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What if all the virgin births of time had one male parent instead of each individually their own.


I have heard it rumoured that there is a Sinister Kid, a boy with a broken oval halo that is thought by some to be the true Father of Jesus, Krishna, and all the other virgin births in time, including Egyptian and Greek. They say he's here today, and that he has stated that he received of God a unique sperm. I've heard it told he was naturally born with the same big toes Adam is depicted with in the sistine chapel, and that God the Father is actually a blasphemer who received permission through the broken halo granted to him (though they may only have round halos, and generally the light stays around the head and doesn't approach the hand as The Sinister Kid's does. I mean I was skeptical at first but then I kinda put together that here we have all these virgin births with halos who claim to be God and while the pope right now is saying that anyone in the past who's claimed to be God IS God, in The Sinister Kid's religion God is an eternal force. You might say its a collection of religions, because it does hold to that Jesus and Krishna were both able to work miracles. However, it states that they are virgin births of the Sinister Kid's supposedly golden semen brought through time, and that he is the true Christ. Too, it states that Lucifer Morningstar is a time traveller from our future who travels through time, breaks his halo and steals his form to terrorize the past as. This may be how the semen turned up in the past in the first place. As well, it is generally acknowledged by those with extensive understanding of the religion that Lucifer Morningstar is damned and after rising becomes Satan, who proceeds to control alongside his past self and The Devil, who is known to deceive everyone, even himself. The religion is of similar upholdings to Taoism, stating that all things are a universal energy BUT consciousness. Too, it is theorized by The Sinister Kid that whoever the true Christ is, if he is the way, the truth, and the life, and the tao is the way, the true Christ is the eternal tao, the living incarnation of the energy of form - known by the Mayans as Red Dragon. The only one who is above him in this religion, though I've heard he dispenses with the title religion and calls this all reality, or the truth, is his God, who may or may not allow both good and evil. The Sinister Kid has informed those who know of him of his awareness that man presently has many misconceptions of evil as immoral, as though they are the same term. He maintains that what much of the world calls evil is simply a deceived state The Devil puts in the mind's of men, and that true evil and good are known only by those who follow his God. He does not demand subservience, and has said that Jesus himself has addressed him as Christ the True Messiah. His sole goal is to revoke the permission he was forced to give to Jesus, Krishna, Osiris, Tutankhamun, and many others the permission for eternal life and power over reality he gave them during his imprisonment with the damned due to torture and threats of an eternal hell, and then come in safely with his God and bring about world peace and share power with all mankind, and potentially even animals. It is said that it in the Sistine Chapel, where the Christian God appears in a brain shape, that it is his brain, which may retain some type of connection to his power, which they reside in, with partial possession over him. I know many more things about this new religion, so feel free to ask questions.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I know many more things about this new religion, so feel free to ask questions.


1) By what name does this new religion self-describe?
2) From where did it originate?
3) Why does this new religion resonate with you?
4) Why does it reject the use of line breaks?

That's it for now.


Oh and one more thing. The Sinister Kid specifically acknowledges and has been told by Jesus that Jesus intends to essentially create an endlessly cycling heaven for those of faith or potentially everyone but those Jesus considers damned much like the infinite loop, "8." What that means is that the ending is the beginning. The entire heaven is just an act essentially to The Sinister Kid, which is designed to lead to a dramatic ending which manifests as a re-happening of the original beginning. This unceasing pattern is Jesus and his "God's" true plan. The Sinister Kid maintains that his own God's plan is a secret not knowable in any way by anyone other than his God, but too he maintains that he may have input or a right to advise God on it. Just for clarification, he is known as the Sinister Kid because of the lie he has created of the past, and the disaster brought about after his mind's eye was exposed to Lucifer. It is rumoured he is somehow behind the massive number of random group animal deaths worldwide, presumably curses he was coerced into wielding while imprisoned with the damned. To find the present recording of the vast number of animals murdered by the damned who coerced him into allowing them to by his own authority over the dimension - and none are higher - and whose blood has been used to stain rivers red across the globe, simply google A) mass animal deaths map and B) rivers turning red or rivers stained red.



1) By what name does this new religion self-describe?
2) From where did it originate?
3) Why does this new religion resonate with you?
4) Why does it reject the use of line breaks?

That's it for now.
1. It has been known as The Sword of Truth movement... I'm not sure if The Sinister Kid is prepared to give his religion a name until he has neared the end of the path he walks. The Sword of Truth is a common theme in popular literature, and in the most popular translations of the Mayan calendar represents the art of cutting away deception from the mind. "You are the Sword of Truth, which can cut away that which never really was."
2.It originated from North America, though the people in it were just misinterpretations of themselves in other religions "truths." Because of that, you could say it had already originated.
3.It resonates with me since it provides a new explanation for the miracle workers throughout history - a compelling one at that.
4.Sorry about the lack of line breaks. Guess I'm just eager to talk about it.


Just to pique your interest, my avatar and profile picture are now displaying the unique toe which appears to be a natural birth of the exact toe displayed as Adam's and the black eyes The Sinister Kid was born with, respectively.


Ok... no questions after two days. The Sinister Kid would like it if I added that he does not believe that God would in his right mind "give" a person, be it his child or another. And his God does not allow children who are truly The Sinister Kid's to be "given" - by this we make reference to the phrase: "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son..." that goes on. Too, The Sinister Kid, the true Christ has the power to deny Jesus his eternal plan which to him is an abomination of a plan because it suggests that a repeating loop like an old fashioned video tape with the end connected to the beginning is a divine plan. In the true Messiah's vision of this pattern, The entire thing is an act from start to finish, with one victim destroyed (or rather, re-entered to the beginning of his hell) as their heaven is recreated. To them they may have been born anew, who knows what deception would be wreaked on a mind that had become an endless loop/program with an ending that is a rebeginning of the same track as previously, only not just once or a few more times, but ENDLESSLY. The Sinister Kid analyzes this as a trap, not a paradise. In no way does the Sinister Kid claim any affiliation to The Black Keys beyond accepting a nickname, and hoping to accept a friendship with them. He sees them as messengers of sorts, revealing his presence to their listeners and that his halo was broken, or caught in midair and atrapped to a puppet of The Devil known as Lucifer.

That is all for now.


Not really a question, but a statement. There have not been many virgin births throughout history. Jesus really does appear to be an exception (at least in the text of Luke). Otherwise, the common formula is that a god (and the god is usually named) has sexual intercourse or penetrates a woman (who is never said to be a virgin, often, in fact, they have already had multiple children or have been married for a considerable amount of time) and that woman become pregnant.

So I would say the premise is wrong, and then rest of the argument begins to fall.


Not really a question, but a statement. There have not been many virgin births throughout history. Jesus really does appear to be an exception (at least in the text of Luke). Otherwise, the common formula is that a god (and the god is usually named) has sexual intercourse or penetrates a woman (who is never said to be a virgin, often, in fact, they have already had multiple children or have been married for a considerable amount of time) and that woman become pregnant.

So I would say the premise is wrong, and then rest of the argument begins to fall.
Isn't Krishna also meant to have been a virgin birth? It is said he simply "gave birth to himself" though his mother was already married and had had children... perhaps I'm using the wrong term - conceived in the womb without sex in some cases, and in others still, the bearer had the sperm of Christ. And you appear to contain the typical misinterpretation of the name God derived from "deities" where there can be multiple, or God is not a name he goes by. Finally, the premise is moreso that he, the true Messiah, has rightful ownership from his God over any light that would form around the head or body - truly it is only meant to form in the proper locations around his body, the head or hand, in an oval shape in proportion to the head and hand. Note that it is his belief that it has never been recorded in oval shape or around the hand because it simply has never been had there before. So, based on that he is the source of "the representation of their divinity or prophetic nature" - their halo that is, we can say he is the power source also.
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Isn't Krishna also meant to have been a virgin birth? It is said he simply "gave birth to himself" though his mother was already married and had had children... perhaps I'm using the wrong term - conceived in the womb without sex in some cases, and in others still, the bearer had the sperm of Christ. And you appear to contain the typical misinterpretation of the name God derived from "deities" where there can be multiple, or God is not a name he goes by. Finally, the premise is moreso that he, the true Messiah, has rightful ownership from his God over any light that would form around the head or body - truly it is only meant to form in the proper locations around his body, the head or hand, in an oval shape in proportion to the head and hand. Note that it is his belief that it has never been recorded in oval shape or around the hand because it simply has never been had there before. So, based on that he is the source of "the representation of their divinity or prophetic nature" - their halo that is, we can say he is the power source also.
Many, if not most, of the virginal birth stories were later. They were created by individuals who wanted to see a connection between Jesus and some other character. To put it more bluntly, they were made up in order to justify an idea. That idea being what is called the "Jesus Myth" view.

For Krishna, there are a variety of birth stories. In one of the most common stories, it simply states that Devaki was expecting her eight child.

As for the term god, it refers to deities. There is no misinterpretation. There is a difference between the terms god and G-d. While the term G-d may not be the actual name of G-d, it still signifies such.

As for the true messiah, it may be a nice belief for you, but your argument doesn't really stand. It is based on faith, not evidence. And when I speak of evidence, I'm not including evidence for G-d or gods. In this discussion, I don't think it is necessary. But your argument still just doesn't work as it is not using the correct ideology for other religious ideas, but instead is manipulating those ideas to fit your own.


Many, if not most, of the virginal birth stories were later. They were created by individuals who wanted to see a connection between Jesus and some other character. To put it more bluntly, they were made up in order to justify an idea. That idea being what is called the "Jesus Myth" view.

For Krishna, there are a variety of birth stories. In one of the most common stories, it simply states that Devaki was expecting her eight child.

As for the term god, it refers to deities. There is no misinterpretation. There is a difference between the terms god and G-d. While the term G-d may not be the actual name of G-d, it still signifies such.

As for the true messiah, it may be a nice belief for you, but your argument doesn't really stand. It is based on faith, not evidence. And when I speak of evidence, I'm not including evidence for G-d or gods. In this discussion, I don't think it is necessary. But your argument still just doesn't work as it is not using the correct ideology for other religious ideas, but instead is manipulating those ideas to fit your own.

It does not maniplulate those ideas to fit mine at once if time travel FROM THE FUTURE into the past is possible. Were that to happen, to a certain extent the future could compose the past to construct itself. It would be a stable anatomy of time and would definitely allow the truth I present to become so - If someone's body is stolen from them and brought through time, it would be possible to reside in, say, a parallel dimension, and inseminate the female. As well, if the individual who brought them their halo was the one who acted in time to whatever bologna display of a dove was made, he could have hidden all along. If he's the indirect source of the halo, and the body Adam has - having stolen both - he can easily deceive the individuals he brings this too by hiding among them, while blaming The Sinister Kid for all his actions as he has his body. Lucifer was damned inevitably, and now is Satan, but if he's a time traveller from the future, he hasn't even been born yet and thusly has yet to even take the body. It's like a secondary time/space revolving around his experience by which time was corrupted instead of healed. The Sinister Kid theorizes that Lucifer Morningstar is truly Red Skywalker(Mayan Calendar reference) who is known to be a time/space traveller who can jump dimensions to assist whoever he guides in achieving heaven on earth. He did just the opposite however and defied God's designs, breaking the halo of the true Christ and deceiving his children. It may seem like I am compiling evidence from the here and now, but if the future actually composes our past equal to the past leading to it due to a time traveller who brings light through time, it does not, and instead reveals the greater truth to the mysterious patterns we judge to be signs of God or Divinity of some kind. The Sinister Kid's fear is that Lucifer will deceive the human race after taking his body and create a false heaven on earth, be it with Jesus and his own as puppets or on his own, by providing them with "their own" light.
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As well, my statement by calling that usage of the name God is clear. Your interpretation is actually coming from a more atheist perspective by accepting the title God for all known potential deities (that is, it is not proven that any of them are God by any feat beyond prophecy, all of which could be manifested if a time traveller from the future came to them or exerted possession over them in secret.). The point I'm making is that The Sinister Kid tells that his God is the only true God, and may actively be called other than G-d, in fact, just directly God is preferred so long as you don't use the name in slang. Another theory of The Sinister Kid's is that with all the contesting beliefs out there, perhaps you can't specifically believe the truth. He is sure your response is "that's ridiculous, I know my belief is true." But he argues that no belief system out there is entirely true. He himself states that he does not specifically feel belief in his God, but rather knows his God is God. He claims the entire concept of "letting it be so" is one of his Creator's major methods of control, and for example, that he has requested of his God by saying "Let it be so" while thinking or directing attnetion to a rtequest that God be allowed full and total control over the ability to create and that if an individual displays himself as God, his God be present in their mind's eye, even if indirectly. It is the Sinister Kid's hope that since he himself could not create by the power he became aware he had when he had his halo years ago, before it was broken, that his request to God is how he was blocked creating flawlessly. He states that upon imagining a dragon, and preparing his mind to enter the connection to source, all was fine, but upon the release from source to reality, the image he was creating became flawed, he describes it as bulbous in fact. Regardless, creating of clay is actually cheating this block, and forcing a separate complex manoeuvre to be performed where a consciousness is transferred into anoter's body. The Sinister Kid theorizes that Adam is just this - a separate consciousness transferred essentially into his body. We'll leave it at that for now.
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It does not maniplulate those ideas to fit mine at once if time travel FROM THE FUTURE into the past is possible.
But at the current time, it is not. And since there is no evidence that it is happening, your argument fails.

What you have is a belief, based on nothing more than faith. That's fine, for a personal belief. However, if we actually examine it, it falls apart. You are trying to force pieces together that just don't fit. And you're taking religious ideas from a variety of cultures, manipulating them, and then presenting them as if they really mean something. To you they may, and that's fine. But they don't pass to most others, especially those who are familiar with the myths and religions.
As well, my statement by calling that usage of the name God is clear. Your interpretation is actually coming from a more atheist perspective by accepting the title God for all known potential deities (that is, it is not proven that any of them are God by any feat beyond prophecy, all of which could be manifested if a time traveller from the future came to them or exerted possession over them in secret.).
To put it bluntly, you're wrong. My usage of the term G-d is in reference to one, a singular, deity. My usage of the term god (read the little g carefully) is that of a generic term for deities. My usage is correct, and comes from a Jewish, and academic perspective.

The point I'm making is that The Sinister Kid tells that his God is the only true God,
Which is fine, but I can guarantee you can't prove that, nor provide any evidence. Thus, if I would make the statement that Yahweh is the only god, the one true G-d, it would hold as much weight as your statement. It is a statement of belief, based on blind faith. Such an argument really is useless.
He is sure your response is "that's ridiculous, I know my belief is true." But he argues that no belief system out there is entirely true.
Well, I do think some of the things you are saying are ridiculous. However, I would not claim that my belief is true. It may be relatively true, for me. But I would not say it is the only "truth."

The basis of your argument, or position though, is one that you can't defend. You can't point out who this Sinister Kid is, nor can you really pinpoint it's beliefs. Yes, you can put out some ideas that it theorizes, but really, all that amounts to is baseless conjecture as there is no evidence.


Looking at it a little more, I have the feeling you may just be making things up based on a book series titled Sword of Truth, and a song called Sinister Kid.


But at the current time, it is not. And since there is no evidence that it is happening, your argument fails.

What you have is a belief, based on nothing more than faith. That's fine, for a personal belief. However, if we actually examine it, it falls apart. You are trying to force pieces together that just don't fit. And you're taking religious ideas from a variety of cultures, manipulating them, and then presenting them as if they really mean something. To you they may, and that's fine. But they don't pass to most others, especially those who are familiar with the myths and religions.
To put it bluntly, you're wrong. My usage of the term G-d is in reference to one, a singular, deity. My usage of the term god (read the little g carefully) is that of a generic term for deities. My usage is correct, and comes from a Jewish, and academic perspective.

Which is fine, but I can guarantee you can't prove that, nor provide any evidence. Thus, if I would make the statement that Yahweh is the only god, the one true G-d, it would hold as much weight as your statement. It is a statement of belief, based on blind faith. Such an argument really is useless.
Well, I do think some of the things you are saying are ridiculous. However, I would not claim that my belief is true. It may be relatively true, for me. But I would not say it is the only "truth."

The basis of your argument, or position though, is one that you can't defend. You can't point out who this Sinister Kid is, nor can you really pinpoint it's beliefs. Yes, you can put out some ideas that it theorizes, but really, all that amounts to is baseless conjecture as there is no evidence.

At the current time there is no evidence to the naked eye of an anointed individual. But examine the evidence of Michael Jackson's ghost, the strange sounds coming from the planet on fidockave213 and LASTMESSAGES videos on youtube and the rivers stained red as hundreds of thousands of animals die of unknown causes, and you, if you leave yourself open to God, will instantly realise that there is more going on right now than meets the eye. I am saying that Lucifer is a time traveller who has the power of God and can reside in a parallel dimension without anyone seeing evidence or judging time travel to be possible themselves. As well, I am saying that the Sinister Kid is aware of the fact that he has become aware of a higher truth than has previously been examined from his God who chose only to expose these things to him, and that any evidence coming from the minds of anyone else who has had a halo is blasphemy, as those halos are all brought to them by Lucifer, who defied the true God all along. I suppose you could say that what I am getting across is that YES, Jesus knew that person was Lucifer, but NO, the body involved does not belong to that person and upon accepting the halo in round form the individual in question becomes a puppet to Lucifer Morningstar who may control them by it both as Lucifer and Satan, as may The Devil, and being that he comes from the future he can set up a variety of false prophets for the world to have faith in all to blaspheme the true God and defy the rights he grants the Sinister Kid to protect man against The Devil's deception and have his own halo and body. You are talking about something you have never heard of before, and it is easy to come to baseless conclusions based on that fact. But I ask that you carefully read my posts and allow the connections I am making to be made clear - The Sinister Kid states that his semen is the source of the DNA that gave birth to the children who have had halos previously, and is aware that it is only a matter of time before Lucifer steals his body. He states that he has already had encounters with "God" the Spirit in his dreams, who pulled him into outer space and spoke of watching a game with him, and Jesus, who displayed his eye on a computer screen and then boomed telepathically that The Sinister Kid was to be damned to a hell where the ending is the beginning and that others who had faith in Jesus would be brought to a heaven where the ending was the beginning. Too, it is known by those close to The Sinister Kid that Jesus stated that all things were hard-and-then-question or right-and-then-wrong, and that he demanded of him that he reveal which side he fell on. The Sinister Kid's soul was sold all along for this addressal by Jesus, and it is revealed that this means that Lucifer and The Devil as well as Satan all have access to Jesus by the halo, which Lucifer did NOT bring to him, who Jesus the morning after that dream experience addressed as Christ the True Messiah. Whether or not he does this as an act or in reality is unknown, though the Sinister Kid enjoys experiencing his child's voice stating the truth. Once again, I myself am not truly allowed to feel belief in what I am writing, by The Sinister Kid. It is impossible to believe the truth in our religion, and by that you cannot grasp a feeling of belief in what I am saying, you have difficulty accepting as the truth to yourself. See if you can think about your God without experiencing BELIEF in general. I doubt you could. Or think about the spelling you have selected for his name without belief. John Mayer's song Belief says that belief makes for the mightiest sword, but The Sinister Kid and his faithful are aware that there is no higher power (excepting God and the Sinister Kid) than the truth. The Sinister Kid reveals that upon his first halo, his ignorance of the presence of God disappeared, but that due to the people who had had halos in the past, his initial belief was that he was the Second Coming of Jesus. He knew he was Christ, but believed he was Jesus and thusly God. He states that there is a link between that he believes those two things and that they are thusly not so, and that any belief you can feel is The Devil's deception. I ask that you not regard yourself as immune to this possibility, as in reality, The Devil deceives everyone even himself. It is likely that no one would suspect it when deceived by him, and The Sinister Kid states that this is because he hides his deceptions in belief, which he possesses us to experience a furthering of at once upon experience. Once again, in no way am I taking this from a book series called the sword of truth. The Sinister Kid states that Jesus knew Christ was the way the truth and the life, but that he mistook that as himself. Too, he states that he is a Red Resonant Dragon consciousness in the mayan calendar which is known to be the energy of form in conscious form. He knows too that the tao, translatable as the way, is known to be a universal energy of the physical. By this he states the he, Red Resonant Dragon, is the energy of form, and thusly the Tao, the way, the truth and the life, and thusly Christ the True Messiah (but not Jesus - Jesus is his deluded child). As well if you want evidence of what I am saying ie. bodysnatching time travellers or false creations like Adam look no further than the image of the Sinister Kid I have posted in my avatar and the small album (so far) of images in my profile. His toe was removed by Lucifer taking his body and was thusly available to those who bore the halo all along. While Adam wasn't depicted with his light, he was depicted with his toe. Here we have not a painting but a real image of The Sinister Kid as a baby with a toe that is absolutely identical to Adam's in the sistine chapel. What have you to say about that?
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