With a public housing programme no-one would need you to nor would you be owning properties as investments while people sleep on the streets.
Yeah...as though government would provide
all the housing needed, & of the desired quality.
And there'd be the huge tax increase upon us
to fuel such a massive boondoggle. Government
inefficiency is far more costly than profit.
If you don't want people sleeping on the streets,
where's your government? It
could provide some
minimal housing for them. But does very little.
In fact, government persecutes them, eg, hassling
& even arresting them for vagrancy.
It's your government that prevents the lowest cost
housing...smaller apartments & tiny homes. It uses
building codes & zoning laws to keep such riff raff
away from the NIMBYs
You want to put those thoughtless bumbling gov't
minions in charge of all housing? Barsh! Flimshaw!