Is it limited to the Christian religion's interpretation of God creating the world in 7 literal days? I believe in creation but my religion says that evolution was the mode of creation so I don't get how there is a "versus" there.
I would suggest that broadly Religious Creationism implies:
1)there was a Creator,
2) that before Creation there was nothing (so ex nihilo),
3) that the history of the Universe has a beginning.
So Muslims, Christians and Jews should all be able to agree on the above for instance. But then when you start getting in details there are considerable differences between the religions and even within religions. Within Christianity I would suggest the 2 most credible positions are those of strict 6 day Creationism and that of Theistic Evolution. Both agree on the 3 assumptions above but have massive disagreements on:
1) How old is the universe
2) When was man created
3) Special creation v Evolution
4) Common ancestor v common Creator when considering the types of creatures that exist
5) A global flood v a local one
6) The age of humans before the flood e.g. Methuselah was over 950 when he died.