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Walking a New and some what old path.


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The las week has been really messed up for me. I lot has been going though my mind, as I still think of myself as some what a LHPer for the part of Not really worshiping a Deity(as in bowing to it), and that I believe I can become akin to the Gods. But that I am not fully LHP. For the last week or so it feels has though the Gods of my Ancestors have been calling to me, and it's hard to tell which ones, my Celtic Ancestors or my Norse Ancestors(I have both), it seem some of both are call me North. I still thank the Gods that I worked with till this time for the help they have given, they have taught me a lot, but I believe even they think I should move on, they seem to have hinted out it. It is quit confusing right now, but I can keep going.


Azakel ~ i wish you luck and blessings on this new path, man. spiritual transitions can be tough. what resources do you have that you can access? books, forums?


Obstructor of justice
There is actually a good deal of crossover between the (Irish and Scots) Celtic and the Norse traditions. Later on, there was even some Vedic practices and beliefs that found their way to the Gaulish areas, but I suppose that's irrelevant. :)

But, any Recon will tell you that you don't need to have ancestors from a particular area to be devoted to those Gods. The Gods call whom they want, and pay little attention to blood.


Well-Known Member
The las week has been really messed up for me. I lot has been going though my mind, as I still think of myself as some what a LHPer for the part of Not really worshiping a Deity(as in bowing to it), and that I believe I can become akin to the Gods. But that I am not fully LHP. For the last week or so it feels has though the Gods of my Ancestors have been calling to me, and it's hard to tell which ones, my Celtic Ancestors or my Norse Ancestors(I have both), it seem some of both are call me North. I still thank the Gods that I worked with till this time for the help they have given, they have taught me a lot, but I believe even they think I should move on, they seem to have hinted out it. It is quit confusing right now, but I can keep going.
Good luck on the journey! I do want to point out that believing in Gods does not necessarily mean you aren't LHP though.


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There is actually a good deal of crossover between the (Irish and Scots) Celtic and the Norse traditions. Later on, there was even some Vedic practices and beliefs that found their way to the Gaulish areas, but I suppose that's irrelevant. :)

But, any Recon will tell you that you don't need to have ancestors from a particular area to be devoted to those Gods. The Gods call whom they want, and pay little attention to blood.

Ya, I know, thank you, I followed the Egyptian Gods till now(and I'm not a Egyptian or have any blood there). I'm also not a Recon but I do respect the Gods of what path seem to pull me, and won't try to mess it up, and if I don't know something look it up or ask some one. I do wonder in two sets of Gods can call at once, I guess I just have to see.

Ðanisty;927484 said:
Good luck on the journey! I do want to point out that believing in Gods does not necessarily mean you aren't LHP though.

Thank you, there's just some other thing, I do feel LHP a little but not a whole lot.


Let go
There is actually a good deal of crossover between the (Irish and Scots) Celtic and the Norse traditions. Later on, there was even some Vedic practices and beliefs that found their way to the Gaulish areas, but I suppose that's irrelevant. :)

But, any Recon will tell you that you don't need to have ancestors from a particular area to be devoted to those Gods. The Gods call whom they want, and pay little attention to blood.

What Indian practices found their way to France, if I might ask?

I have heard of the connection through the "Indo-European" chain - specifically a horned God of some sorts? Know anything about that?


Obstructor of justice
What Indian practices found their way to France, if I might ask?

I have heard of the connection through the "Indo-European" chain - specifically a horned God of some sorts? Know anything about that?

Not off the top of my head, actually. I'd have to go look up some things.


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One thing I have been looking into though is the way of the Druid. I don't know much, I had a friend once that the way I act toward animals and Nature seemed Druid like, not sure that really has anything to do with it. But I would like to ask Madd some thing here, if I remember right you have joined a Druid order right, which one is it, I know there more then one but I only know about OBOD.


Obstructor of justice
One thing I have been looking into though is the way of the Druid. I don't know much, I had a friend once that the way I act toward animals and Nature seemed Druid like, not sure that really has anything to do with it. But I would like to ask Madd some thing here, if I remember right you have joined a Druid order right, which one is it, I know there more then one but I only know about OBOD.

I joined the ADF, but I joined them because they are really the closest thing the a reconstructionalist group out there, and the Henge of Keltria only has groups on the west coast (or, in some other state that I'm not in). There aren't really many Pagan organizations that value scholarship, and I'm the stuffy kind that wants to be in one.

Being a Druid is about much more than loving and caring for nature and animals. The idea that Druidry is all about nature is largely hype, perpetuated by organizations who have a phobia of history. I don't particularly care for the groups that tell you to claim the title "Druid" without having any sort of working knowledge of what that term means, it's origins, and the responsibilities that go with it. The OBOD isn't even a primarily Pagan group, and I hear they have a large Christian membership base. If you want to be a Druid, but don't actually want to to have to do any work or know anything about history, then the OBOD is fine. The AODA is more of a middle of the road type of group.


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I joined the ADF, but I joined them because they are really the closest thing the a reconstructionalist group out there, and the Henge of Keltria only has groups on the west coast (or, in some other state that I'm not in). There aren't really many Pagan organizations that value scholarship, and I'm the stuffy kind that wants to be in one.

Being a Druid is about much more than loving and caring for nature and animals. The idea that Druidry is all about nature is largely hype, perpetuated by organizations who have a phobia of history. I don't particularly care for the groups that tell you to claim the title "Druid" without having any sort of working knowledge of what that term means, it's origins, and the responsibilities that go with it. The OBOD isn't even a primarily Pagan group, and I hear they have a large Christian membership base. If you want to be a Druid, but don't actually want to to have to do any work or know anything about history, then the OBOD is fine. The AODA is more of a middle of the road type of group.

Thank you for the answer, and I would want the history(love history). I was on the OBOD forum for awhile but not any more. The AODA link said page not found when I clicked on it.