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What did I contribute?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I was thinking of what productive things have I contributed to RF? Has anyone learned from my ramblings? Why am I here?

Not the why am I here because this is a bad place to be; certainly not. More of why am I here when I can do more productive things from spiritual, educational, work, to everything else.

I am thinking about leaving completely soon. I learned a lot; and, I wish I can learn more. I just find when we keep agreeing to disagree we really don't take the time to ask others what they believe about a certain issue from politics to whether we should go to mars or venus if earth blows up soon in our life time and not assume we know them by first impression.

I'll have to meditate to figure what I contribute to RF to where others actually learned something from my being here. Bodhisttvas usually try to help others before they help themselves. When it becomes unproductive, well, what can one do?

I love the conversations, curiousity, and different perspectives we find on the same topics just rehased different. Don't worry, I wont forget whether God exists or not argument. Something always pops up that makes me think, "oh, hum.. now wonder why..." One of those things.

Anyway, I have somewhat of a head start on my spiritual life, going back to school hopefully, and figuring out my road ahead will consume most my time. I may pop in. Not leaving yet.

Thinking about it though.

Later guys.


Veteran Member
Your journey will end when you realize that you are already there, here on RF, or wherever, you are always there, the journey will end when you realize this from deep within. When we realize that we are already there, we then just simply continue our life the same, not trying to be where we are already.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I was thinking of what productive things have I contributed to RF?

Just so you know, you're easily among the most productive members this forum has ever seen since I've been here. And I'm not talking about post count. Quantity of posts without quality doesn't impress me; thoughtfulness of posts does. Those who do post a significant quantity of thoughtful posts do not escape notice or lack impact.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Your journey will end when you realize that you are already there, here on RF, or wherever, you are always there, the journey will end when you realize this from deep within. When we realize that we are already there, we then just simply continue our life the same, not trying to be where we are already.

Hm. It took me a couple of tries reading this. It does make sense when you find you end your journey, you are where you are. If not, you'll continue until where you are going is actually where are now (if that is your message?)

Other than that, definitely we need to be aware of ourselves, goals, etc. That's like.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Just so you know, you're easily among the most productive members this forum has ever seen since I've been here. And I'm not talking about post count. Quantity of posts without quality doesn't impress me; thoughtfulness of posts does. Those who do post a significant quantity of thoughtful posts do not escape notice or lack impact.

Thank you. I highly appreciate your comments. I do put a lot of thought and effort to my posts even the ones that are circular. I guess it comes natural when I have a goal in mind.

I love reading your replies to people. You seem to have a calmness about you that people would notice a mile away. You're path suits you beautifully. I can pick a good handful of you guys that would make it hard to leave this place.

Ima stick around a little. It seems like I'm running out of productive things to say.

Thank you.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Perhaps find different ways of telling the story? Sometimes I find your posts hard to decipher, and they pose great challenges for me, but in a good way. I can't say that about many things I read, not just on RF, but in general. Maybe telling the story differently would ruin that. I don't know.

One never knows when inspiration will move one to create an interesting new thread either. I'm terrible at making threads for most of the ideas I come up with. Listened to an amazing episode of Druidcast recently that had about three or four thread ideas in it, but the correct presentation hasn't struck me. One would be about the notion of transmigration versus transformation in ideas about afterlives. One would be about the subject of grieving the dead, or perhaps more broadly, allowing people to feel what they feel without considering it "bad" or "undesirable." Another about how Western culture insulates us from death, and the affect that has on our mentality towards it. All appropriate topics given the approach of MidAutumn/Samhain.


I also think you are a valuable member who has contributed a lot.

It's always enjoyable to see and interact with someone who really discusses things with people - rather than repetitively talking at them or telling them how it is.


Veteran Member
Hm. It took me a couple of tries reading this. It does make sense when you find you end your journey, you are where you are. If not, you'll continue until where you are going is actually where are now (if that is your message?)

Other than that, definitely we need to be aware of ourselves, goals, etc. That's like.
Well when we are Self realized, we just continue on with our life with the same goals, but now we live our life in the moment, not in the past or some imagined future, this is the difference, in others words life is much better.


Veteran Member
I also think you are a valuable member who has contributed a lot.

It's always enjoyable to see and interact with someone who really discusses things with people - rather than repetitively talking at them or telling them how it is.
That certainly can be true, but also the ego will do anything not to realize the truth, its much happier being on the so called journey, not that there is anything wrong with a journey, after all we have no choice to be where we are, everything in truth is just perfect the way it is.


Premium Member
Your lovely presence in RF is a more than enough contribution, Carlita :)


I mean, goodness and education are received in different ways, including good implications of the person in how they interact and represent themselves. We have a running saying here that translates to "show me Islam, don't teach me Islam", which means that one's behavior is more important than what they simply feed to others. Reputation of a community is highly affected with the nature of its individuals.

It is good to have you here :)

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I also think you are a valuable member who has contributed a lot.

It's always enjoyable to see and interact with someone who really discusses things with people - rather than repetitively talking at them or telling them how it is.

Thank you for that. I do try my best. Think my stubbling block is word count. :p


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I was thinking of what productive things have I contributed to RF? Has anyone learned from my ramblings? Why am I here?

Not the why am I here because this is a bad place to be; certainly not. More of why am I here when I can do more productive things from spiritual, educational, work, to everything else.

I am thinking about leaving completely soon. I learned a lot; and, I wish I can learn more. I just find when we keep agreeing to disagree we really don't take the time to ask others what they believe about a certain issue from politics to whether we should go to mars or venus if earth blows up soon in our life time and not assume we know them by first impression.

I'll have to meditate to figure what I contribute to RF to where others actually learned something from my being here. Bodhisttvas usually try to help others before they help themselves. When it becomes unproductive, well, what can one do?

I love the conversations, curiousity, and different perspectives we find on the same topics just rehased different. Don't worry, I wont forget whether God exists or not argument. Something always pops up that makes me think, "oh, hum.. now wonder why..." One of those things.

Anyway, I have somewhat of a head start on my spiritual life, going back to school hopefully, and figuring out my road ahead will consume most my time. I may pop in. Not leaving yet.

Thinking about it though.

Later guys.

I find myself usually reading your posts. They often come from a different perspective to my own, and they are thoughtful.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I admitt people on RF tend to blurr, so you don't really get to know them very well unless you use chat or conversation. Even then, something is lacking. RF is no substitute for conversations with real people offline. so there is nothing wrong with wanting to go if that is the reason. I've wanted to go a few times as I get guilt over how much time I'm on the internet, but there is a sort of tipping point when I realised I'll stay because there simply won't be anywhere better than RF and I just need to change my habits and have a more healthy relationship with the internet. its also nice just to have a group or club where you add something to it and know that you may have made a small difference in the course of the day. it's not much, but I can be proud of a few of my posts or just get stuff out of my system.

I've seen your name come up a few times, and I remember its a welcome relief to see a thread by you as there is ussually alot of thought behind them. I had read them, even if I don't reply as I know its worth my time. I glanced at your thread "Stuck in a rut" yesterday and right now I suspect you're probably feeling down because of "offline stuff" not going well. there are a few freindly faces on RF who may help cheer you up and will help out if they can. best of luck whatever you do. :)

(p.s. if you want to go, the best thing to do is head for the exit. we'll still try to stop you but its what you want that is important.)


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Has anyone learned from my ramblings?
See great potential within you from some of the questions you've asked.... To the open mind we're always learning; so you've helped question many things. :heart:

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I was thinking of what productive things have I contributed to RF? Has anyone learned from my ramblings? Why am I here?

Later guys.
You've made me strive to be more open minded/


Love everyone, meditate often
I was thinking of what productive things have I contributed to RF? Has anyone learned from my ramblings? Why am I here?

Not the why am I here because this is a bad place to be; certainly not. More of why am I here when I can do more productive things from spiritual, educational, work, to everything else.

I am thinking about leaving completely soon. I learned a lot; and, I wish I can learn more. I just find when we keep agreeing to disagree we really don't take the time to ask others what they believe about a certain issue from politics to whether we should go to mars or venus if earth blows up soon in our life time and not assume we know them by first impression.

I'll have to meditate to figure what I contribute to RF to where others actually learned something from my being here. Bodhisttvas usually try to help others before they help themselves. When it becomes unproductive, well, what can one do?

I love the conversations, curiousity, and different perspectives we find on the same topics just rehased different. Don't worry, I wont forget whether God exists or not argument. Something always pops up that makes me think, "oh, hum.. now wonder why..." One of those things.

Anyway, I have somewhat of a head start on my spiritual life, going back to school hopefully, and figuring out my road ahead will consume most my time. I may pop in. Not leaving yet.

Thinking about it though.

Later guys.
You do what you need to do, I don't think anyone here will judge you for it. I've enjoyed having you here. You really are a light on this forum. We're all on a spiritual journey and it doesn't go away when you leave these forums. My only hope is that you never stop searching for the truth.