Astrology may be more of a marker of time (based on location of stars, instead of using a watch or other means) rather than stars and their Masters existing alone in a vacuum.
What do I mean by that?
Well, we as humans celebrate certain anniversaries typically based on a date-time schematic. For example, some historic battle that occured on date-day-time. In this scenario, let's say it was humans engaged in great struggle, let us say it was Greeks in battle with Persians thousands of years ago on a field of battle in Peloponnesia. The armies on each side engaged in horrific arm to arm conflict with death in the air and minds in an altered state where each hour, each minute, then each second moves in slow motion and some sort of invisible yet almost visible appiration is moving everywhere and on the horizon. A collective mind exists among ranks of young men who are "led" by old men. Suddenly, almost and perhaps by the shear existence of this now living and very real collective mind which has come to life and is now living on the battlefield, men start to see Apollo. Apollo is moving now. Men are falling, left, right, others passing over, under, the day is now colored an odd yellow, the night an odd blue. Before all is over, the impact of each man and each moment was so living yet so permeating in the air, tree, ground, it writes grooves not understood into the stones at the very place. Almost like grooves in a vinyl record.
The anniversary of that moment is remembered each date-day-time in a cycle. All those who do, they also have some sort of collective mind. Then they are like a needle on a record player. It touches the grooves, and it plays the record. It also effects all those involved however subtle in a shared way. Now multiple people are sharing something that effects their consciousness and behavior in a shared manner all because of something that happened before on some sort of time clockwork.
Across the universe and time, many things have happened, and more to come. So much so, we do not know it all. But when you were born, something did, it is an anniversary. It may not have happened here. It doesn't matter. Many things determine your moment of birth, and that very moment is also some sort of clockwork in time and some sort of anniversary. Suras and Devatas rule areas and planets. They too, may have been there at that minute or moment of that anniversary. Cycles and positions of stars can put the face of a clock on the clockwork. You share that anniversary with others, and when that clock face matches another the next moment, yet again you share another anniversary. The needle touches the record and plays. All those in that shared collective hear a "song". Your participation effects your consciousness and all those you share that anniversary in a shared way. You also start forming a mass consciousness. Apollo then moves. Or Kartikeya. You share a conscious effect. You may all start to sing along, some soft, some loud.
It might be like that.
Om Namah Sivaya