That has not been the experience of myself, anyone I know, or have ever spoken to on the subject.
Let's assume it is true though. The government doesn't have to own the homes; public housing can be done in a number of ways. The important thing is to remove the profit motive from a very pressing need everyone has in order to prevent homelessness and the associated suffering as well as the exploitation that comes with people owning things others need to survive.
There can still be private housing, but if we strike the right balance we could easily avoid the worst of both worlds.
Without the profit motive, I'd have no desire to provide housing.
Property management & investing aren't a mere hobby to be
supported by having a 2nd full time job to support myself &
We do it at a lower cost than government can because the
entrepreneur is more efficient than the usual bloated state
bureaucracy. The only way they can claim lower cost is
to exempt themselves from property taxation & building
codes. But that has a cost...lost tax revenue, & lower quality
of housing.