Thou art That
Who is bound? (A question more worthy of attention might be "How are they bound?" That which binds them would then be the means by which they are liberated--their sentience--Buddha Nature.)
They are bound by their very sentience in the illusory state of Identification, thinking themselves as 'I', the self. The realization/awakening must come, via their own Buddha nature, that they in fact are not bound at all, because there is no such 'self' that can be bound.
When this occurs, there no longer exists the duality of 'self and other', but rather that one is, and always was, none other than 'That', ie: 'tat tvam asi'. As Deepak Chopra says: "The spiritual experience is the merging of the observer, the observed, and the entire process of observation into a single Reality."
This is why Buddhists say that Nirvana and Samsara are not different.
The consciousness that is dreaming of being a dragon slayer is the same consciousness which awakens.
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