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UU Church offers classes on Science of Evolution, UU World Article

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
In Kansas, where teaching evolution is contested, Unitarian Universalist church makes sure people know the facts.
By Donald E. Skinner

If religious conservatives can try to bring religion into the science classroom, can religious liberals bring science into the church?

Absolutely, says the Rev. Thom Belote of the 255-member Shawnee Mission Unitarian Universalist Church in Overland Park, Kans. Tired of seemingly never hearing anything positive about evolution from local churches in a state wracked by evolution controversy, Belote got an idea: Why not teach a course on evolution at his church? Belote shared the idea with a member, Dale Trott, who is manager of environmental studies for a large engineering firm. Trott, who has a master’s degree in biology, ran with it.

Complete article here.


Veteran Member
Sort of.....I saw the little blurb on the bringing science into Church.

:) Well, at BYU-Idaho, BYU, and BYU-Hawaii, all secular subjects are taught (yes, philosophy and science too:p ) but with a spiritual way of teaching them.

In my geography class we were talking about the world and it's many different people and then my teacher brought up the points, "Why are we here?" "How did God create the earth?", etc.

Even at Church sometimes we talk about it. There have been many of the Brethren in the Church that were scientists and have written books and such. :)

My Church doesn't have a problem with science (it's some of the people who do).


Active Member
We have done several things that are similar over the last year.

About a month ago, we had the pleasure of a week with Rev. Michael Dowd and his wife, Connie Barlow. They are called "Evolutionary Evangalists" and they travel the United States presenting sermons and workshops on evolution as a religious meta-narrative.

In essence, what they do is present "The Great Story" of the universe in a life affirming, inspiring way that is true to the science but also shows how that science presents a religious view of God and the universe.... that there need not be any division between science and religion... for scientists are "empirical theologians".

I bought the DVD's they offer, and have been working my way through their thoughts...

UU world recently did an article on Dowd and Barlow... you can find it here....


They also have websites at

http://www.thegreatstory.org/ and http://www.evolutionarychristianity.org/

We also, about a year ago, presented a point/counterpoint service (two speakers defending different viewpoints) on evolution vs. creation. The debate was scripted, and I actually defended the Creationism viewpoint (I dont beleive it, but I can debate anything :) )

We have had a few other services.... but those were the main ones. If you have the opportunity to catch Rev. Dowd and Connie Barlow as they travel the U.S., I highly recommend it.

Yours in Faith,


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Thanks, David!

I think it would be great if my congregation would do a series like this. I know we are looking into more Adult RE opportunities. This could be something that interests quite a few people not only in the congregation, but in the community as well.


Oldest Heretic
I have never heard of this being done in the uk.
Perhaps there is little need
Creationism has little coverage here, so there is no perceived need to counter it.
But I wish you well in your aims
Blessed are those who bring peace, they shall be children of God