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Unity/God:Elah:Comply:SuperiorTeach'g:TheRegret:Love:Mea ns:Kalima:Practice:FollowHolyProphet:Changes


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you..Various in-depth aspects of Unity of God are explained by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) which he learned by the grace of God, through getting fully devoted / spiritually lost to Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him); he learned the Holy Quran, its commandments and Unity of Allah the Exalted. The true subject of Touheed / Unity of Allah and knowledge of Holy Quran cannot be achieved without the means of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). Therefore, with ‘la elaha illallah’, it is essential to understand ‘muhammadur rasullullah’. ‘muhammadan rasullullah’ (Muhammad, the messenger of Allah) is [the servant of Allah] who truly showed ‘la elaha illallah’ [there is no god but Allah] practically with his example.

Following are from writings of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). They are about Unity of God; what is it, what is its reality, how to act to become true believer of Unity of God.

In the commentary of Sura Al-Nas (Holy Quran, chapter 114), explaining the importance of ‘elahin nas’, he (a.s.) says: “ I want to tell that firstly, God the Exalted said ‘rabbin nas’ [The Lord of human] in the Surah, then ‘malekin nas’ [The King of human] and at the end ‘elahin nas’ [The God of human] which is the real objective and want of human. ‘elah’ means One Who is worthy of worship, Who is intended and is sought. These are the meanings of ‘la elaha illallaho’ i.e. except Allah there is none worthy of worship for me, none is intended for me and none is sought by me. It is the true Unity that Allah the Exalted should be believed as entitled to all praise and glory.”

“Unity of God is truly realized when that One Being is considered the fulfiller of all wishes and remedy of all ailments. These are the meanings of ‘la elaha illallah’. Sufis has understood the word ‘elah’ as Beloved, Intended, and Worthy of worship. Indeed it is reality and truth. As long as, human does not comply perfectly [with la elaha illallaho], Islam’s love and grandeur is not established in him.”

“ It is the grace of God, which Muslims got through Islam. And this grace was brought by Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). One may look at from any perspective; it is great occasion for Muslims to be just-proud and gratified. The God of Muslims is not a stone, tree, animal, star or any dead human but He is Omnipotent God Who has created earth and heavens and whatever is between them and is Ha’e (Living and Gives Life) and Qaiyum (Self-Subsisting and Make-others-to-subsist). Messenger of Muslims is that Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) of Allah whose span of Prophethood and Messenger-ship is extended upto Qayyamah (Hereafter). His Messenger-ship is not dead messenger-ship but its very fresh fruits and blessings are found in each era, which prove to be proof of his truth in every age.

Hence God has maintained these proofs, beneficences and blessings at this time too. And by sending Promised Messiah, proof of Prophethood of Muhammad [s.a.w.] is furnished today too. And his [s.a.w.[ call is so widespread that it is for all world. It is stated: “qul ya aiyyohan naso inni rasullullahey eilakum jamiaa……” (ch 5 : v 159) i.e. ‘Say, O people, Indeed I am a Messenger of Allah to you all…..’ and it is also sated: “wa maa arsalnaaka illa rahmatallil aalamin” (ch 21 : 108) i.e. ‘And We have sent thee not but as a mercy for all people.’
Such a Book was granted, which is so much perfect, conclusive and definitive that:
“…la raiyba fihey…” (ch 2 : v 3) i.e ‘ there is no doubt in it’ and
“fihaa kotobun qaiyemah”, (ch 98 : v 4) i.e. ‘Therein are the everlasting teachings.’ [ In other Books, there are only narratives, which are now left as tales. Eternal truths are only present in Holy Quran] and
“…aayatun mohkamatun…” (ch 3 : v 8) i.e. ‘…verses that are decisive in meaning…’ and it is
“…qolun faslun” (ch 86 : v 14) i.e. ‘..decisive word’
“…mezan…” (ch 42 : v 18 ) i.e.‘…the Balance…’ and
“…mohaimin…” (ch 5 : v 49) i.e. ‘…a guardian..’.

Thus the perfect and complete religion from every aspect is that of Muslims, for which the seal [of attestation] has been set “alyoma akmalto lakum dinakum wa atmamto alaikum nemati wa razito lakum islama dina….” (ch 5 : v 4) i.e. ‘This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion…..’”

He (on whom be peace) regrets that in spite of this, Muslims are not obtaining the fruits of perfect faith. When Allah the Exalted established a movement to revive these fruits, they denied that you are not Messenger and believer. Mere verbal professing Unity of God does not garner these blessings, love of God and good deeds are needed too……………………

The real objective of Holy Quran is to deem God the Exalted as the One without any partner and to have love of God. It has been the goal of teachings of every Prophet. ‘la elaha illallaho: There is none worthy of worship but Allah’, such beautiful and meaningful phrase cannot be found in entire Torah and Gospels and any other book. ‘elah’ means a Beloved Who is worshipped. The reality of Islam perfectly fulfills the concept of love. Believe in Unity of God without the element of love is defected………………….

Those who turns to authorities for rewards and titles are in awe of them , which eliminates level of Unity of God………………..

Prophets of God (peace be on them all) have taught that there is no conflict between Unity of God and worldly means. Worldly means are not all and end. Ultimate outcome should be Unity of God. God alone is the Provider of all honour, comforts and needs. Unity of God generates love of God and human comprehends that all profit and loss is in the hands of God. He is true Benefactor and every single particle of matter is through Him only. When human attain this pure stage, he is called ‘mowahid’ (believer of One God); he does not makes gods of stones, human and anything else, he does not too much rely on worldly means, he removes his own self and wishes from context and negate them……………………...

Human cannot reclaim his light unless he is free of sin ……………………..

Hajj, Zakat and Salaat have conditions. There is one thing in which there can be no change:

لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

(There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad is His messenger).
This is the essence and rest are its details. It has to be shown by practice. Then all material things become inconsequential. Such believer utters: ‘la elaha illallaho: there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and its second part is‘muhammadur rasullullah: Muhammad is His messenger) which is by way of perfect example; illustration makes things clearer…………………….

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was asked that, Judaism also taught Unity of God, what more did Islam have to offer? He explained that it is not sufficient only to profess Unity of God. One has to practice its truth. He counter asked the asker: “Where is this aspect among Jews? Why don’t you tell us.” The basic aspect of Unity of god is that human does not do anything against the word of God and his no act should be against the love of Allah the Exalted and he should be completely devoted and absorbed in the love of Allah the Exalted. Shirk (making associates of God) is of many kinds; obvious Shirk is worshipping idols etc and hidden Shirk is when human reveres, love, fear or rely on something as he does to Allah the Exalted. What they did in the lifetime of Hazrat Musa (Moses, a.s.)? ..There was no reasons, apart from hardened hearts, for true believers of Unity of God to stay away and oppose Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), in spite their Book foretold about him......................

It is the Holy Quran alone that affects the human heart, if it is followed in its obvious and significant connotation. And its model can be seen in every age as they are even today. The Holy Quran says: “…..If you love Allah, follow me: (then) will Allah love you…….” (ch 3 : v 32)………………………..

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was asked about erroneous creed about Hazrat Isa (Jesus, a.s.). He said that even though, earlier scriptures and Prophets mentioned Unity of God, yet none explained it and its stages like the Seal of Prophets (s.a.w.) and Holy Quran did. These days, the reality of Shirk of attributing divinity to man has been exposed and people are warry of it. So the Christians of Europe and other countries are turning away from their religion by the day……………………………….

Too much reliance on worldly means is Shirk. For example, if a farmer or other professionals fully rely on their skills, that is too much reliance on worldly means and stems form not having belief on God… Water cannot be beneficial if God the Exalted does not Will so, if God does not Will so, same water becomes harmful…………………..

Professing Unity of God has no element of boasting in it. One can see, how Maulvis preach others but do not practice themselves and cannot be trusted………………………….



Peace be upon you.

A true believer is free of care, he only wants to please God the Exalted and ever mindful of obeying Him. When a person makes associates of God, he is caught up in sins of hypocrisy and arrogance etc. Humility is needed to go towards God. An egotistic person who give himself grace due to knowledge, property or lineage will be left behind…………………………………

Meaning of revelation of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) “anta minni wa anaa minka” is that he came to being with the grace of Allah the Exalted alone and from Him. Unity of Allah is being forgotten, he is sent to remind about Him and show Unity of Allah to those who come with sincerity.……………………………..

Divine attributes which are exclusive to Allah the Exalted should not be suggested about any person even if he is a Prophet or Friend of God, similarly no one should be included in works of God. Thoughts that Hazrat Isa (Jesus, a.s.) could bring dead back to life and could take life and had knowledge of unseen and is ever living – Is not it Shirk ? [In fact, these were non-understood metaphors] This dangerous Shirk ruined the true Christianity and harmful to Muslims’ creed… Suggestion that God is One but souls and matter are not created by God, as thought by Ariyas, is Shirk…..Some people say if so and so was not around, we would have died or something would not have gone correct. It is Shirk. Human should not rely on means beyond moderation and not associate in Divine qualities and works…………………...............

There is limit to human capacities but capacities / works of God are unlimited: “…laisa kamithlehi sheyun…” ( ch 42 : v 12) i.e.‘…There is nothing whatever like unto Him….’ …………………………………

A kind of understanding Unity of God is such that one give up desires of self and make himself lost in His grandeur………………………

The companions of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) did not care any hardship, they sacrificed their honour and lives to defend faith. Similarly this Jama'at proved their sincerity. They were prepared for Hereafter. God does not waste a sincere. The monetary value of sacrificial wealth of companions like Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) and others were not very much but God rewarded their sacrifice and He made them Kings and gave them kingdoms of Caesar and Kaiser. The Honour of God does not like than human should be partly of God and partly of Satan as well. To accept Unity of God is like dying but in reality this dying is getting life…………………….

Understand with surety that there is an eternal life after this worldly life; prepare for that. This worldly life and its un-ending glitters end here. I say truly that the one who comes to God, disregarding these earthly things, he is momin / believer. When one becomes of God, God never abandon him. Do not think, God is unkind; the person who loses something for God, receives much more than that. Give precedence to the pleasure of God, He will grant you all, e.g. family and wealth. Duality does not work. Struggle to get God. Those who does not give precedence to world for God’s sake, God grant them world too, provided they do not make His associates. The true root of Islam is Unity of God / Touheed i.e. there should be nothing in human except belief in God and he should not taunt God and His Prophets, no matter any harshness and trial befall, there should be no complaints. Troubles come due to human’s own self. God is not cruel. It is true that sometimes Truthful people get troubles; common people see those as troubles but actually those are not troubles, those are prizes in the colour of trials, which increase the relation of Truthful with God with increase in their status. Those who have no relation with God, and their ill-deeds result in some trouble for them, they go astray more. For such people it is said: “fi qolubehim marazun fazadahom ullaho maraza……” (ch 2 : v 11) i.e. ‘In their hearts was a disease, and Allah has increased their disease to them……’ Thus always be fearful and seek grace from God the Exalted. Not let it be that you be among those who cut relation with God. The person who joins the Jama'at established by God the Exalted, he does not do any favour to God but it is His benevolence that He enabled him to join. He is Capable to destroy a nation and create another one. This age resembles with the era of Lot and Noah; instead of destroying the world with severe chastisement, Allah the Exalted, with His grace and mercy, has wanted reform and has established This-Movement. [Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) reminds that it is very huge responsibility of Ahmadiyya Jama'at that they should understand the reality of Unity of God / Touheed.]…………………………..

It is essential for our Jama'at that they should bring in pure changes in their selves. They receive fresh understanding. If they do not follow it after claiming it, then it is mere verbal boasting. Thus others’ laziness should not encourage them to be unmindful and sluggish. [do not copy ill examples of others]. By seeing others’ diminished love for God, they should not make their heart hard……………………….

Human carry many desires but who knows about unseen divine decisions and destiny, life does not flow along wishes, sequence of desires is different than sequence of divine decisions and destiny; and that is the true sequence. God keeps true biography of human. Human does not know what is written in it therefore one should ponder by repeatedly awaking his heart for self checks.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) prayed : May Allah the Exalted grant us the real understanding of His Unity and may our each act receive His pleasure.

Reference: Friday Sermon (16 May 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help, may we continue to receive his prayers), London, U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv
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