egypt, it appears that this Migdol was in the extreme N, thus giving rise to a description similar to the familiar phrase “from Dan down to Beer-sheba” used with reference to Palestine. (Jg 20:1) After Jerusalem’s fall in 607 B.C.E., Jewish refugees settled in Migdol, Tahpanhes, Noph (Memphis), and in the land of Pathros. But Migdol and other places were to witness the ‘devouring sword’ of Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar.—Jer 44:1; 46:13, 14.
It says Migdol to Syrene would be uninhabited for 40 years, not all of Egypt.​

I can give several, plenty unfulfilled prophecy - One is sufficient to prove the Bible is wrong!!

Keep 'em coming, that was fun. And easy to refute.​



Well-Known Member
True prophets cannot exist in a chaotic/random multiverse.

That said, none of the prophecies that Matthew put in the NT really had any relationship to events he wrote about in the NT at all.


Active Member
Because prophecies made in the OT were for their specific situations, not the made up scenarios by the writer of Matthew.


Whatever you say.
One thing that I have learned by dealing with atheists is that all of them are my intellectual superior.
Here's one:
Genesis says that people shall not live past 120 years...
Unfulfilled prophecy.

More like "misunderstood scripture." This statement is made shortly before the Great Flood. Genesis 6:3 is not considered a prouncement of the limit on human lifespan. Most christians I know consider it to be the span of time until God would flood the earth. In other words, God would destroy humankind 120 years from then.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Seems to be a recurring trend. Muslims come on and attack Biblical validity, Christians come on and attack the validity of the Book of Mormon. etc, etc...
All the while ignoring the blatant inconsistencies in their own revelations.
Just one reveled religion attacking another in order to bolster their own ideals.


Seems to be a recurring trend. Muslims come on and attack Biblical validity, Christians come on and attack the validity of the Book of Mormon. etc, etc...
All the while ignoring the blatant inconsistencies in their own revelations.
Just one reveled religion attacking another in order to bolster their own ideals.



Admiral Obvious
Seems to be a recurring trend. Muslims come on and attack Biblical validity, Christians come on and attack the validity of the Book of Mormon. etc, etc...
All the while ignoring the blatant inconsistencies in their own revelations.
Just one reveled religion attacking another in order to bolster their own ideals.
I go through so much popcorn watching the above mentioned threads...