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What am I?


I need your help in finding out what to label myself politically.

  • Same-sex marriage should be legalized.
  • Keep abortion legal and keep "part-birth abortion" illegal.
  • Drugs should slowly be legalized (i.e. Marijuana would be a good start)
  • The death penalty should be an option, but only used sparingly.
  • No affirmative action; it is a racist policy.
  • Prostitutes should not be arrested, though their pimps should be.
  • The Free Market is a great idea, but some Governmental interference is necessary.
  • Welfare is a good idea, but the Government should attempt to "sell" its welfare to private charity.
  • America is an Empire, it is time we started acting like it.
  • We started the Iraqi War, so we should stay the course in Iraq until Liberty is secure there.
  • It is our duty to come to the aid of oppressed nations (i.e. it is bloody time we interfered in Darfur).
If you need any more info, ask and I will provide.


A fool
Socially and economically you are a libertarian except for, perhaps, your views on the death penalty.

On foreign policy, you are, what is known as a neo-conservative.

Out of the main candidates, you are probably liking Mccain the most and Clinton and Huckabee the least.


Fluffy said:
On foreign policy, you are, what is known as a neo-conservative.

I do not, however, advocate spending ridiculous amounts of US dollars to fund a world-wide empire. Empire should be defined as created or creating nations that value the same type of Libertarian philosophy I hold. (Keeping soldiers in Germany and Japan is a good idea, but we do not need puppet Governments around the world). Social issues are very important as well. Does that still make me a Neo-Conservative? :shrug:


A fool
Perhaps it would be better described as interventionist?

At any rate it appears more productive than its alternative, isolationism.


What am I?

You're just one more person who will never get what you're looking for
from any political label or mouthpiece anywhere.

They don't call it "politics" for nothin'.
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Fluffy said:
Perhaps it would be better described as interventionist?

Maybe... I will have to check further into it. Neo-conservatism appears to be a nebulous term.

Fluffy said:
At any rate it appears more productive than its alternative, isolationism.

I assent.

UltraViolet said:
You're just one more person who will never get what you're looking for from any political label or mouthpiece anywhere.

Well, I am pretty sure I am a Libertarian, albeit not a very extreme one. I simply do not think Libertarianism, alone, defines me. I am rather moderate on economic issues (whereas most Libertarians are very laissez-fair) and I am not an Isolationist like most Libertarians. I would like another word to add to my label to show I am separate from what most people think of when they hear the word "Libertarian."


I disagree. It sounds like you are much more authoritarian than libertarian. You are definitely more left than right, though. Honestly, you sound like a moderate to me. Welcome to the middle-ground!


Emergent Anglo-Catholic
Neolibertarian might be the word you're looking for. That's a label I claim for myself as well, though you'd be more moderate than me on both on economics and social issues. I think we're pretty close on foreign policy.

To describe neolibertarians, Dale Franks says this: [3]
When given a set of policy choices,
  • The choice that maximizes personal liberty is the best choice.
  • The policy choice that offers the least amount of necessary government intervention or regulation is the best choice.
  • The policy choice that provides rational, market-based incentives is the best choice.
In foreign policy, neolibertartianism would be characterized by,
Neolibertarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Liberalism and libertarianism are NOT synonomous. One is a social position, another is an economic position. For example, Ron Paul is a libertarian and a conservative.


The line is blurred. Libertarianism is a political ideology which advocates lots of personal and economic freedom. However, if you are libertarian on a certain issue, it is in a social context. Economic freedom is Neo-Liberalism if I am not mistaken.