Dirty Penguin
Master Of Ceremony
Apparently one in which revenue is supposed to be balanced with expenditures. It is not the one liberals live in......
Wrong.....we've been advocating a balanced approach. This President has already signed into law $2.5 Trillion dollars in cuts....and CBO says the ACA is geared to save us even more money.....
This Republican Lead Shutdown cost us $24 Billion Dollars and Mitch McConnell got a $2 Billion Dollar boondoggle check out of it for a Dam that is years past due from being completed, over budget even before this pork barrel check we just gave him..now it's costing the US taxpayers three times the amount that was originally quoted.............People need to stop referring the Republicans as the party of fiscal responsibility because they clearly aren't.
Now....a balanced approach IS..cuts and revenue through expenditures. but your fellow Republicans want nothing to do with that. I mean have you even seen Paul Ryan's Austerity Budget..? It's all about cuts to pretty much everything else except the military industrial complex and the wealthy/rich......
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