I looked at the transcript. First line: "Where were you on March 9, 2022 when President Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom?" Nobody worth reading writes like that.
This is the style one chooses to snare uncritical minds. This is the style that dominates rightwing indoctrination media - "Be afraid, be very afraid. They're coming for your guns, Bibles, and rights!" It's also the antivaxxer rhetoric tone: "They're trying to change your DNA and chip you."
I belong to a local email group that has been discussing politics among other things for years now, most American, two Canadian. Scottie is the guy who keeps bringing material like this to the group for opinions. I think he trusts the judgment of a few of us, who, like everybody so far on this thread, are in agreement about the material Scotty finds - it's disinformation. And we discuss the red flags that help one see that. It's in the meta-message the writer or speaker sends (ethos) with the intended message (logos).
As noted, ethos refers to the meta-message a speaker or writer sends his audience in addition to the explicit meaning of his argument, such as does he seem knowledgeable, does he seem sincere, does he seem credible, does he seem trustworthy, does he seem competent, does he show good judgment, does he seem to have a hidden agenda, is he more interested in convincing with impartial argument or persuading with emotive language or specious argumentation, and the like. This man has a hidden agenda, and is not to be trusted. One can assume that he will omit relevant data and make specious arguments. it's the part and parcel of indoctrination. It typifies creationist apologetics, commercials, and political propaganda. The intent is to persuade, not convince with evidence and argument (educate).