Of course this question is addressed both to theists and to atheists. Both to those who believe in evolution and those who believe it's untrue.
Explain why you, through your intelligence, reason and mind developped the awareness and the conviction that Evolution is the historical truth.
If you are a theist, please explain the theological implications, as well.
I will underline that we are not talking about Intelligence Design, here: we are talking about Darwinian evolution based upon the Darwinian principles like natural selection, etc..etc...
Thank you for participating-
I believe there will never be enough evidence for one that believes evolution is true, until they first deal with the root Belief of every atheists core belief! And that is...there is NO god! so then, No matter what evidence is shown or given that there is intelligent design, there will always be the perception that it is wrong.
Our world view determines our core beliefs.
To the one who Believes in God, it only makes logical and intelligent sense that with everything man has ever designed and imagined, to list simply a hand full, i.e. phones, vehicles, books, pencils, paper, computers, websites
etc., that these were infact designed, made by intelligent thought, and not put together by accident or chance, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong that a car, a book, computers etc., can thru millions, hey how about billions of years of chance can somehow create themselves......
So if these and the thousands of other things we (man) have created (logically speaking) could not come into being by chance, how in the world can anyone (logically speaking) believe that we humans, not to mention all the thousand of other living organisms, came into existence by CHANCE! The mathematical probability for that is so far beyond a number anyone could ever calculate, that is simply does not make sense to believe that. AND all this came into being (according to the evolution Theory, NOT SCIENCE) With no Purpose, no thought for BEING! Because if evolution which is really FAITH BASED is true, we came from nothing and we will all end up being............ NOTHING!
I am not saying this to insult you Estro, but really would like to know..........IF THAT IS THE CASE, that there is no God who has created and designed us for PURPOSE, where as we have a written account in which he clearly says that he did infact create us, and created us for a reason, WHY please tell me, why would anyone even CARE TO ASK the QUESTION Estro!
There is no hope in the belief of evolution, no sense of Purpose, no Future, except a for a few hard decades of existence then death! And our whole existence then ends up becoming NOTHING!
I don't want to live in that world, and that World View is the reason for so much hopelessness and fear in this world!
For God so LOVED the world that he gave his only Begotten Son, that whosoever would BELIEVE IN HIM, would not die (cease to exist) but have Everlasting life!.........What a promise of HOPE!