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Waqfe Jadid / France Event (direction) / Results of Virtuous Spendings


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you...To pay rights of Allah and rights of humanity, on today’s world map, it is only Jama'at Ahmadiyya which is doing the following, in accordance with true Islamic teaching:

= Conveying message of true Islam (Tabligh),

= Preparation of scholar-conveyors (muballagheen) for field,

= Spreading Holy Quran and literature,

= Construction of mosques and mission houses,

= Establishing schools,

= Starting radio stations in various countries to broadcast religious teaching,

= Establishing hospitals, other humanitarian services

= and more


“Thus exercise Taqwa of Allah as best you can, and listen and obey and spend, (it) will be good for you. And who are saved from the covetousness of self, it is these who shall get success / prosperity.”

“If you lend to Allah a good loan, He will multiply it for you and will forgive you; and Allah is Most Appreciating (and) Forbearing.”

[Holy Quran Translation of ch 64 : v 17-18 ]

Allah the Exalted is drawing attention of believers to exercise Taqwa [avoid evil and do good as Allah commands] and fully obey His commandments. One of these is to spend in the path of Allah the Exalted. A believer should never hesitate for such spending as it is for a pious purpose.

Today, it is the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) which spends (and has desire) to seek pleasure of Allah the Exalted and to progress in virtuous aims for His sake.

To pay rights of Allah and rights of humanity, on today’s world map, it is only Jama'at Ahmadiyya which is doing the following, in accordance with true Islamic teaching:

= Conveying message of true Islam (Tabligh),

= Preparation of scholar-conveyors (muballagheen) for field,

= Spreading Holy Quran and literature,

= Construction of mosques and mission houses,

= Establishing schools,

= Starting radio stations in various countries to broadcast religious teaching,

= Establishing hospitals, other humanitarian services

= and more

Believe in Imam of era has granted Jama'at Ahmadiyya the understanding of spirit of these services and saved them from covetousness of selves and they understand that that their spending for the sake of Allah the Exalted make them ‘muflehun’. It has more meanings than mere ‘success’; they get lasting prosperity; their virtuous desires are fulfilled; their lives improve; their lives come in the divine protection; they get bliss and blessings of Allah the Exalted always descend upon them in this world and in Hereafter.

Allah the Exalted does not keep debt; He appreciates financial sacrifice of servants as if they gave Him good loan; when time comes He pays back with many times increase; He forgives sins and enables to do virtuous deeds. He appreciates more than our comprehension. Some of its detail has been given above under the word ‘muflehun’.

Today, it is only Ahmadis who have real understanding of spending in the way of Allah the Exalted, and who get consequential blessings. Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) said that These are not just words, there are thousands of examples which financial sacrifice offer-ers write to him with sentiments. They offer sacrifices with zeal. Who can offer such sacrifice without having understanding. Some of them even get quick blessings in the form of getting more than what they had spent and they again offer it. They continue to witness comprehensive blessings. Some examples (from many which Huzur (a.t.) mentioned) :

Benin, Africa

An elderly Ahmadi Salman sahib from Cotonou was asked to attend Jalsa gathering, he did not have return fare 1500 CFA francs. When he returned home, representatives of Waqfe Jadid [the offering is focused at Africa and Indian subcontinent] visited him to seek money of his pledge. He happily presented 6000 CFA francs, which was surprising. He said he did not have money for Jalsa trip, then God granted him much after Jalsa. Two days latter he donated 2000 more.

Tanzania, Africa

A new Ahmadi Munope sahib who joined two years ago repeatedly mentions that whatever he presents for Tahrike Jadid [offerings for international conveying divine message and personal efforts] and Waqfe Jadid [offering for schemes for Indian subcontinent and Africa] Allah returns it with enhancement. He said inner peace is felt and financial situation has improved by presenting chanda-s [regulated financial offerings].

Burundi, Africa

Abu Bakr sahib, new Ahmadi was extremely impoverished, he was taking care of his parents. After he was approached to make some offering for Waqfe Jadid and his some payment, he expressed his gratefulness that his salary has been increased and doctors said there is no need of amputation of his sick father’s leg anymore.

Huzur (a.t.) mentioned more such amazing examples from Lindi and Mtwara regions of Tanzania, Brazzaville and Kinshasa in Congo, Benin, Mali, a little girl’s offering and divine blessings for her in Kenema region of Sierra Leone… A sincere member Afafa sahib at a place in Africa, offers 150,000 franc (British Pounds 200) every month. It is very large sum for such underdeveloped places. He also paid equal to British Pound 330 as Zakaat.

Allah has immensely blessed Ahmadiyya Muslims and their children living in far-off places with sincerity and they understand the significance of chanda. Surely Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was from Allah. New comers are very rapidly progressing in sincerity.

Siri Nagar Kashmir, India

Llast year flood affected almost all homes of Ahmadiyya Muslims. People were compelled to live at roof tops. But they 100 % paid their pledges for Waqfe Jadid and happily…..Such scenes reminds the time of Companions (r.a.) of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), they had nothing to eat but excelled in making sacrifices.

Kerala, India

A young man freshly studied interior designs and was about to start business with father. He was met and was told about the importance of Waqfe Jadid chanda, he pledged 200,000 Rupees at the beginning of fiscal year. He wondered how he will pay. He was told to write to Huzur (a.t.) for prayer request to Allah….Latter he received many contracts and paid off his entire pledged amount.

Utter Pradesh, India

A little girl brought her money box and offered all savings of whole year which she made for chanda purpose. It was Rupees 735, it was more than she had pledged.

Huzur (a.t.) said there are instances when children were told that there parents had paid for them but children paid from their pocket money too. Allah puts such spirit in children. Parents too maintain religious environment in homes and tell children about importance of chanda along with other good things and worship of Allah.


When a member was told about Waqfe Jadid, he presented whatever he had. His family told him to keep something for household. But he said, he has to giave his pledged amount, Allah will look after the household. The following month, he received letter from government’s health department saying in light of his medical report they have decided to pay him expenses for two years and had dispatched money for three months…When he saw, the amount was 100 % more than what he had paid for Waqfe Jadid.. The grace of Allah brought fruition to his financial sacrifice within a month.

United Kingdom

A lady with very meager means could not pay chanda but she pledged whatever she could. She started to pray to be able to fulfill pledge. She knows sewing, she started to get orders. She not only paid her pledge but due to good income she has increased it.

U.K. Ahmadiyya Muslim auxiliary exceeded their targets of Tahrik Jadid and Waqfe Jadid by the grace of Allah.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted, currently, in 18 countries of Africa 95 mosques are under construction. Some are very large as Ahmadis are increasing and new avenues of Tabligh are opening . Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that Where Islam is to be introduced and message has to be taken, make mosque to make a mosque.

Besides Africa, works are being done in the world too. At this time, there are 25 countries including African countries (7 more too), where in this year 204 mosques and 184 mission houses has been constructed.

About 80% of chanda Waqfe Jadid from Europe and Western countries is spent on African countries. Even though African Ahmadis offer great sacrifice by the grace of Allah the Exalted but their needs are increasing. There, number of people who do Bai'at is increasing but they are impoverished they cannot meet the needs. Help is required. They are offering sacrifices….Opponents try to put pressure on new comers to leave , there are some who take step back but majority has such strong faith they do not care anything.

Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) has instructed the African Jama'at-s to keep continuous touch with those who do Bai'at and increase those links. Make frequent visits for their training.

Some areas in Africa are remote, one has to cross jungles, it becomes difficult to make links. Muballagheen and Mulle’meen [missionaries and religious teachers] are less. Thus to save the new ones, local Jama'at –s in Africa should pay special attention for first year at least. Old lost contacts are being renewed they make complaints they were not contacted again. They remained in faith but lacked training.

Ghana, Nigeria are doing well in restoring lost connections, and Tanzania need to do more.

Many Bosnians (100,000) did Bai'at who went to Germany about 20 years ago. When they went back, connections were lost, reconnection is needed.

In Western Bengal, reconnection is required too.

Huzur (a.t.) said strong connections are made when new Ahmadis are included in financial sacrifice system, it improves faith and connection with system of Jama'at. Even 10 pence should be accepted and person should be included.

This year contribution to Waqfe Jadid is increased but it should have been increased more as number of new comers has been quite large…..It is promise of Allah the Exalted that He will meet our needs He will fulfill it…….Spirit should be improved, office holders should work in this regard, prayers are needed……Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) emphasized to have sincere Ahmadis with faith rather than in great numbers.



Peace be upon you.

Announcing the new year of Waqfe Jadid Huzoor said its 97th year completed on 31 December 2014 and the 98th years commenced on 1 January 2015.

Last year Ahmadiyya Jama’at worldwide was enabled to offer financial sacrifice of £6,209,000 which is an increase of £731,000 from the year before.

Pakistan stands first as ever. Last year UK came first. After Pakistan, it is the UK, USA, Germany, Canada, India and Australia. With the grace of God a lot of work has been done in Australia as regards increasing contributions as well as increasing number of contributors. After Australia is Indonesia, Dubai, Belgium and an Arab country.

In terms of currency Australia has made a significant increase, their increase is 123%. Canada has increased by 21% and India 16% or about 17%.

USA stands first as regards per capita contributions with £70 per head. Switzerland at £59 per head, Australia at £56 per head, UK at £51 per head followed by Belgium, France, Canada and Germany.

In terms of increase in contributors Mali, Benin, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Gambia and Cameroon are worthy of mention. As regards contributions Ghana came first among African countries followed by Nigeria and Mauritius.”

First 10 local chapters of various countries were announced too.

Huzur (may Allah be his Helper) urged for prayers:

“for Ahmadis of Pakistan. For the past few days our opponents are trying to create problems in Rabwah. May God protect every Ahmadi from their evil and may He rebound their evil back on them and Rabwah’s peace and security is maintained. May God also give sense to the authorities and the government to control the situation appropriately!

Prayers should also be made for Muslims living in the world and in Europe. An atrocity has taken place in France in the name of Islam and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) although it did not have anything even remotely to do with teachings of Islam. As we always maintain and prove that to take the law in one’s own hands and kill and murder someone in this manner has nothing to do with the teachings of Islam. Yet so-called Muslims and Muslim organisations do not desist from their misdemeanours and atrocities. Muslims living here in Europe and Western countries could face a backlash from the local people. Not only that, the publication whose editors and others were murdered brutally could react along with others and rest of the press and attack the person of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). May God enable the governments here to try and contain people from erroneous reactions and apprehend the perpetrators and punish them through judicial process! If there is a backlash, Muslims who have no one to guide them will also react erroneously and thus chaos will carry on and there is danger it may escalate. Today members of Jama’at Ahmadiyya should pray for both sides to desist from excesses. Similarly, Durood should be recited in abundance during these days. Those who can create peaceful environment within their sphere should make efforts for it. May God save the world from chaos and may the chaotic situation soon change into peaceful situation!”

Reference: Friday sermon by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), January 9, 2015, UK, alislam.org and mta.tv