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Ways to Call towards Allah\ Improve Own Conditions \Address\Khalifatul Messsiah\Jalsa Germany Ended


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you… Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) recited the following verses from holy Quran:


[ch16:v126] Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He knows those who are rightly guided.


[ch41:v34] And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’

By the grace of Allah the Exalted, the introduction of Jama'at Ahmadiyya Germany is quite increased in last three or four years. Message was being conveyed previously too and working was good too but since last few years politicians, educated and common people know about Jama'at much more. This brought opposition from some classes and newspapers. God cured through Germans too. Their politicians, and learned people raise voice in favour of Jama'at; they show nobility…At some places, Jama'at is consulted about syllabus of schools and Islamic laws….Local guests tell about these things during mosque raising ceremonies….This breeze is being moved by Allah only.

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was told by someone that there was no opposition in their area, he said the progress is done in that area where there is opposition…..Among European countries Germany is the place where Jama'at Ahmadiyya faces the most opposition.. It is expected from Germans that they shall be among the majority of people who understand the reality of Islam. We have no political ambitions. We can thank them by keep telling them the excellences of Islam.

It is Allah the Exalted who opens the hearts, it is He Who enables one to walk on true religion, and God has placed this responsibility on us to tell the world about the true path.

a) Through the leaflets, Message of Peace and Love of real Islam has been conveyed by Ahmadis in Germany on gross level.

b) The next stage is to educate them that the real salvation provider is Hazrat Khatam ul Anbiyya Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), and in this era, according to the promise of Allah and him (s.a.w.), Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) has come to revive faith. So get connected to him to have reformation of worldly life and Hereafter……It is possible that the people who were previously in favour, may become opponents. But it does not matter, majority of people there are educated and they understand there is no compulsion in deen / religion.

We should convey to friends what we believe is good. It is our responsibility. Verses of Holy Quran draw attention to convey ‘invitation towards Allah’, they tell methods, and what should be the condition of one who calls towards Allah.

[ch16:v126] Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and argue with them in a way that is best. Surely, thy Lord knows best who has strayed from His way; and He knows those who are rightly guided.

[ch41:v34] And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’

Thus the first verse asked to Convey Message with ‘hikmat’


The common meaning of ‘hikmat’ are: Wisdom – Intelligence – To say with well understanding – Knowledge of science – Justice – Equality – Forbearance at other’s mistakes – Steadfastness – Concrete surety of own view – To present truth according to right place and occasion.


1==ARGUMENTS…Thus an ‘inviter towards Allah’ should keep the various natures of people in mind. Some are educated, some are strict about their own religion, some are impressed with argument, some with moral and some with scientific knowledge….. Those who like scientific arguments, give them those instead emotional arguments.

2==JUSTICE / BALANCE…One should do justice in conveying Message. Do not raise any objection, which, the opponent may return back. Non-Muslims raise such objections which can be turned back at them… Non-Ahmadis do same with Ahmadis, …Do not present anything which is not based on justice.

3==PRESENT BEAUTY OF RELIGION WITH FOREBEARANCE…We have to convey Message to Muslims and non-Muslims. There are millions of Muslims living in Europe. They have various sects. Some of them have extremist views against others, they call them Kafirs (disbelievers), issue Fatwas...[Not only Ahmadis are victims of Fatwas, there are others too].

On June 6, 2015, on the second day of Germany’s Jalsa Salana, many people who were non-Ahmadis met Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper). ..One Arab person asked Huzur (a.t.) that such a sect call names to Sahabah [Companions of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) ]. What did he say about them? Huzur (a.t.) told him Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said if a Muslim was called kafir then that Kufr returns to caller…..The man insisted: what Huzur (a.t.) say? He said what could he say more than Holy Prophet (s.a.w.).

Thus the Message has to be conveyed with hikmat, patience and kindness. To Convey big our Message, conveyer should bear small things. Huzur (a.t.) said that we have mercy for those common people who are tricked by so-called clergies and call name to Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). We have to show them right way and ask them not to say prohibited things, with wisdom and kindness, with forbearance. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said Kufr-calling return back to the one say so. He did not say to chop heads. We have to Convey Message to disbelievers, We do not have to pass verdicts of Kufr against anyone. We are not happy if some sects call others Kafir. One has to think what is benefit to Islam by such Fatwas? Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that Muslim is that, other Muslims and other people are safe by his tongue and hands……In is obligatory for us to practice this.

4==EVERYTHING SHOULD BE SAID AT RIGHT PLACE AND TIME…Conveying of Message should create peace, not discord.

5==FACTS AND TRUTHS ARE MENTIONED…Some people think that religions is of course true so there is no harm if some facts are mentioned with exaggeration. Such practice is not right…..It is God’s work to put guidance in hearts; truth (what God has taught) should be adopted. Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) mentioned that once an Ahmadi was telling to an Arab about Allah’s supports for Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). In this regard, he told the Arab about how prophecy about Lekhram fulfilled. He made many exaggerations. Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) stopped him and corrected the facts. Such exaggerations spread if not checked in time……Thus we have to mentioned facts about incidences with fully right.

6==HIKMAT MEANS PROPHETHOOD…Through this meaning, lesson is that one should Convey Message through the means of Prophethood. This means / way is Quran for a Muslim. Win the world’s hearts by using arguments taught by Quran, not by your own arguments, as unnecessary ways produce reverse effects. Victory comes with Quran. May those extremist learn this lesson who want to win the world by sword. Curtains from minds and hearts will be removed when Imam of era will be accepted. Today we have to win the hearts of the world by this way.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) presented true teaching of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and true meaning of Islamic Jihad before the guests at Jalsa. Latter they commented that they learned the truth and their views are changed……Thus we have to present the right teaching from Quran.

7==CONVEY ACCORDING TO UNDERSTANDING CAPACITY OF OTHER PEOPLE…If audience is somewhat less learned, they shall not understand difficult subjects . Convey in such a way, which ends ignorance. Holy Prophet (sa) said that talk to people according to their understanding.

8==MO’EZA HASANA - (goodly exhortation)…. Present what makes heart tender, which affects others deeply. Holy Quran does not advise dryly. There should be logic, passion, right mention of events, no exaggeration, there should be truth (Islam is name of truth). Present fundamental argument and all other arguments will revolve around that. Present Quran and truth of Holy Prophet (sa). Our duty is to convey the Message. It is God’s work whom he grants guidance. He best knows who gets guidance.

[ch41:v34] And who is better in speech than he who invites men to Allah and does good works and says, ‘I am surely of those who submit?’

The best thing the best work is to convey Message of Allah to the world with truth, hikmat and mo’eza hasana. God likes it very much. By practicing this directive one becomes beloved of God…

The most, God likes, human should avoid Satan, and worship God rightly. Its benefit is to human, not to God. Satan has been given opportunity to tempt human……Through Prophets guidance has been granted. Followers of Prophets are asked to convey the Message to the world, invite towards God……. In this age, all Satanic powers are fully operational.

God has given the responsibility to the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) to call the world towards Allah…In the previous Friday sermon, it was told (by Huzur) that new earth and new heavens will be made in this time of deform. Each of us has to play his part for that…Level the earth of heart, and fill the remembrance of God in it. Inform the methods to world how to make new earth and new heavens….There are two groups in the world: Those who have been tempted by Satan, and those who call towards God. Today, in the world, it is Jama'at Ahmadiyya which calls towards God. It is benevolence of God. Thus each of members should fulfill their duty and convey the Message of God more than before.

Words of Allah, the Holy Quran mentions all arguments and it is never ending treasure. Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said that what one likes for oneself, one should like it for his brother too. Thus it is obligation to us that we should distribute the treasure of knowledge and understanding of the teaching of Holy Quran to Muslims, non-Muslims. We should save the world from clutches of Satan; teach them how to be servant of God; save them from so called ulama / clergies who make people away from the Imam of the era.

Huzur (a.t.) said that it is the grace of Allah the Exalted that people, by and large, began to know about Jama'at Ahmadiyya in Germany and in other countries. Now it is our responsibility that we should check our conditions, improve practical model and pray so that hearts of people turn to right.

Holy Prophet (sa) mentioned the importance and delight when someone gets guidance through a believer. He said to Hazrat Ali (r.a.) that By God if someone gets guidance through you, it will be better than if you get red camels of high quality. (At that time, red camel was extremely precious thing).

Thus if one gets guidance through member of Jama'at it makes him heir of great blessings of God.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that if it was possible, he would like to go house to house and propagate the true deen / religion of God and save people from making associate of God and disbelief. If God may teach us English, we would convey the Message at far places, even if we may get killed.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said that many Ahmadis in Germany now know German language. Same is true for other countries. Jama'at has literature, cassettes, and scholars of various languages. These resources can be used well. There is great role of MTA [Muslim Television Ahmadiyya mta.tv]. Secretary Tabligh [Conveying the Message] is working well, Masha Allah; there is need to indulge more members.

Today Jihad should not be of sword. We consider them wrong who think today Jihad of sword is needed. We believe Opponents of religion do not use sword, they use arguments, greed and other methods to drive people away from Islam. We should use wisdom, best advices; we have the best effective spiritual arms to defeat our spiritual opponent. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was blessed with special station in arguments. We need not be worry. When people cannot face argument they get worried and angry. We are opposed in Pakistan, clergies get furious, and call us names, as they lack arguments from Quran. Many common people are under influence of listened wrong things.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that people who have less understanding they do not have knowledge of deen / religion. They should be advised in terms of common understanding. Rich people do not pay attention due to arrogance. They should be advised in brief. Middle class people can understand the Message. If there is no arrogance it is not difficult to make them understand…….For this duty (of conveying Message) those members are appropriate who practice Taqwa / righteousness, patience, chasteness, avoid debauchery and bawdiness, stay away from sins, and also remain steadfast at difficulties and do not get excited at abusive language of people. If opponent try to make them to fight, they show forbearance.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) explained that Conveying divine message is continuous duty, one should get tired. One contact in a year is not the way, contacts should be made the whole year. Make personal contacts and keep whole year. The people who did Bai'at in Germany were the people who were in personal contact the whole year. When there is ache in heart, effort become wholesome. The new comers who did effort and prayers to bring relatives and friends, they found fruits.


1== A Syrian Ahmadi told: There was a friend of mine, his religious knowledge was little. I always prayed May God bring him close to truth. I was sure if my prayer would be answered, arguments of Ahmadiyyat would affect him. One day we were talking about the current state of Muslim countries, how all nations are attacking and Muslims are not practicing Islam. My friend said Had Holy Prophet (sa) not been Khataman Nabiyeen, this era demands a Prophet.

I understood my friend had misunderstanding. I found the opportunity and said: Your true nature has demanded right. Is it possible that Allahhdi has forgotten Muslims in such difficulties, and does not send guidance. I give you glad tiding that Allah the Exalted has sent the Imam Mahdi. Friend knew about Imam Mahdi that he would be Prophet. Then I explained the high station of Khataman Nabiyeen, and station of Imam Mahdi. Latter the friend made Bai'at.

This is the example of patience and hikmat. There are many examples like this.

2== Example of prayer: West Africa, Liberia. Ahmadiyya team was conveying message in a village. People were gathered. Environment was good. People were asking questions and were satisfied. Suddenly two less educated religious men came, intruded the gathering and made the environment unrestful by making noise. Purpose was to disrupt the work. Ahmadiyya missionary asked assistant to continue answering people and went in separation to pray to Allah if He like, people can get guidance……After sometime, people from village came and said that they have pondered at your conveying the message and the other disrupting events. We have reached to conclusion that Truth is with you. Do you have Bai'at –Form for whole village or will bring latter?

It is example of truth of Islam, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), patience and prayers.

Huzur (a.t.) said: Such air currents are being moved by Allah. Each member should join in effort. Allah has taught methods. Members should correct their own conditions, practice good deeds, be obedient, check themselves.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that Be true Muslim and spread its excellences in the world. What was the condition at Madina at the time of passing away of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) [hypocrites] ….Always remember end…Incoming generation will see your face…Human learn from model…Those who are involved in evils and advise others they make others astray. Such lecturers have hurt the world a lot.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) said that we have to check our conditions if we want to tell the world about true teaching of Islam. By presenting few name for conveying the Message, world cannot be reached. Each Ahmadi should present his name then true Message of Islam will be taken to the world. Allah’s practical testimony is with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). There are many eases available to convey the Message. Each Ahmadi should get advantage of these and set his priority to do this service, save the world from destruction, show them the right path as the servants of Messiah of Muhammad (sa)….Each class of members should reach to their sphere with steadfastness, practice on true Islam and bowing before God. Make promise [before leaving Jalsa] to quench the spiritual thirst of the world, to save them from destruction, and to mold own deeds according to the teachings of Islam. Insha Allah. There should be no weakness. Pay rights of Allah and rights of people. May Allah take you back home with safety. [Aameen]

The final attendance of 40 th Jalsa Salan Germany (2015) was 16845 ladies, 17560 gents, 1632 guests.. Total 36037 from 55 countries.

[Then silent prayers were lead by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper)]

Reference: Based on the address by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with Mighty Help), at Jalsa Salana Germany, on 3rd day at conclusion of Jalsa – June 7, 2015, mta.tv