How could things be responsive unless they were aware?
1) Because something conscious acts on them (e.g., a rock "responds" to a person who rolls it down the hill because of physics and a conscious agent acting upon an unaware object)
2) Because we can e.g., show that humans respond to stimuli that they are unaware of. We can, for example, sever the connections in the brain such that a person will be exposed to visual stimuli but not be aware of it (the stimulus will be processed by the visual system such that the person can respond to it, but they don't know why they respond to it or even THAT they are responding to it; instead, they rationalize their responses by explaining them via causes that are consistent with what they are aware of).
3) In humans and other animals, we can cause responses but sever connections that are required for the animal to be aware they responded to whatever stimuli we used to cause the response.
4) There exists no logical entailment such that response requires awareness, nor any connection that makes responsiveness require awareness.
Consciousness varies in degrees when we speak of humans but there must be a baseline degree that encompasses all things.