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War and Peace : We Strive for World Peace.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.....Some writers and politician are saying that some commandments of Islam incline people towards extremism. ISIS’s brutalities has frightened people and also given chance to some leaders (who lack knowledge or have anti-Islam stance) to speak against Islam.......Some people say other religions too had harsh teaching but their followers either do not follow it or have changed it, so Quran should be changed too.

Now here are two things: First, it proves their teachings are tempered, eventhough they were asked not to do so. Second, there was no divine promise for their safety. But For Quran, Allah is fulfilling promise [15:10] 'Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian.'

A short clip on internet shows when some verses were read to people on street they agreed due to this teaching Muslims become extremist but when cover of the book was changed to Bible and same verses were told, people just laughed of, with no negative comments.

A wrong act of a Muslim is attributed to their religion but wrong of other religions are attributed to the mental or learning problems.

It is true some Muslims act wrongly. But it is malicious to target Islam on the back of it and to get carried away. A presidential candidate in USA has done so [and public and leaders are reacting against him.]

No religion or man-made law compete with beautiful teaching of Islam.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said : 'In accordance with His promise 'Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian' Allah the Exalted has sent me at the start of the fourteenth century to establish the greatness of the Holy Qur'an.'…... 'No other religious leader today enjoys the Divine succour and support that is with us.' (Tafseer Hazrat Masih e Maud, Vol. II, p. 770)

Islam is replete with the teaching of love and peace and today this teachings needs to be propagated. Each Ahmadiyya-Muslim needs to understand and practice this teaching and forge a living connection with Allah the Exalted. And today it is the Ahmadis who have to impart this knowledge to Muslims and non-Muslims.

Contacts with the media should be maintained and public should be informed of the facts via the media. With the grace of Allah Ahmadiyya-Muslims have good links with the media in USA, UK and in Germany and these need to be expanded. Recently a member parliament from Glasgow spoke positively in the UK Parliament about the reality of Islam with reference to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at….. The Home Secretary who was also in the House responded by saying that the Islam practised by Ahmadi Muslims was indeed different from the one acted upon by the extremists.

What is needed is to keep it continuously refreshed in minds as to what is the real teaching of Islam.

During the recent tour of Japan by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.), many learned people spoke to him .. In fact a Christian priest said that whatever Huzoor said in light of the teachings of Islam needed to be relayed to not just the people of Japan but the world.

Allah the Exalted sent the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to present the correct interpretation and commentary of the Holy Qur'an and thus safeguard it. He fulfilled this extremely well through his books, Malfuzat and speeches……He (a.s.) wrote:

'There should be no compulsion in religion…' 2:257) This means that you are simply not allowed to convert people by force. Can we ever accuse the great Prophet Muhammad (sa) of using force, while, for thirteen long years of his Meccan life, he continued to exhort his companions not to return evil for evil, but to forbear and forgive? When mischief exceeded all limits, and everyone joined hands to try to obliterate Islam, God's wrath required that those who kill by the sword should be killed by the sword. Except for this, the Holy Quran does not at all approve f compulsion. Were it so, the companions of our Holy Prophet (sa), in moments of trial, would not have succeeded in proving their sincerity as true believers. While the loyalty of the companions of our Master, the Holy Prophet (sa), is a matter upon which I hardly need to dwell…' (Jesus in India, pp. 10-11)

'Wars in Islam fall under three categories: i. Defensive wars – war by way of self-protection. ii. Punitive war – blood for blood. iii. War to establish freedom – to break the hold of those who kill converts to Islam.' (Jesus in India, p. 11)

'The Qur'an clearly commands not to raise the sword in order to spread Islam and that the innate qualities of the religion should be presented and that others should be attracted through pious models. Do not think that in the early days of Islam use of the sword was commanded, because the sword was never wielded to spread Islam. Quite the contrary, it was drawn in self-defence against enemy attacks or in order to establish peace.' (Star Of The Empress, p. 11)

'Those who are known as Muslims and only know that Islam should be spread by the use of force are not cognisant of the inherent qualities of Islam and their ways are the ways of beasts.' (Tafseer Hazrat Masih e Maud, Vol. I, p. 747)

Islam teaches peace, if some Muslim groups work against it, it is wrong primarily…….Big powers also have their roles too in chaotic situation in Muslim world. Some of them now admit that the Muslim extremists are a product of the situation created by Western governments in Iraq.

On one hand there are air strikes on terrorists but on the other hand those who arm them or carry out illegal financial transactions with them are completely disregarded…..Obviously self-interests are given priority over world peace.

When Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) called people towards God, they rejected, Allah asked him to excuse them (did not ask to raise weapon against them) :

[43: 89,90] 'I swear by his repeated cry 'O my Lord! That these are a people who will not believe. Therefore, turn aside from them, and say, 'Peace'; and soon they shall know.'

[25:64] '…and when the ignorant address them, they say, 'Peace'!

The world is at the rim of fire. It is responsibility of Ahmadiyya-Muslims to save the world from falling in it by doing continuous effort. The main aspect to attain this objective is to inculcate a special connection with Allah the Exalted, to turn to Him and bow down to Him and to instil righteousness in hearts. Then alone can we give peace security to ourselves, to our next generation and to the world. For such an occasion the Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said in a poetic couplet:

It is fire, but all those will be saved from the fire

Who love God, The Possessor of Wonders!

What is needed is to make our connection with All-Powerful God stronger still and grow our love for Him. May Allah enable us to try and do this and may He give sense to the worldly people to listen to Him and reform themselves so that they are saved from falling in the ditch of devastation. [Aameen]

Reference: Based on / from Friday Sermon (December 11, 2015) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv