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What is a Patriot?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I believe this is truly laughable for RF to have a conservative only forum when we do not seem to have any conservatives. I know there are a few of you out there right?


Fundamental Bible-thumper
A patriot, imo, is someone who stands in between his country and the rest of the world, right or wrong. That doesn't mean you can't protest and fight on the home front (for the good of your country), but you must support your country's actions on the international scene.

Well, that's my interpretation.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
A patriot is one who unquestioningly supports the foreign and domestic policy of whatever political group chances to currently control his natal region.


Active Member
A patriot is one who unquestioningly supports the foreign and domestic policy of whatever political group chances to currently control his natal region.

I'd think a real patriot thinks about the long term benefits for his/her own country; instead of folowing a president or a party blindly


Fundamental Bible-thumper
A patriot is one who unquestioningly supports the foreign and domestic policy of whatever political group chances to currently control his natal region.

Absolutely not. What you just described is a subject of a country or government; not a patriotic citizen.

A patriot loves their country, and supports it in the face of foreigners -but a real patriot also fights for the ideals that he thinks best for his country on the home front, whether they be foreing or domestic policy matters, in the face of oppostition notwithstanding.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Perhaps I should remove "unquestioningly" from my above definition. But in that case, if a patriot questions or disagrees with government policy yet still supports his country "in the face of foreigners," doesn't that make him a hypocrite?

Weren't the Nazis patriots? Would it have been wrong for a 1930's German citizen to actively oppose his government's policies. Surely that would be unpatriotic, but patriotism is frequently at odds with basic morality and Christian values.

I've always been suspicious of patriotism, myself. Patriotism, ie: 'nationalism lite' , leads to war and foreign exploitation.
Wouldn't it be better to support policies you agreed with while opposing those you disagreed with?

I also find it curious that a person's patriotism always seems to be for the government laying claim to his natal region his region of residence.
I live in Southwestern North America, but disagree with many of the policies of the gang currently controlling the region. Actually, my sentiments are more in line with the administrations of New Zealand or Sweden.
Wouldn't it, then, be right and proper for me to pledge my allegiance to Wellington or Stockholm, rather than Washington?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
If I felt the way some of you do, I would pack up and leave or fight real hard for change. I could not stand to live in a country where I was not represented.

I think there is a current movement for a one world government. I will fight to the death to stop that from happening. Live free or die!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Live free or die!" Isn't that the state motto of New Hampshire? I thought you were from the beautiful state of Kentucky. I hope you're not being unpatriotic...:D

Seriously, though. I see ominous parallels between current US politics and the politics of Germany in the 1930s. If it were easy to emigrate I would. In the mean time I do actively oppose objectionable policies -- I was tear gassed in an anti Iraq war demonstration.

I'm curious. What are your worries about a one-world government? I can see the potential for despotism, but if you think the same potential doesn't exist in regional governments I you're deluding yourself.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Oh dear... Sounds like another hippie radical (or perhaps even a Jeffersonian or White-Roseist :eek:!

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
It amazes me that Pete starts Liberal only threads and then posts on Conservative only threads.

How dare you call Americans terrorists!


Pre-initiate Wiccan
I'm not conservative or liberal... can I still post? Eek O.O

I support our troops but not the war. I love being in America, because I'd probably hate to be anywhere else. I'd die without freedom of speech. In short, I'm generally cool with our country.

I can't define for you what a patriot is, but I can say that even if you aren't donning red white and blue and singing the Star Spangled Banner all over everything, there are a few things that people should just NOT do... particularly the very young/not yet educated people... like some of my friends =__= I frequently feel the strong urge to drop-kick my friends when they decide they "hate America" after listening to a few Ant-Flag songs. Bash it all you want, babes, but you'd be crying if you had to live somewhere where they don't give you ANY freedom. Compared to where these whiney people could be, I get steamed up when I see how comfortable they are griping about America day in day out as they kick it in their comfortable homes in front of their TV's. Jerks...

Dang, that turned into a rant. Didn't mean for it to come out like that... I guess in short, if you disagree with America because of certain things, you'd do best to have ALL your facts gathered first... not from some mainstream rock songs. And people who say things like "America sucks!!" might as well just hop the border then. They obviously aren't doing anything productive to try to improve it. Grr.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I have always thought that we all as Americans can disagree with each other all we like and would fight to the death for someone to have the right to disagree with us, but let another country attack us, we would set our differences aside and kick some serious butt.

After serving your country, you might just go ballistic if you saw someone burning our flag or acting unamerican by saying bad things about our country. If you want to take the side of terrorists, fine. Go over there and live in their country!

If you believe all war is bad and do not want to fight, I can accept that as well and do not have a problem so far. It is when you spit on soldiers and call them baby killers and terrorists, you have stepped over a line that makes you a traitor to this country. You have rights but you also have responsibilities as well. To try and enjoy one without taking the other seriously might have consequences one day.


Resident Schizophrenic
Seriously, though. I see ominous parallels between current US politics and the politics of Germany in the 1930s. If it were easy to emigrate I would. In the mean time I do actively oppose objectionable policies -- I was tear gassed in an anti Iraq war demonstration.
Ouch. I once got hosed by rubber bullets. Not an enjoyable experience.
I'm curious. What are your worries about a one-world government? I can see the potential for despotism, but if you think the same potential doesn't exist in regional governments I you're deluding yourself.
I'd guess a one global government would be much harder to rebel against.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I have bad dreams about a one world government going door to door looking for firearms.

I can just imagine the whole world getting to vote what to do with my income tax. You look over seas and see many folks paying twice what we do for gasoline and giving over half of their wages to the government.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
I have bad dreams about a one world government going door to door looking for firearms.

I can just imagine the whole world getting to vote what to do with my income tax. You look over seas and see many folks paying twice what we do for gasoline and giving over half of their wages to the government.

I too sometimes worry about it. But then I remember this verse:

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. -Isaiah 43:2

There are so many others. They're great comforts, but this is one of my favorites