Dirty Penguin
Master Of Ceremony
Anyone who calls low tax rates "welfare" is playing a word game. Welfare is to take money from a taxpayer, & give it to the recipient. Low tax rates are just less money taken from the taxpayer than higher rates would.
Yeah, but it seems it's welfare in reverse. To take less from the top needs to be made up some how so income is then distributed upward. States realize this all the time. Bobby Jindal and other conservatives have promoted this and realize it doesn't really work and it isn't sustainable long term. He proposed cutting/eliminating corporate taxes in his state but realized he also needed to fund his local government despite all the cutting he's done. His proposal was to raise sales taxes on the working poor/middle class even though his state has one of the the highest sales tax on its people in the country. So basically low to no taxes on the top means income is distributed from the bottom up.
Tax rate structure is a different issue from the give-aways we see to politically connected companies, ie, they don't just pay low rates, the gov gives them money, eg, bail-outs, Solyndra. So let's avoid straw men
You mean red herrings such as dropping names such as you just did. Shouldn't we be avoiding that too?