I remember going from a little Baptist (40 maybe 50) to a big Baptist church (hundreds like a stadium or circus). I remember being interested more in any little crafts at Sunday school and any singing. I just don't remember fitting in well. I thought the revivals we went to were crazy and a little scary. This was around 4-6 years old. Around 8 I went to a Catholic school, it was the only private Christian school around, and briefly being interested in Catholicism.
It's interesting to observe all the various little sects of Christianity and how many different approaches there actually are.
The sheer might of Catholicism as the big bad one is kind of impressive in its own right and they're really shameless when it comes to flashing their bling - the cathedrals, stained glass windows, gold, jeweled, treasure and everything is really crazy to me but I understand why they do it. If was kind of like a CEO of a religion, I think that's the way I'd go about marketing it - especially since kids typically get awe inspired by stuff like that. I got inundated by Catholicism for the first 18 years of my life though, leading me to really resent it as a teenager and young adult. That's probably why I contemplate returning to it in this little thirty year old crisis thing I've got going on at the moment.
I remember going to an Anglican service or two and being blown away by how ****ty and basic everything looked - like their angle was a true commitment to modesty and integrity in direct contrast to the Catholics.
Pentecostals are kind of funny to me - I've met a couple of them over the last year. I'm kind of amazed by the faith they have in what they practice (they're the speaking in tongue types). I might go to one but I have a feeling I'll get scared away from it. Too weird for me.
My brief little "phases" of being Muslim-curious are definitely being confirmed as a bad fit for me and are totally a reflection of something not healthy going on with me. I probably should just drop the idea altogether at this point.
Was that some imagery that you actually saw to do with some religion or something to do with your own imagination, or both?
The gruesome crucifixes hanging all around the churches probably left some lasting childhood trauma on me. Very violent image.
Jesus had a weird body to me too in most depictions.