I was baptized an Anglican a few weeks ago.
I missed this announcement. Wow!
I am finding, however, that young Protestants (under 30 or 35) seem to take Protestantism to mean:
1. No liturgy.
2. No Tradition.
3. No Saints.
4. Bible only.
5. Rock music.
Liturgy: many do not understand what it is for. If more evangelicals had heard of it and understood what it was for they would request it perhaps.
Tradition: this is hard sell, because what is it?
No Saints: The superstitions surrounding saints prevent the Wandering Generations from reassessing the concept. What's missing is a lot of information -- probably information which is not public. Possibly it has been forgotten. Commune with saints, why? Because catholics do it? Otherwise church people might be interested.
Bible Only: developed in USA in places where people had only preachers and bibles. For example in the Appalachians some people began handling snakes in church, because of
Mark chapter 16, which is now widely understood to be a late addition to the gospel as it does not appear in the earliest manuscripts. For long periods of time the anglicans and the other catholics were distrusted and for good reason. They were politically active. The Puritans (Calvinists) in the 17th century avoided the oppression of state churches, and state churches were typically thought of as oppressive. This thinking became part of USA thought in many places other than New England where the Puritans were. Many churches saw the traditional churches as political -- which they were. The traditions were mostly forgotten in many places. Eucharist become communion -- similar in form but performed differently. Vestments slowly became a thing of the past.
Rock Music: when this appeared it was originally suspected of being evil, but after it won over public trust the churches set out to put it into use. That acceptance process took about 40 years. I don't think people understand worship and why hymns are used or why this or that, so they just do whatever they find in scripture. For example somebody in scripture lifts their hands, so people think that must be part of worship.
Its not just rock music that has been introduced though, but its that churches now have "Music ministry" which is used effectively to set the mood in church services. Many will have a music team which provides mood, sometimes even during the preaching. Many people consider the musical notes and the rhythm to have a supernatural quality, too. I tend to think that is incorrect, however it does set the mood.
So what keeps an Anglican from visiting other kinds of churches to meet people? I don't see why you cannot.