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We die because of Adam and Eve?: How crazy!


Question Everything

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
WHY so much thought into this fable?????????????????????????????????????????

with homo sapiens being on the planet for 200,000 years I think this old myth can be put to rest [in my opinion]

and if you do believe then you will have to dig deep into fiction to explain why adam and eve are supposed to be white and theres afro americans. did afro americans evolve from white people?. Im pretty sure its the other way around.

I personally take no credence in this anymore either, yet for me anyways, it still nevertheless makes for interesting debate and discussions regarding its inconsistencies and questionable theme from its scriptural standpoint and how its addressed. I still like a good Bible debate and/or discussion from time to time as an expatriate.


I personally take no credence in this anymore either, yet for me anyways, it still nevertheless makes for interesting debate and discussions regarding its inconsistencies and questionable theme from its scriptural standpoint and how its addressed. I still like a good Bible debate and/or discussion from time to time as an expatriate.

sounds good bud

the more I hang out here the more im learning about ancient man and what really happened so I love it!!! :bow:


so, where did the Mayans learn about Adam and Eve?

Imagination my friend, in my opinion

people always imagine things in which they dont have the answers to. They try to rationalize answers weather they know facts or are taking a stab in the dark. When they get a conclusion no one can argue with it gets written or carved down

That video doesnt say one word about adam and eve lol

theres a carving of mayan version of creation, this video has no credibility of your story at all.
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Question Everything
Imagination my friend, in my opinion

people always imagine things in which they dont have the answers to. They try to rationalize answers weather they know facts or are taking a stab in the dark. When they get a conclusion no one can argue with it gets written or carved down

That video doesnt say one word about adam and eve lol

theres a carving of mayan version of creation, this video has no credibility of your story at all.

For those who are not familiar with the Popol-Vuh, it is the Mayan "Bible" so to speak, and the beginning chapters are amazingly similar to the Genesis creation account (perfect world created, humans last to be created, then a fall from perfection, flood, etc. etc. There are some differences, but the general gist is close enough to that found in Genesis, that many historians felt it was the result of the Spanish teaching their religion to the Mayans). This older Popol-Vuh - with the same creation story - that predates Spanish influence - shows that the Mayan creation account is not the result of the Spanish people coming over.

Interesting that so many cultures independently "imagined" up the same creation account, isn't it?
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I think your playing connect the dots on a slippery slope bud

Popol Vuh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

since the Popol Vuh's fortuitous survival is attributable to the 18th century Dominican friar

All editions of Popol Vuh come from the records of the Dominican priest Francisco Ximénez who lived around the turn of the 18th century. His manuscript, presently housed at The Newberry library,[5] is faded or stained in places, has no organizational divisions, and does not exhibit consistent punctuation or capitalization. For all of these reasons, editing the manuscript has been a challenge and even successful editors are forced to exercise a great deal of judgment in preparing print editions

AGAIN because we know for a fact that homo sapiens have been on the planet for 200,000 years and early ancestors were working with fire up to 800,000 years ago. you can safely take the fiction and myths in my opinion and use them for the guideline they were intended. They are not nor have ever been ment to be taken literally, in my opinion


Facts not Faith
Interesting that the Adam/Eve/Tree story permeates so many different religions/cultures/nations isn’t it? Here is another example:

YouTube - World's Largest Pyramid Discovered, Lost Mayan City Of Mirador Guatemala CNN

The Mayans did not get their creation story from the Spanish conquistadors… so, where did the Mayans learn about Adam and Eve?

The native Americans people came from Eastern Asia and their original culture may have had the same kind of creation myth as the Israelite people. They are not likely to be very descended from the Israelites because their genes do not match very well.


The native Americans people came from Eastern Asia and their original culture may have had the same kind of creation myth as the Israelite people. They are not likely to be very descended from the Israelites because their genes do not match very well.

sorry bud there migration predates the bible by thousands and thousands and thousands of years lol :jester3:

13,000 seems to be the common number
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Facts not Faith
sorry bud there migration predates the bible by thousands and thousands and thousands of years lol :jester3:

13,000 seems to be the common number

I argue that many of the stories in the bible also predate the bible.

I can almost certainly say is that Native Americans are certainly not mutated Jews. I can take myths from totally different cultures and find similarities so these similarities could just be random.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Why didn't God give each and every one of us the same test? I would have obeyed God, from a simple logic standpoint: Since he was the one who created us, it would be wise to obey him.

Nobody back then when they wrote the Bible ever thought, with this Adam and Eve 'story', and the reason for why we die, we would ever question such an account ? They never thought that people would never question why not only man dies, but everything organic, that does not even understand good and evil, also dies? That they really thought we would believe that if we did not sin, we would never die and could not be killed - even if an asteroid came and hit us on the head?
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned..." Romans 5:8 KJV


my point is theres no connection at all between the two creation myths

like you stated it could just be random as we know they both did not happen they way the myth's dictate. in my opinion


Question Everything
my point is theres no connection at all between the two creation myths

There was enough of a connection that many blamed the Spanish for influencing Mayan beliefs. Now that there is an older version, everyone is saying there is nothing in common...


Well-Known Member
Luke 3 traces Jesus' lineage all the way back to Adam. Jesus speaks of Adam concerning the institution of marriage. Paul says sin passed on all men through Adam, but by one man, Jesus, sin was paid for and salvation offered as a free gift to all who believe this. Adam was real!


Well-Known Member
Luke 3 traces Jesus' lineage all the way back to Adam. Jesus speaks of Adam concerning the institution of marriage. Paul says sin passed on all men through Adam, but by one man, Jesus, sin was paid for and salvation offered as a free gift to all who believe this. Adam was real!

Except the consequences of sin are physical in nature. People die, women have pain in childbirth, snakes eat dirt and have no legs(Yeah....), we have to work for food, and natural disasters are all curses of sin according to scripture. If Jesus died to remove us from under the curse of sin then he failed, just look around you, people are still dying.


Well-Known Member
Life being fair is not a Scriptural position.

If I recall God fed people with Mana, saved David from lions, giants, and multiple other harms, saved Moses, etc.

The bible also states that we wouldn't dash our foot on a stone if we followed the Lord. It speaks of how well the sparrows are fed so we should not worry, yet people are starving to death, and yes that includes Christians.

Life being fair may not be scriptural, but God protecting us from harms way is. The fact is though, Christians are just as likely to die as Atheists. God protects no one from a statistical and thus relevant point of view.