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Websters New World Dictionary (Second College Edition) 1984 cc. (Definitions)


Active Member
Hello You and welcome, hope this is okay to add here and hope you do not mind me posting definitions of words. You can either take these definitions as facts and that they are true to the words they are paired up to or if they are not true. This is a real Dictionary that was bought one day randomly at a thrift shop.

Lets learn about Words

Would you like a word looked up? Simply leave me a comment and I will repost the definition from with-in this book.

Words so far : Hate. Love, Postulate, unAmerican, likely; rind, worst

Hate -

Me. haitien < OE. hatian, akin to Greek - hassen < IE. base *Kad - bad temp, whence Gr. - Kedien, to trouble, distress & W. cas, hate]

1. to have strong dislike or ill will for; loathe; despise
2. to dislike or wish to avoid; shrink from [to hate arguments]

1. a strong feeling of dislike, ill will,
2. a person or thing hated

Syn ~ hate implies a feeling of great dislike or aversion, and with persons as the object, connotes the bearing of malice; detest implies vehement dislike or antipathy; despise suggests looking down with great contempt upon the person or the thing one hates; abhor implies a feeling of great repugnance or disgust; loathe implies utter abhorrence ~~ ANT: Love ~ Like

Please if this is not a correct place to post ~ Staff Member please help me to know where to post this ~ Considering the notation of Resources hopefully this can stay here.

Thank you!​
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Active Member
Love -

(luv) n. [Me < OE. lufu, akin to OHG. luba, Goth. lubo <IE base *leubh-, to be fond of, desire, whence libido, lief, lust]​

1. a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons

2. an expression of one's love or affection [give Mary my love]

3. a feeling of brotherhood and good will towards other people

4 a) a strong liking for or interest in something [a love of music]

b) the object of such liking

5. a) a strong usually passionate, affection of one person for another, based in part on sexual attraction

b) the persons who is the object of such an affection; sweetheart; lover;

6.a) sexual passion b) sexual intercourse

7. [L-] a) Cupid or Eros, as the god of love b) [Rare] Venus

8. [< phr - play for love, ie play for nothing] Tennis a score of zero

9. Theol. a ) God's benevolent concern for mankind
b) man's devout attachment to God -

vt, Loved, loving

1. to feel love for
2. to show love for by embracing, fondling, kissing, etc.
3. to delight in; take pleasure in [to love books]
4. to gain benefit from [ a plant that loves shade]

-- vi - to feel the emotion of love; be in love

fall in love with to begin to feel love for

for love as a favor or for pleasure :without payment

for the love of: for the sake of; with loving regard for

in love feeling love; enamored

make love

1. to woo or embrace, kiss, etc. as lovers do

2. to have sexual intercourse - no love lost between - no liking or affection existing between -- not for love or money not under any conditions

SYN: Love implies intense fondness or deep devotion and may apply to various relationships or objects [sexual love, brotherly love, love of one's work; etc.]

affection suggest warm, tender, feelings usually not as power or deep as those implied by love [he has not affection for children],

attachment implies connection by ties of affection, attraction, devotion, etc. and may be felt for inanimate things as well as for people [ an attachment to an old hat];

infatuation implies a foolish or unreasoning passion or affection, often a transient one [an elder man's infatuation for a young girl]
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Active Member
Postulate -
pas'che lat' - for n., usually - lit ) vt - lat'ed -lat'ing
[< :. postlatus, pp. of posulare, to demand < bas of poscere, t0 demand < IE. -*prkska, question < base *perk- to ask, whence Greek frage, question]

1. To claim; demand; require
2. to assume without proof to be true, real, or necessary, esp as a basis for argument
3. to take as self-evident or axiomatic, assume -

n (ModL. postulaium < neut. of L postulatus]
1. something postulated; assumption or axiom
2. a prerequisite
3. a basic principle

Syn - Presume - postulation n.

Please feel to join in sharing other words or ask for words to be looked up if you would like too. :)


Active Member
UnAmerican adj.

not American; regarded as not characteristically or properly American; esp, regarded as opposed or dangerous to the U.S.S, its institutions ect.


Active Member
Likely - adj, lier - liest - [Me. likly, prob.aphetic< OE. geliclic, (or < ? cognate ON. likligr): see LIKE1 & LY1]

1. Apparently true to the facts; credible; probable ( a likely casue)

2. seeming as if it would happen or make happen; reasonably to be expected; apparently destined [it is likely to rain]

3. such as will probably be satisfactory or rewarding: suitable ( A likely man for the job)

4. having good prospects; promising [a likely lad]

5. [dial.] attractive: agreeable `


probably [he will very likely go] -

Syn: Likely suggest probability or an eventuality that can reasonably be expected [he's not likely to win]: liable and apt are loosely or informally used as equivalents of likely, but in strict discrimination, liable implies exposures or susceptibility to something undesirable [he is liable to be killed if he played with firearms] and apt suggest a natural or habitual inclination or tendency [such people are always apt to be fearful]; prone also suggest a propensity or predisposition to something that seems almost inevitable (he's prone to having accidents], see also PROBABLE ~ ANT - unlikely, indisposed


Diex Aie
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What if I would like to have my post count reset?
I do not mean delete all my posts, just reset tohe post count number in the upper left corner of my posts to say 1.
No clue. Admin stuff, I think.


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Hello @Mestemia ;

Thank you for your comment: maybe you can get that post counter reset by talking to some of the staff members or you can learn more from any of them, using sitefeed back : Which is a private place where you can interact with the staff if you need help with something.

Rind: (rind) . [ME rinde <OE. rind, rinde < base of redan to REND]

1. A thick, hard or tough natural outer covering, as of a watermelon, grapefruit, orange, etc.
2. any outer layer or skin suggestive to this, as of a cheese or bacon

~~ Syn - skin

Bacon is good to eat sometimes, I think, not sure what you may think about that.


Active Member
Worst - (wurst) adj. superl. of BAD &ILL [ME worste <OE] wyrsta < the base of wiersa, worse _ st - super suffix

1. a ) bad evil, harmful,, unpleasant, etc. in the highest degree least good

b) of the lowest quality or condition

2. in the least favorable condition or least satisfactory situation

adv. superl of BADLY & ILL- in the worst manner; to a degree that is most bad, evil, unpleasant, etc

n. that which is worst

vt. to get the better of; defeat

at worst
under the worst circumstances; at the greatest disadvantage give one he worst of it to defeat or get better of one --
if the worst comes to the worst
-- if the worst possible thing happens --
in the worst way [Slang] very much; greatly --
make the worst
of to be pessimistic about