I think almost every modern group misinterprets Islam in some way.
However, when it comes to antisemitism, calls to violence, hatred, bigotry, torturing, humiliating, decapitating, mutilating, dismembering, crucifying, and wiping out non-muslims, it's clearly and blatantly commanded in the Qu'ran, and can be found in the Hadiths, and the lifestyle of the founding "Prophet", as well.
Pointing out such errors should be just as acceptable and politically correct as pointing out the errors of Nazism, but it's not!
See the verses I quoted a few posts up. It's thoroughly disgusting bigotry, no matter what context a person tries to use to defend it!
The Qur'an can be interpreted any way you want. Most (actually all) the Muslims i know read it as a book of peace.
Some don't. Daesh (and other jehadists) who account for about 0.006% of Muslims don't interpret it that way.
It is interesting that in several recent analysis the Bible was found to be more violent than the Qur'an but it seems Christianity is less violent... Why?
Christianity has a 600 year head start on Islam, it has gone through (and is still going through today) violent outbursts but we in the west hear little of them. For example, Anti-Balaka in Africa are killing vast numbers of people.
Here is a wiki link to Christian terrorism both historical and current for your perusal.
. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_terrorism