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What came before the Big Bang?


Well-Known Member
Then tomorrow's evening must be contemporaneous with yesterday's morning. How interesting. This is what you are saying, isn't it?

So, just what is the character of this time dimension if it doesn't involve passage?

And, your evidence is . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternalism_(philosophy_of_time) and then click on "eternalism ( philosophy of time) " For some reason the site does not click directly. and also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacetime
If time passes, how fast does it pass, seconds per what?? The idea is absurd. And No, I am not saying that tomorrow's evening is contemporaneous with
yesterday's morning. Similarly, I am not saying that India and the US occupy the same place. "now" is like "here". It is relative to the person saying it. For you "here" might be New York city, for me it is North Carolina. Similarly, when Napoleon said "now" he was referring to 1815. When I say "now" I am referring to 2014.
My evidence is
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Just old
Premium Member
hey Thief,
Be you rogue or not, did God move, before the Big Bang, before He caused the creation, before motion, before time ?
And....what non-moving substance did he use to cause the start of the creation.
Somewhat baffling to me, but I'm sure you will explain it.

Gordian Knot

Being Deviant IS My Art.
What came before the Big Bang? Now I realize my answer is kinda simplistic. That in and of itself does not make it incorrect.

What is wrong with admitting we don't know? That, after all, is the truth for everyone. Religion has its own answers, science has its own theories; none of which are provable at this time.

The simple, uncomplicated fact is we do not know.

Now speculation is fun, and I'm not gonna rain on that parade. Let's all be honest though and call our speculation for what it is. Guesses.


Do you believe in the Big Bang?

Do you think it was a superior being who created the Big Bang?

Do you think the multiverse theory is a good explanation?

Was it something else?

We can see the universe move away from us in all different direction. Does that mean earth is the center of the so-called big bang?

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]factseeker88[/FONT]

“[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is WHAT WE DO.” John Ruskin (1819 - 1900) [/FONT]


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
What came before the Big Bang? Now I realize my answer is kinda simplistic. That in and of itself does not make it incorrect.

What is wrong with admitting we don't know? That, after all, is the truth for everyone. Religion has its own answers, science has its own theories; none of which are provable at this time.

The simple, uncomplicated fact is we do not know.

Now speculation is fun, and I'm not gonna rain on that parade. Let's all be honest though and call our speculation for what it is. Guesses.

I guess if I were Dawkins I would reply that you would have to say where God comes from, which takes it back one step, and so brings in the general idea of where everything comes from. To not explain he would say would be a cop out.


Veteran Member
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternalism_(philosophy_of_time) and then click on "eternalism ( philosophy of time) " For some reason the site does not click directly. and also see Spacetime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If time passes, how fast does it pass, seconds per what?? The idea is absurd. And No, I am not saying that tomorrow's evening is contemporaneous with
yesterday's morning. Similarly, I am not saying that India and the US occupy the same place. "now" is like "here". It is relative to the person saying it. For you "here" might be New York city, for me it is North Carolina. Similarly, when Napoleon said "now" he was referring to 1815. When I say "now" I am referring to 2014.
My evidence is
Evidence for General and Special Relativity
Seeing that I've hit a brick wall I think I'm done here. Have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Seeing that I've hit a brick wall I think I'm done here. Have a good day.
Yes, Einstein and Hawking are as substantial as a brick wall.( see post 1635) To debate them is futile.
There is no universal "now" or universal past. "now","past" and "future" are contextual just like "here" ,"east" and "west" are observer dependent. For Napoleon "now" is 1815 and World War 2 is future. For me "now" is 2014 and World War 2 is past. Both Napoleon and I are correct because of
Relativity of simultaneity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In other words one observer will say that event A precedes event B and another will say that they are simultaneous and they both will be right.
There is no before the big bang because time began at the big bang, just as height, depth and width began at the big bang. There wasn't even space before the big bang! Press two fingers together. Before the big bang that was what it was like, even less then empty space ( that has volume). Before the big bang there were no dimensions ( and time is a dimension just like height, depth and width), there was no such thing as volume. I agree that that is hard to comprehend ( and may even sound outrageous) but that is accepted physics. Before the big bang there was no space or time!!!
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Active Member
Do you think it was a superior being who created the Big Bang?
A precedent, self-emergent property is necessary to account for all existence. Also, this property could not possibly be finite; it has to be infinite in order for anything to make any logical sense.

I postulate that this infinity was/is a consciousness itself. Even we can't deny that without abstract thought we cannot formulate concrete things. Abstracts preceded concretes in the beginning and possibly throughout the universe.


Rogue Theologian
hey Thief,
Be you rogue or not, did God move, before the Big Bang, before He caused the creation, before motion, before time ?
And....what non-moving substance did he use to cause the start of the creation.
Somewhat baffling to me, but I'm sure you will explain it.

I can try.
I've been to one of those university physics classes.
The scheme was a overview of everyday items....gravity....light....etc...

The discussion included a notion about calculating work.

Turns out.....holding a book steady at arms reach is not work.
It just feels that way.

According to numbers, if the book has no vector no work is done.
The book must have movement (a direction) for numbers to take hold of it.

Your shoulder might burn and strain holding the weight steady.....
but until it drops....no work is done.
When it drops you can then apply the formulas for gravity.

You can exist....you can strain.....but if it doesn't move......
It (the singularity) is not real yet.



Just old
Premium Member
hey Thief,
Try answering the question, any of them, please.
What does "science" have do to with the questions ?
Did your God move before the "creation" ?
And the assorted other notations made in this thread and the other questions like it.
Flim and Flam, mirrors, that's all I get.
hey GNG,
You seem to be lost in the questions also....or maybe not...some avoidence I seem to sense.
seriously, Earnie Ford ?.....where's the real gravity ?
:facepalm: back at you.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that a Catholic priest, Monsignor Georges Lemaitre, was the first known academic to propose the theory of the expansion of the universe? It's quite true. Take a look at the Wikipedia article on him:


Indeed, the Catholic Church has a long history of investigation of the sciences. There have been many Catholic priests who were scientists throughout history. There were probably a lot of Catholic monks who were also scientists.

Yes, I know about the whole Galileo thing. Unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there about him and his case. This article clears up that misinformation:

The Galileo Controversy | Catholic Answers

Anyway, as far as what happened before the Big Bang, I would have to say that nothing "happened" before the Big Bang. However, God was there because He has existed from eternity to eternity. He has no beginning or end. He is the one who caused/created the Big Bang in my beliefs.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Before the big bang there was no space or time!!!

Gotta be a bit careful here, and I would recommend this wording instead: "Before the big bang there was no space or time, at least as we know them!!!". A great many cosmologists hypothesize that there may have been events preceding the BB and that there may have been some movement within our minute universe prior to the expansion.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
hey Viole,
I want to apoligize about getting smart with that comment about 'spiritual',
just couldn't resist.
I seem to get what you meant, but the 'timespace' thing kind eludes me.
Could you explain it to me ?
Once again, sorry about getting smart arsed, I really like your stuff.
On another throne,

Lol. No problem.

I have been facetious, too :)


- viole


Rogue Theologian
hey Thief,
Try answering the question, any of them, please.
What does "science" have do to with the questions ?
Did your God move before the "creation" ?
And the assorted other notations made in this thread and the other questions like it.
Flim and Flam, mirrors, that's all I get.
hey GNG,
You seem to be lost in the questions also....or maybe not...some avoidence I seem to sense.
seriously, Earnie Ford ?.....where's the real gravity ?
:facepalm: back at you.

Try rocking a little harder in your chair.
The gravity of the situation will make itself known.


Thou art That
hey Thief,
Try answering the question, any of them, please.
What does "science" have do to with the questions ?
Did your God move before the "creation" ?
And the assorted other notations made in this thread and the other questions like it.
Flim and Flam, mirrors, that's all I get.
hey GNG,
You seem to be lost in the questions also....or maybe not...some avoidence I seem to sense.
seriously, Earnie Ford ?.....where's the real gravity ?
:facepalm: back at you.


Here. I'll give you the clue to the questions you ask:

1st observer: 'the flag is moving'
2nd observer: 'the wind is moving'
3rd observer: 'both wind and flag are moving'
passerby: 'all wrong! your MINDS are moving!'


Thou art That
Anyway, as far as what happened before the Big Bang, I would have to say that nothing "happened" before the Big Bang. However, God was there because He has existed from eternity to eternity. He has no beginning or end. He is the one who caused/created the Big Bang in my beliefs.

If God has no beginning nor end, and therefore no past or future, then the only place He can exist is in this timeless present moment. If only the timeless God is what is real, then all else must not be real. The creation; the BB, are seen as existing in time and space. Therefore, the creation must be an illusion, and if that is the case, then God is a magician, a shape-shifter. Furthermore, the only thing we can experience directly as existing outside of time and space is consciousness, which means consciousness is eternal, having no beginning nor end, and if that which exists outside of time and space; is eternal; and has no beginning nor end, is God, then we, also, are God. On top of that, God cannot be an object, because the very nature of God is that He cannot be encapsulated by form, idea, concept, etc. Therefore, the illusory concepts of subject/object merge into One. And so....

'The universe is the Absolute [or 'God', if you will] as seen through the glass of Time, Space, and Causation'

...Time, Space, and Causation being illusions. Remove these filters, and THEN you will see God.

A man dies and goes to the Pearly Gates, knocking loudly.
'Who knocks?' asks a voice from within.
'Me, Lord. It's me'
'Sorry, we have no 'me's' here. Go away!'
Perplexed, the man leaves, and ponders the problem for a week, after which he returns, again knocking loudly on the Gates.
'Who goes there?' asks a voice from within.
'ME, Lord! It's ME! You know...ME!....ME!...ME!'
'Nope. No such person here. Begone!'
The man, totally upset, goes away for an entire year. Finally, he returns, knocking gently at the Gates.
'Yes?' asks the voice, 'Who is it this time?'
'Why, it's none other than YOU, Oh Lord!'
And with that, the Gates swing wide open.


Rogue Theologian
A man dies and goes to the Pearly Gates, knocking loudly.
'Who knocks?' asks a voice from within.
'Me, Lord. It's me'
'Sorry, we have no 'me's' here. Go away!'
Perplexed, the man leaves, and ponders the problem for a week, after which he returns, again knocking loudly on the Gates.
'Who goes there?' asks a voice from within.
'ME, Lord! It's ME! You know...ME!....ME!...ME!'
'Nope. No such person here. Begone!'
The man, totally upset, goes away for an entire year. Finally, he returns, knocking gently at the Gates.
'Yes?' asks the voice, 'Who is it this time?'
'Why, it's none other than YOU, Oh Lord!'
And with that, the Gates swing wide open.

I read it differently somewhere in scripture.
You knock on the Door, someone opens the window and says.....
'Go away....we don't know you'.

But then of course,.....It's me Lord!....Me, Myself and I!!!!!!
(how could the trinity say 'no', to one of His own?!)


Thou art That
I read it differently somewhere in scripture.
You knock on the Door, someone opens the window and says.....
'Go away....we don't know you'.

But then of course,.....It's me Lord!....Me, Myself and I!!!!!!
(how could the trinity say 'no', to one of His own?!)

Because the Lord knows that 'me' and 'I' are nothing more than cleverly disguised and concocted frauds. :D