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Ungreatful parents (actual proper post)


Well-Known Member
okay, my dad's birthday was last Tuesday, and my mother's was last Wednesday. Strange, I know. Anyways, here is this:

I had hardly any money on those days, so I bought my parents a new toaster and some other small assortments. My mom was happy, and my dad just said "Yeh, it's good". Anyways, on Friday my sisters came up from the city. Hmm, a new CD stereo, books, etc is what they gave my parents. Oh you should have sseen my parents.."oh thankyou"..
they were excited and they had the stereo going and talking to my sisters. They ignored me totally, so I went out to my room. When I came back, the toaster was hidden away in a cupboard, still in Box. My dad says "try and make an effort into your XMAS presents then".

Anyways, they have forgotten about the present I gave them, and practically worship the CD player. I told them I didn't have a lot of money because it wasn't the week I was paid my unemployment allowance. They didn't seem to really care. Whatever happened to "it's the thought that counts"?

And what do I do about Christmas? My dad will crack the ****z if I don't get them something good. But I am poor at the moment. Do I talk to them and try to sort it out?(Like they will isten). Or do I just go without anyting else just to make them happy?



Veteran Member
Soul I am sorry that you parents behaved like that. I get the idea from aussie epals I have that unemployment may be kinda high there. In America it is more underemployment, because the cost of living here is really high. I have been in the underemployment shoes for a while and I feel where you are coming from. I hope you find refuge and escape here......I honestly would love it if you and the other Aussies told us about life there in detail ..for me and probably other Americans it is kinda comes across exotic in tales and stories.....and when the olympics were over there..the scenery was beautiful.

How does employment work over there...is unemployment high, is there a cap on max hours you tend to work, what kinda jobs are avaliable ect.....can you swing a minimum wage type of gig for a while? Why u quit your last job? what did you do?

You seem really resourceful and smart...i bet you won't be off your feet this time next year...:)


Vicar of Christ
Soul, I don't want to give you cruel advice, but I probably will. I'd just let my sisters handle the whole Christmas thing. If your parents ask you "where are my presents," then they probably don't deserve it. Now, I don't know your parents, and they could be really nice, but if my parents acted like that (which they wouldn't), I'd just say "look, can I just have that toaster back to give you?"

Good luck with your employment situation!


Veteran Member
skills101 said:
Soul, I don't want to give you cruel advice, but I probably will. I'd just let my sisters handle the whole Christmas thing. If your parents ask you "where are my presents," then they probably don't deserve it. Now, I don't know your parents, and they could be really nice, but if my parents acted like that (which they wouldn't), I'd just say "look, can I just have that toaster back to give you?"

Good luck with your employment situation!

added complication.....skills...he rooms with his parents......tact my be an element of highten importance at this juncture.


Well-Known Member
You could make a deal with your sisters to go in with them on a present. Then the present is from all of you. Hopefully, you can get out on your own and you won't have to deal with this anymore.


Veteran Member
Soultype I feel you brother. I am sorry you are where you are at. The common bond to most of your woes seems to be your income status. Let us know how that works out. I hope you feel good about your jobhunt. You seem really resourceful. I hope you consider a temp job or smaller job while you look. Making your own money and meeting new people may be a good thing for you. Let the dating thing and the present thing go if you can for a while. All of it is tied in to your money issue. Either way keep us in the loop. I hope things get better for you soon.


Well-Known Member
ROFL, since when is a toaster a crappy gift? Jeesh...

My advice? Since you parents are so ungrateful, they deserve to get only inexpensive gifts that require no thought to purchase. And there is a really easy way to get these kinds of gifts in such a way that your parents cannot complain. All you have to do is start asking them what they would like when birthdays and Christmas are coming up. This serves two functions: it frees you from the responsibility of having to think up a gift that they would like because they did the thinking for you, and it pretty much guaruntees that you won't have to buy them anything expensive because most people, when asked what they would like for a gift, will suggest something reletively inexpensive out of politeness. Then, when you provide them with a somewhat inexpensive, unexciting gift at Christmas or their birthday, they cannot complain because they literally asked for it! ;)


Veteran Member
Wrong message excuse me. Dating is not a waste of money. Your root problem is lack of cash flow. When you find a solution to that other options will come about in your other obstacles. But do keep us in the loop.


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
Wrong message excuse me. Dating is not a waste of money. Your root problem is lack of cash flow. When you find a solution to that other options will come about in your other obstacles. But do keep us in the loop.
I will, But I still think it's a waste of money.


Well-Known Member
SoulTYPE01 said:
okay, my dad's birthday was last Tuesday, and my mother's was last Wednesday. Strange, I know. Anyways, here is this:

I had hardly any money on those days, so I bought my parents a new toaster and some other small assortments. My mom was happy, and my dad just said "Yeh, it's good". Anyways, on Friday my sisters came up from the city. Hmm, a new CD stereo, books, etc is what they gave my parents. Oh you should have sseen my parents.."oh thankyou"..
they were excited and they had the stereo going and talking to my sisters. They ignored me totally, so I went out to my room. When I came back, the toaster was hidden away in a cupboard, still in Box. My dad says "try and make an effort into your XMAS presents then".

Anyways, they have forgotten about the present I gave them, and practically worship the CD player. I told them I didn't have a lot of money because it wasn't the week I was paid my unemployment allowance. They didn't seem to really care. Whatever happened to "it's the thought that counts"?

And what do I do about Christmas? My dad will crack the ****z if I don't get them something good. But I am poor at the moment. Do I talk to them and try to sort it out?(Like they will isten). Or do I just go without anyting else just to make them happy?

Forget about them Soul....materialism stinks. If you want, you can send me the toaster, I could use one...lol


I know if I would give my g/f a toaster she would send my behind to sleep on the couch. hehe


Veteran Member
Rex_Admin said:
I know if I would give my g/f a toaster she would send my behind to sleep on the couch. hehe

really i think there is nothing that says "you warm my heart" like a nice big toaster!!! :)