@rusra02 and all
Why not help the "wicked" rather than distroy them?
Fortunately, if need be America tries to let people be innocent until proven guilty.
Why does god say, guilty until proven innocent?
Is there an exclusion that we should be like christ 60% of the time but when he distroys the wicked, we are to ignore it?
Or should christians accept like some Muslims that their belief tells them to kill the wicked when need be?
Christians are to be like god except when he kills the wicked. We shouldnt display that lack of compassion. Why not? It comes from god with whom christ told you to imitate.
Theifs, murderers, rapists, etc are not wicked. My brother went to jail for a night for attempted theif. He would have got i think three months if he went off property.
I had talked with ex murderers who gave their life to christ. I had talk to rapist who now have famalies.
Its the actions that are wicked not the people. God is focusing on the wrong cause. Thats like a doctor trying to cure epilepsy by killing the patient rather than giving him medicine.
I would say god contradicts. That is okay. Accept that there are two natures that god has: one that saves and one that kills. One that aska for christians to have compassion and one who asks his son to kill the wicked.
I dont understand why christians try to justify it right. Its from their god. It is right.