John D. Brey
Well-Known Member
Where ha-adam stretching his foreskin is understood to be both how ha-adam was corrupted, and also the creation of the Tree of Knowledge, that is, the phallus, with its dangling fruit (see essay, The Theology of Semen), Calvin's understanding of the nature of ha-adam's adulteration takes on its true significance:
Original sin, then, may be defined a hereditary corruption and depravity of our nature, extending to all the parts of the soul, which first makes us obnoxious to the wrath of God, and then produces in us works which in Scripture are termed works of the flesh. The Pelagian cavil, as to the improbability of children deriving corruption from pious parents, whereas, they ought rather to be sanctified by their purity, is easily refuted. Children come not by spiritual regeneration but carnal descent. Accordingly, as Augustine says, "Both the condemned unbeliever and the acquitted believer beget offspring not acquitted but condemned, because the nature which begets is corrupt". . . Guilt is from nature, whereas sanctification is from supernatural grace.
Stretching the foreskin is a metaphor for the creation of the phallus as described in Genesis 2:21. And the creation of the phallus is the first instance of fleshly-masculinity. It's this fleshly-masculinity that's the ban of human civilization. Removing the so-called "foreskin," i.e., brit milah (ritual or symbolic circumcision), epitomizes both the elimination of what was never intended (fleshly-masculinity), and thereby represents a return to the original holy form.
When the Zohar says, "He certainly stretched the foreskin, for he abandoned the holy covenant, cleaved to the foreskin, was seduced by the word of the serpent,” the original human is being said to be abandoning the original covenant, the holy covenant, whereby the first human is to be the bride, not the father, of the first born Jew (the first person born of a circumcised body), and is therein clinging to the masculine flesh in a sexual way. The first human is juxtaposing the original duality of gender related to the first human (female) and the first born Jew the human should mother (i.e., the son of God), against a demonic-duality whereby ha-adam ---who originally possesses a female body ---now covers that body with male-flesh so that the duality of gender exists in ha-adam's newfangled body (the feminine Tree of Life covered up by the masculine Tree of Knowledge).
When the son of God is eventually born from the original process of a virgin female becoming pregnant without the newfangled flesh, his uniqueness has be distorted by the fact that for thousands of years females have been gallivanting as males by means of the flesh that's stretched over their femininity to form their faux-masculinity. When the first born male Jew is born of a virgin, rather than his standing out from the crowd in the most significant way, instead, he appears to be just another faux-female rather than the true first born male in human history. His uniqueness and singularity has been forfeited by the faux-flesh that covers up the true origin of human existence.