I was travelling in red-state Florida yesterday, and my talk-radio choices were between Dennis Prager and Rush Limbaugh:banghead3 . Prager was on a rant about how Barack Obama (a member of a UCC church that also uses and helped develop the OWL curriculum) had endorsed having "age-appropriate sex education for kindergardeners", [like that's a bad thing]. This was good for about an hour's worth of caller speculation of whether liberals would support gun education in the schools. Prager was at a loss as to how sex education wouldn't encourage more immoral sex. Apparently those who are uneducated have no interest in it. Some caller told him about OWL and he said he'd look it up on the Web.
My family members down there included people who were complaining about those liberals who are obsessed about that fiction of global warming, and asked me why we in Massachusetts keep re-electing "that Ted Kennedy". They all agreed that the media is in the total control of the liberals, except for Fox News, of course. There was no Air America and most of the low-frequency FM frequencies that are typically used by NPR were broadcasting fundamentalist programming. It was rather like LIVING on the O'Reilly Factor for a few days. I had to stuff it :foot: in the interest of peace, and honestly, in the interest of trying to learn more about a conservative viewpoint that so distorts things.
How did she do? Did Wild Bill let her actually say something?