No. From what we can tell, the fetus starts being conscious around the 24-26 week of gestation
Here we run into the problem of defining consciousness. There is no real science of consciousness at the present. Some scientists would say a newborn is not really conscious. A couple of decades ago I read a report about one PhD (I think his name was Sears) who supported infanticide up to age three because kids younger than that were not fully conscious.
But there is a HUGE difference between a fetus at 8 week and one at 24 weeks.
Of course there is. Just like there is a difference between a newborn and a six month old.
BTW, you know the odds aren't too bad these days for fetuses of 22 and 23 weeks surviving natural birth. Medical Science is changing the playing field of the abortion debate.
But, again, the issue is that a fetus, even if a person, does not get to hold another person captive.
. Let's not exaggerate. You have to compare the relative damage. On the one have we have the extinction of life. On the other hand, we have inconvenience. (I'm not talking about cases where there is i.e. severe medical trauma or the woman's life is in danger.) It's like the vivisection argument. On the one hand we have bunny rabbits going blind, and on the other hand we have women going without the bliss of yet another new mascara. It is very clear where the gavel comes down.
No the zygote is a *developmental stage* leading to a human being. In terms of chromosomes, there is little difference between a skin cell and a zygote. Neither is a full person. One can, potentially, develop into a full person, but neither is one at that point.
I have to disagree with you. If a human being becomes comatose, meaning they lack consciousness, they are still a human being. Consciousness is not the criteria for what makes an individual human.
Second, while there are similarities between a skin cell and a zygote, there is a significant difference -- the zygote has all the potential to continue developing along the entire spectrum of human life, and the skin cell does not (it will always remain just a skin cell). The zygote is human rather than a mosquite or clam. It is alive rather than dead or inanimate. It is therefore a living human being; it is simply at the first stage of development.
Even if I grant you that a fetus has rights of its own (which I don't think is true prior to about the 24th week), there is STILL the issue that the fetus resides inside of an other person who also has rights.
Yes, of course. This is why I'm not against abortion in all cases. What's going on with the woman has to be weighed against what is going on with the fetus. But the overwhelming majority of abortions are performed because a baby will be inconvenient -- those are the ones I'm against. There is absolutely no reason not to bring those children to term and place them up for adoption.
Since, by far, the majority of abortions are done prior to the 8th week and since those that are done after that tend to be for medical reasons, I'm not sure I find this relevant.
I don't believe either one of these statements, not for a minute. Most women aren't sure they are pregnant by the eighth week, and most abortions are elective, not medically necessary.