Oh, good. Please feel free to post it.
I do not think I could post all my evidence of a forum.
It's only rational that if somebody is asking you to accept a matter of objective fact, something that exists for everybody, regardless of their feelings or beliefs, that they should supply evidence that is similarly independent of human bias.
Objective facts exist surrounding the Revelation of Baha’u’llah but not everyone will interpret them in the same way. Some people will see them as indicative that Baha’u’llah was a Messenger of God; other people won’t see them that way, because all people have different education, and different backgrounds and perspectives.
The religions of the world, as practiced and according to their writings, obviously do contradict each other. Where are these "revealed religions" codified, and why should anybody take them seriously as more genuine than the actual religions?
If these supposed "revealed religions" were clear messages from a god, why did they get distorted. You can go on blaming people for a supposed omnipotent and omniscient god not getting its message across.
God got the message across correctly and then as usual humans messed it all up over time, changed the scriptures and misinterpreted them to suit their purposed. To blame God for that is shifting the blame to where it does not belong.
You were trying to add a whole load of other religions' followers (55% of the population) into the number who believed in your god.
I do not have a God. All I was saying is that about 55% of people in the world believe in the God of Abraham, which is the same God I believe in.
In contradictory ways. To take just one example: there can't be a trinity and not be a trinity, Jesus can't be god and not be god.
Even within one religion there are contradictions because people interpreted the scriptures differently. It is all because of how people interpret scriptures that religions contradict each other. If they were interpreted correctly, one would realize that each religion simply adds on a new message but it does not contradict the previous message, it simply builds on the previous message, since humanity needs a new message in every age as humanity evolves. Religious truth is no different from scientific truth in that it needs to evolves over time to be useful, since mankind evolves and the world he lives in evolves over time.
This is just a bizarre statement. New religions contradict or add to existing ones, since the existing ones tend not to accept any additions, they end up being contradictions too.
You are right about one thing; the existing religions do not accept the new additions because the existing religions think they have a corner on the market of religious truth. But newer religions do not contradict older religions, they just add to them. They only
appear to contradict because the original message of the older religions has been distorted by the followers over time.
If it was clear, everybody could see it without having to try hard - that's what clear means.
No, I did not say clear to everyone, I said clear.
Everyone does not recognize the Messenger of God because their vision is clouded by prejudice and bias and their own desires for the Messenger to be different than who He is. If they are looking for something that are hoping for they cannot see what is actually there. That is what happened with the Christians in the 19th century; they were waiting for the same Jesus they imagined would come down from the clouds with trumpets and angels; but when that did not happen, they took their ascension robes and went home. Baha’u’llah came like a thief in the night, hidden from the view of people who had clouded vision but He did fulfill all the prophecies for the return of Christ.