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what does worship mean to you .


Istha gosthi
despite our different traditions we all have a different understanding of worship.
as worship relies so heavily on personal understanding even our own ideas develop over the years .

how would you define worship and what does it mean to you ?

Me Myself

Back to my username
It´s hard to pin point.

I think it has the closest resemblance to grattitude and celebration of a deity, in my case. I think I´d relate it to that. :)

It´s about manifesting the happiness that this deity makes you feel, so you share it with the world and the deity. Even though the deity doesn´t actually need it, it jst feels nice and... well, warm to do so :eek:


Istha gosthi
dear me my self ,

It´s hard to pin point.

I think it has the closest resemblance to grattitude and celebration of a deity, in my case. I think I´d relate it to that. :)

It´s about manifesting the happiness that this deity makes you feel, so you share it with the world and the deity. Even though the deity doesn´t actually need it, it jst feels nice and... well, warm to do so :eek:

although the deity does not need it , as krsna says in the bhagavad gita ch 12 ...v 20...

Those who follow this imperishable path of devotional service and who completely engage themselves with faith , making me the the supreme goal are very , very dear to me .:namaste

so which ever your deity ,and allthough that deity needs nothing , your worship will be most dear to that form .


Premium Member
dear prabhu ji ,

please please expand on each :)
particularly shakti and refinement :)

Worship brings out shakti. The more the worship, the more sincere the worship, the stronger the power of the deity ... bringing a blissful state comparable only to inner states achieved through intense meditation ... it is the 'how and why of temple and personal worship. Non temple goers, unable to feel this will never understand.

Refinement ... the cause of personal refinement, the qualities of humility, kindness, humour, gentleness, friendliness, wisdom, tact, understanding, compassion, love, sincerity, will, determination for just causes, honesty, intuitive intelligence, insight, dissipation of confusion, ... these and more are all bolstered by shakti.


Istha gosthi
Worship brings out shakti. The more the worship, the more sincere the worship, the stronger the power of the deity ... bringing a blissful state comparable only to inner states achieved through intense meditation ... it is the 'how and why of temple and personal worship. Non temple goers, unable to feel this will never understand.

jai jai " the stronger the power of the deity" ... the closer they come to you , such is their blessing in return for your love .

Refinement ... the cause of personal refinement, the qualities of humility, kindness, humour, gentleness, friendliness, wisdom, tact, understanding, compassion, love, sincerity, will, determination for just causes, honesty, intuitive intelligence, insight, dissipation of confusion, ... these and more are all bolstered by shakti.

and their mercy :namaste


Premium Member
mercy ... for what? Yes we all make mistakes, but its not like God will forgive you for stupid actions ... there is karma involved..


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
how would you define worship and what does it mean to you ?

Well, it's certainly not this... :eek:

Israel Houghton - Lord You Are Good - YouTube

I'm only minimally ritualistic. That is I don't do puja as it's generally understood. The closest I come to it is lighting candles and incense at the altar, saying prayers from a little booklet I made, waving the light, ringing the bell (which I think is more for me), and spending some time in prayer and meditation. That's the extent of my ritual worship.

My other form or idea of worship is mentally chanting the Maha Mantra several times a day; listening to bhajans; saying little prayers and talking to him throughout the day (I try to shut up long enough to let him talk :D); trying to remember to offer what I eat or do, to Lord Krishna; and when I have the chance to spend quiet time, just meditate. I won't know when my time will come, so I try to keep him in mind as much as possible. "If you don't think of him in life, how can you expect to think of him in death?" (someone said that, but I forgot who).


Well-Known Member
despite our different traditions we all have a different understanding of worship.
as worship relies so heavily on personal understanding even our own ideas develop over the years .

how would you define worship and what does it mean to you ?

Worship i cant say i do, don't how to, but Pooja, yes.

I praise (pooja) the infinite attributes of Ishwar, I praise because my finiteness is nothing compared to the infiniteness of Brahm, and Ishwar is praiseworthy (poojanye). So i guess i admire all of its names and forms. I admire, because there is nothing else but Ishwar who can set me free.


Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
despite our different traditions we all have a different understanding of worship.
as worship relies so heavily on personal understanding even our own ideas develop over the years .

how would you define worship and what does it mean to you ?

My tradition teaches that Puja means Pu = merits & Ja = give birth to. The greatest merit is to guide your awareness in to the presents of God. Spend as much time as you can there. Then to walk through your life with that being your awareness.


Istha gosthi
dear vinayakaji ,

mercy ... for what? Yes we all make mistakes, but its not like God will forgive you for stupid actions ... there is karma involved..

prehaps you missunderstood my use of the word mercy ? try Grace .

bhagavad gita ch .10 ...v .39

I am the seed of all existance , there is no moving or non moving being that exists without me .
...v ,41

know that all opulant , beautifull and glorious creations spring from but a spark of my splendor .

...v .42 (2nd half)

.... with a single fragment of myself I support the entier universe .

and it is by the mercy or grace of the lord that the darkness of ignorance is removed from our minds , as you say dissipation of confusion :)


despite our different traditions we all have a different understanding of worship.
as worship relies so heavily on personal understanding even our own ideas develop over the years .

how would you define worship and what does it mean to you ?
Lust is worshipping sex, and moving towards it,
Anger is worshipping their enemies, and moving towards them,
Greed is worshipping money, and moving towards it,
False attachments are worshipping their childrens, and moving towards them,
Vanity is worshipping name-fame, ego or pride, and moving towards existance.

Sometimes we follow lust, sometimes we follow anger and greed, and the rest which is left behind is acquired by false attachments and vanity.

Away from all this, lovers of god are entangled by love, and worship only god, and are moving towards supreame.

Thus to me, nothing in this whole universe is apart from worship. Some worships entangle us in this universe again and again, on the other hand one librate us from all this.:)
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Istha gosthi
dear prabhu ji ,

Lust is worshipping sex, and moving towards it,
Anger is worshipping their enemies, and moving towards them,
Greed is worshipping money, and moving towards it,
False attachments are worshipping their childrens, and moving towards them,
Vanity is worshipping name-fame, ego or pride, and moving towards existance.

Sometimes we follow lust, sometimes we follow anger and greed, and the rest which is left behind is acquired by false attachments and vanity.

Away from all this, lovers of god are entangled by love, and worship only god, and are moving towards supreame.

ah ha , not only lovers of god , but allso those who marvel at the lord realizing his magnitude and those who praise out of pure devotion :)

Thus to me, nothing in this whole universe is apart from worship. Some worships entangle us in this universe again and again, on the other hand one librate us from all this.:)
jai jai


Istha gosthi
dear prabhu ji's

in the words of Shankaracharia , from Bhaja Govindam ,

O deluded minded friend, chant Govinda, worship Govinda, love Govinda as there is no other way to cross the life's ocean except lovingly remembering the holy names of God. ॥33॥

I canot help but feel that which ever the deity form you have come to favour the instruction or realization is still the same ...

simply chant , worship , love there is no other way :)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Worship, for me, is offering gratitude and expressing love for the Divine.


dear prabhu ji
Dear devi ji. :)
ah ha , not only lovers of god , but allso those who marvel at the lord realizing his magnitude and those who praise out of pure devotion :)
Marveling, and praising God, days and nights is the basic qualitiy of the one who has fallen in love with god, Such person does not praise consciously, it happens unconciously, or it automatically becomes the part of habit. :)
_/\_ _/\_ :)


Istha gosthi
dear prabhu ji's ,

Dear devi ji. :)

Marveling, and praising God, days and nights is the basic qualitiy of the one who has fallen in love with god, Such person does not praise consciously, it happens unconciously, or it automatically becomes the part of habit. :)

_/\_ _/\_ :)

jai jai .

this automatic habit is our bhava , and becomes our meditation , bhavasamadhi

quote ...
, the calm, peaceful, gentle or saintly attitude adopted by the ancient Rishis.
, the attitude of a servant towards his master, exemplified by Hanuman.
, the attitude of a friend as exemplified by Arjuna towards Krsna .
, the attitude of a mother towards her child as exemplified by Kausalya towards Rama , and of Yasoda towards Krsna .
(or kantabhava), the attitude of a woman in love as exemplified by Radha and Mirabai toward Krsna .
, the attitude that the Lord is present everywhere.

....Ramakrishna paramahansa stated that real bhava means establishing a relationship with the Divine and maintaining it brightly in our consciousness at all times, "whether eating, drinking, sitting or sleeping."

here it becomes evident that our love has distinct qualities
as chinu ji says

Such person does not praise consciously, it happens unconciously, or it automatically becomes the part of habit. :)
thus there is allso a mood or a quality to our worship .


Istha gosthi
dear wanabe ji ,
My tradition teaches that Puja means Pu = merits & Ja = give birth to. The greatest merit is to guide your awareness in to the presents of God. Spend as much time as you can there. Then to walk through your life with that being your awareness.

jai jai I salute your devotion , may it allways increase :namaste

this way is most beautifull , if one can take that awareness into ones daily life one has certainly accheived true worship .