رسول الآلهة
My wifi router is broke and won't be replaced until about 14:00 PST on Thorsday. I am on vacation so I will not have access to my beloved laptop as I'm not going many places. If I seem absent it is only because I hate typing on a phone.
I know many will miss my asinine humor and deplorable contempt for the human species. But remember if you cannot suffer without me, then you must suffer for me.
To further simulate the Sha'irullah experience I recommend listening to 30 minutes of Rush Limbaugh, an hour of Alex Jones while inebriated, then afterward take a hammer and thrust it into your ear while singing Come all ye Faithful. That is the best way to emulate conversing with me. So until I am back use this exact formula to emulate my time . The Oculus Rift is yet to give a VR experience of my sensual voice as I thrust my evil ethereal essence into one's tear ducts. I also recommend leukemia or pancreatic cancer for further emulation.
May the gods bless!
I know many will miss my asinine humor and deplorable contempt for the human species. But remember if you cannot suffer without me, then you must suffer for me.
To further simulate the Sha'irullah experience I recommend listening to 30 minutes of Rush Limbaugh, an hour of Alex Jones while inebriated, then afterward take a hammer and thrust it into your ear while singing Come all ye Faithful. That is the best way to emulate conversing with me. So until I am back use this exact formula to emulate my time . The Oculus Rift is yet to give a VR experience of my sensual voice as I thrust my evil ethereal essence into one's tear ducts. I also recommend leukemia or pancreatic cancer for further emulation.
May the gods bless!