This question is addressed to Christians, particularly.
I am curious about the other people's stance, though.
So anyone can express their opinion on what Purgatory is.
Purgatory - Wikipedia
You can express your global vision on soteriology, as well. I would appreciate it, if you did.
Thank you in advance.
Personally, I believe the general concept of purgatory is incorrect and that being that somehow semi-good people are being cleansed or paying for their sins.
The legal ramifications of the cross speaks otherwise…
Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Hebrews 10: 1-18 summed up in 12 "But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;"
The legality is that sin and all of its consequences were on Jesus and have been completely removed as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12). Though our sins were red as scarlet, He has made us white a snow (Is 1:18)
My understanding is that the story of the rich man and Lazarus is real. Abraham’s bosom was not a “purgatory” even though all had sinned. Was the other side of the chasm a purgatory until Jesus paid for all sins and are the people Jesus preached to after the removal of sins (`1 Peter 3:19)? Maybe. Is it just a holding cell until the day of Judgment? A definite maybe. Maybe a combination of the two? Possibly - beyond my pay-grade.
God is just, merciful and right. THAT I know.
Definitely, there is no purgatory today (if there was one)