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What do you think of ISIS/Islamic State?


Active Member
I really don't understand what you expect from me to do. I stand up against the criminals and condemn them.

As for bravery, I am not only brave enough to stand up against criminals (be them the occupier zionist entity or the criminal ISIS entity) but also brave enough to fight them. But, you should know that, "Turkish" government supports the existence of the rapist Israel and it also funds, trains and arms ISIS and alike movements (Nusra, FSA/IF, etc) for the destruction of Syria and Iraq. And it is not possible that I can join the Syrian and Iraqi army or some resistance movements like Hamas and Hizbollah who are correct in their cause, (the government won't allow me even if these states and groups allow me), so it is not possible UNLESS the conflicts spread into Turkey and the borders are not controlled by the "Turkish" government government.

Let me show you an example:

Unbelievable! "Syrian" terrorists (who speak Turkish) on live TV, talk about Turkish government's support for insurgents and they cross the border to fight with Syrian State

Here CNN "Turk" reporter speaks with a Syrian terrorist in Turkey, close to Syrian border. And he speaks of how Turkish government allows them freely to cross the border, treats their wounded, feeds, funds and arms them and sends them back to Syria to fight with the state. And during the interview, he says enough now, "I need to go back and fight". And he goes. As you see, the Turkish government supports, funds and arms the terrorist groups in Syria. They are allowed to cross the border freely. But, those who oppose terrorist groups are not allowed to cross the border and join the Syrian and Iraqi army. So, there is no way I can join the Syrian and Iraqi nation to eliminate these puppet terrorists. Not now. But I hope there will be a time for me.
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Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
The so called Islamic State is proving to be anti-Islamic.

I usually disagree with the Muftis of Saudi but here is a fatwa from Saudi I agree with

Last week, key clerics from the Muslim world issued two fatwas, or religious edicts, against the group.

One came from senior religious leaders in Saudi Arabia, and the other came from bin Bayyah. His fatwa calls for dialogue about the true tenets of Islam and, over the course of many pages, questions just about everything for which ISIS says it stands. The fatwa says establishing a caliphate by force is a misreading of religious doctrine. Killing of innocents and violence, the fatwa declares, are wrong too.

Bin Bayyah said in an interview with NPR that he hopes the religious ruling will slow the group's momentum. "Primarily [the fatwa] is really about addressing the mistakes, and it's really warning them and advising them that what you are doing is clearly wrong," he said.

Bin Bayyah is known as a scholar's scholar. He was born in the North African country of Mauritania and studied in Islamic centers there. He served as a judge of the High Court in Mauritania



Active Member
Hey everyone. What do you think of ISIS, also known as Islamic State, which has control of parts of Syria and Iraq. Do you believe it is a real caliphate? Also, I'd appreciate a little basic information on Muslim theology concerning caliphates and such.

The word Khalifah means 'successor'. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran. Sura Al Nur, ch24 v55 where it says that Allah promises Khilafat to those who believe and do good works. After the time of the rightly guided Khalifahs following the death of the Holy Prophet(saw) Muslims continued to use the title Calif for their political leaders and for most of the world this is what a Calif is - a political leader. However these are not appointed by God and do not have His authority.

Khilafat | Caliphate | The Guided Khilafat | Khilafat e Ahmadiyya - Al Islam Online


Well-Known Member
The word Khalifah means 'successor'. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran. Sura Al Nur, ch24 v55 where it says that Allah promises Khilafat to those who believe and do good works. After the time of the rightly guided Khalifahs following the death of the Holy Prophet(saw) Muslims continued to use the title Calif for their political leaders and for most of the world this is what a Calif is - a political leader. However these are not appointed by God and do not have His authority.

Khilafat | Caliphate | The Guided Khilafat | Khilafat e Ahmadiyya - Al Islam Online

Hello Seeking4truth. I am sorry but I did not fully understand what you said in your last sentence. Are you saying that the self-proclaimed caliph, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is not appointed by God?


Active Member
It is not a question of Muslim theology. It is a question of logic. God helps and supports those all who listen to Him and act according to His guidance. By doing this they have the whole range of help that He can give.
That is why history if filled with stories of prophets/messengers who managed to bring success and progress to those communities who understood and followed their teachings. The success was seen not fully developed necessarily in the lifetime of the messenger but in the succeeding generations who followed the guidance.

Unfortunately as soon as the followers grew successful and achieved political and economic success they relied on God less and thought themselves in control and powerful thus neglecting to obey the guidelines. Hence a decline and loss of faith. It is seen in all religious communities and is the reason for continually updating and raising new messengers.

There is no conflict in the instructions God has given, they are the same for all faiths.
Do you know of any religion which says persecution is acceptable, to kill innocent people or destroy communities is a righteous act?


Well-Known Member
It is not a question of Muslim theology. It is a question of logic. God helps and supports those all who listen to Him and act according to His guidance. By doing this they have the whole range of help that He can give.
That is why history if filled with stories of prophets/messengers who managed to bring success and progress to those communities who understood and followed their teachings. The success was seen not fully developed necessarily in the lifetime of the messenger but in the succeeding generations who followed the guidance.

Unfortunately as soon as the followers grew successful and achieved political and economic success they relied on God less and thought themselves in control and powerful thus neglecting to obey the guidelines. Hence a decline and loss of faith. It is seen in all religious communities and is the reason for continually updating and raising new messengers.

There is no conflict in the instructions God has given, they are the same for all faiths.
Do you know of any religion which says persecution is acceptable, to kill innocent people or destroy communities is a righteous act?

Oh okay. Well, thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it. That said, I definitely don't know of any religions which says that persecution is acceptable or that to kill innocent people or destroy communities is a righteous act.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
ISIS & other fundamentalist terror groups are still living in the 7th century committing mass murder, persecution, atrocities, on a level never seen before.
Today technowledgy exists enabling more people, to more quickly,& with greater efficiency, to murder, maim, & enslave others. Methods gladly embraced by murderous thugs acting under cover of "religion".


Well-Known Member
As sunni muslim i visit regularly some mosques whose adherents and imams are called 'Salafis'(people accuse them wrongly of supporting outlawed groups) i can assure you that we are anti-isis. We believe they damage the image of islam, they violate the rules of islam. The mosque warns the youth from going to Syria to join Dawlah(isis) or Jabhat(Nusrah). They are an evil offshoot of the Khawarij.
Nevertless we believe Assad is bigger evil, gassing and bombing his own people, using militias controlled from Iran. And this is our right to believe so.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
"And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter... and fight them until fitnah is no more, and religion is for Allah." (Quran 2:191)

"Prophet! Rouse the believers to wage war. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred: if a hundred, they will subdue a thousand of the disbelievers: for these are a people without understanding."

Quran, [Quran 8:65]

Much like this in the Quran.


In the name of Allah. Salam sister zoogirl02, I believe these short videos summarize my stance towards them. But I need to note that they contain some disturbing graphics.

A shia scholar says, I don't like the God of ISIS, where he means the understanding of God and Religion of extremist Muslims (In Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, etc.) and extremist Christians (in C.A.R., etc) and extremist Jews (in Palestine, etc.) is not the true understanding of God and religion.

Nasr TV - I Don't Like the God of ISIL

Just a quick note on a name you might not be familiar with. Umar bin Sa'd as he refers to was one of the commanders of Yazeed who massacred the flowers (progeny) of Prophet Muhammad (73 of them) in order to get into power.

Here's another short video discussing the similarities between ISIL and Israel:

Nasr TV - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

And a most important one, extremists hijacking of religion:

Nasr TV - Allah Akbar, God Is the Greatest

I hope it helps.

And here's what an Arab Christian has to say:

Christian Singer Appeals: ISIS, Israel Different Sides of Same Coin (English Subtitles) - YouTube

ma salam

It's Sunni forum here ! post these Shiaa videos somewhere else.


New Member
As a very new member here (although I have been reading this site for a few weeks) and as a person who is starting to attend Mosque, I would be delighted to also give my views on IS (or ISIS).

I can see from the more learned members here that the consensus is that IS is not in accordance with Islam in the broader scope.

In the 1970's/80 we had the Rote Armee Fraction (Baader-Meinhof), Brigada Rossa in Italy, Action Direct (France): By and large 'bored' youth in Europe looking for something, and preferable something in opposition to parents/the establishment.

Although IS is much more complex than this, I do believe it is telling that the % recruitment is European youth, not youth from the region (%-wise that is).

IS is also recruiting rather well-educated youth (as Baader-Meinhof also was); hence their grasp of social media, etc. is rather scary.

There is a lot more to it, but I think this is a factor not to be overlooked in the bigger picture. In essence, if the BBC article (where I got some of it from - can't find it of course), then the bored youth (Europe mainly) could just as well have found another thing (Baader-Meinhof found communism after all... and that was as far removed from the Communist ideals as anything).

Do the recent recruits (Europe) even understand what Islam is? doubt it very much.

Just another comment.



New Member
In my opinion ISIS are either extremely deserted "Muslims" (using that term loosely) or Non Muslims who are making Muslims look bad. If it weren't for ISIS, Muslims won't have such a bad name in the west. ISIS' plan is eventually to have two groups, Non muslims and the rest (ISIS and real Muslims). They also are brainwashing the young people easily also, it's scary. So if they don't get dealt with soon, there is gonna be some issues, but that's just me


Well-Known Member
In my opinion ISIS are either extremely deserted "Muslims" (using that term loosely) or Non Muslims who are making Muslims look bad. If it weren't for ISIS, Muslims won't have such a bad name in the west. ISIS' plan is eventually to have two groups, Non muslims and the rest (ISIS and real Muslims). They also are brainwashing the young people easily also, it's scary. So if they don't get dealt with soon, there is gonna be some issues, but that's just me

Unfortunately, ISIS is not solely responsible for the bad view of Islam that many have in the West. I believe Al Qaida and other terrorist organizations ran by Islamic extremists are also responsible.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
If it weren't for ISIS, Muslims won't have such a bad name in the west.
They've had a pretty bad name since 9/11, albeit it has likely gotten worse since ISIS (I've not seen/read any reports on it).
They also are brainwashing the young people easily also, it's scary.
What we see them doing are common terrorist recruitment tactics, which we see them being employed time and time again yet we haven't learned to deal with it because it would force us to accept that we have our hand in playing an important role in creating monsters, as marginalized people who feel they have little control, power, and hope in their lives are primed for radicalization when a recruiter approaches them offering promises of hope, empowerment, and making a change in the world.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hey everyone. What do you think of ISIS, also known as Islamic State, which has control of parts of Syria and Iraq. Do you believe it is a real caliphate? Also, I'd appreciate a little basic information on Muslim theology concerning caliphates and such.

It's a fake horrible misguided group, that's why all Muslim scholars around the world warn about them and are all against them. They didn't manage to have the support of any real scholar, and what they do is against all what Islam stands for.

Please watch this:

caliphate was the name of what other nations would have called "empire" but since it was ruled according to Islam, so it was called the caliphate come from the word Caliph which just mean a successor.

You can read more about it below:


Well-Known Member
As sunni muslim i visit regularly some mosques whose adherents and imams are called 'Salafis'(people accuse them wrongly of supporting outlawed groups) i can assure you that we are anti-isis. We believe they damage the image of islam, they violate the rules of islam. The mosque warns the youth from going to Syria to join Dawlah(isis) or Jabhat(Nusrah). They are an evil offshoot of the Khawarij.
Nevertless we believe Assad is bigger evil, gassing and bombing his own people, using militias controlled from Iran. And this is our right to believe so.

But didn't he only start doing that after some of his people rose up against him?