Whatever, this also search.
That seems rather dismissive. Seems when I tell religious folks this, they always brush it aside like it doesn't matter. Why is that?
Okay you show me the magic and I'll try to answer how it works
Well, ok.
When I was a young teen, I saw a scary movie with my friends. We all felt too scared to sleep by ourselves, so we all slept in the living room of my friend's house. This house was very old, and it was very creepy. That night, everyone felt tired so they went to sleep. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed awake. As the night went on, I started to get the feeling like I was being watched.
I looked up, and instead of feeling relief when I saw nothing was there, the feeling only intensified. I could feel something looking in through the window at me. I couldn't see anything, though.
All night long I felt this thing walk back and forth up and down the porch. It was looking at me...
Now, the guy who owned this house was a pastor, and it felt to me like whatever it was was prevented from getting in, but I felt as though it was trying to get in. I prayed and prayed for god to keep it away, and the thing was never able to get in.
Eventually the sun slowly rose, and with it the feeling of that dark thing went away. I felt relief and told my friends about what happened. They all had weird dreams that night, and a couple of them even told me they had dreams of being chased down by a dark, shadowy figure.
I told my mom about what happened, as I've always known her as someone to have the spiritual gift of discernment. She told me that when we watched that movie, it drew in a demon. God had kept me safe that night.
What are your answers for that specific supernatural experience? Is it mundane, or is it truly supernatural?