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Capricornus Bifrons
Warning: I was just ranting earlier and decided to post it here...could easily be a pile of BS, but who knows? Well...some people know, nevermind. Just void the italics.

Everybody lives with violence in some way or another, it surrounds us, it is in our television programs, it is everywhere if you just look. As humans, we see violence as a very negative thing and shun it, and get away from it as quickly as we can. Well, the way I see it, is that the problem with violence and the feelings that come in that package is that we cannot escape it. No matter how much we love and give, violence is always going to be there. Not necessarily because of other parts of the world and their matters, but because violence and anger and wasting is all part of what humans are. We use violence to get what we want, and when we have it we can move on and work on getting more things. We cut down forests, is that not violence? Humans can be exactly like the bully in the playground, but with one major difference. The bully in the playground does so because he was likely mistreated and in turn mistreats others...but humans can act like that snotty boy because part of our nature, I believe, is to take what we need and make what we want. To try to avoid violence would be trying to avoid smelling or seeing, or thinking. Perhaps to us is a means to an end, perhaps violence is enjoyable to us because we've gone so far from what we once were, and most of our primal urges are ignored or controlled...but violence is always here, though the form changes. I believe that violence isn't some negative thing to avoid, but something that we have become used to. I am note sure as to where I am going with this, but the commuters, the workers, how much violence are they used to? How much have they had in their own lives? Humans cannot be perfect because there is one trait that will always be there, utopia or no. We are violent animals and we cannot ignore that.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Damori said:
...perhaps violence is enjoyable to us...
Be very careful about making statements like this. Those who have been on the recieving end of violence, do not find it enjoyable (unless they're masochists). Those who do not repeat the cycle themselves, are more likely to lead as non-violent a life as possible.
Yes, there is that survival instinct - we are, after all, animals. 'Fight or flight' cannot be taken out of our behaviour. But, as a whole, I don't think the human race are inborn bullies.

Damori said:
I believe that violence isn't some negative thing to avoid, but something that we have become used to.

Regardless of whether we have become 'used' to violence, it is negative, and it is something to be avoided. Desensitisation is no excuse.


If you could define violence for us that would be great.

I don't see myself as a violent person, maybe agressive at times to get what I want but survival is our instinct.


Well-Known Member
Some humans use violence, but a violent life will end in violence. I think you are confusing self-protection with violence. I don't think the average everyday person likes violence. I deal with a lot of people on an everyday basis and most people don't even want to speak rudely, let alone be violent. A wise person uses kindness to get what they want.


Capricornus Bifrons
Eh, forgive me. Not too careful in my wording our thoughts was I...just early morning ranting.


Well-Known Member
I think you definitely have a point when you say that violence is part of human nature, and therefore cannot be escaped. I would have to agree with you on this one, but I don't necessarily think that that makes violence ok. Obviously, as you pointed out, we're never going to be able to rid ourselves of it completely, but we have to learn how to deal with it and channel it in positive ways. Everyone has little personality flaws, such as a lack of tact, or perhaps they are too sensitive. When people realize their flaws and begin to work on correcting them, (person with the lack of tact needs to think about what they say before they say it, and the too sensitive person needs to learn to let things slide), they can become better friends/parents/spouses/etc., as well as overall more happy and accepted members of society. Likewise, although violence may be in our nature, in order to maintain a peaceful environment (which I think we'd all agree is to be preferred) we need to realize this about ourselves and work on changing it.


·´sociopathic meanderer`·
Damori said:
...perhaps violence is enjoyable to us...

i like football and good big moshpits.i don't know if it's violence though since my intent is not for someone to end up being hurt, but rather to release energy?pain is weakness leaving the body?



Capricornus Bifrons
Perhaps I should have replaced violence with conflict? Conflict does not have to end in great suffering, true....and without some conflict I doubt we would make good living creatures.


·´sociopathic meanderer`·
Gerani1248 said:
withought knowing bad, how do we recognize good?
i think the angels, adam, and eve were pretty happy until this all started, just me though.
