Kindly note this question is for non-hindus only who may respond according to their own perception. Be free to respond any way you may like.
Love & rgds
The word dharma comes from the root dhr, which means to hold, so support. It is like the hub of a wheel which holds all the spokes. In this sense Dharma is that which holds the whole of creation. There is also another word Rta, rita is the cosmic order or cosmic dharma, which holds the rythm of creation like Dharma. These two words also are identical with Sat or Tat. Sat is that which exists by itself. Its existence does not depend on anything else but all the other forms of existence depend on it. For example take the earth and a tree on the earth. The earth does not depend on the tree but the existence of the tree depends on the earth. We can call the earth as Sat and Tree as Asat.
Rigveda says: ekam sat vipra bhahuthi vadanti. Self exisitng being is one but sages call by many names. Another word is Tat, that. Tat vam asi, you are That, eternal self.This also refers to Sat. Other words used for God are Brahman, Atman and OM. The word Brahman comes from the root br which means to swell,to bubble, to spring forth or creativity. Atman is the foundation on which everything stands. While Brahman is understood as the ground and the source of the universe, Atman is understood as the ground of the human consciousness but in the final Atman is Brahman. OM is the primordial word from which all the manifestations of creation comes. OM is also identical with Brahman and Atman. So All these words Dharma, Rita, Sat, Tat, OM, Brahman and Atman refer to God, the one ultimate reality.
Sanathana: it means ancient or eternal.
The word dharma is generally understood to mean duty, a rule of life.
There are different types of dharmas:svadharma- one's own duty, sampradaya dharma, dharma that comes from the tradition, varna dharma,the duty of a particular caste, ashram dharma, the duty in a particular stage of one's life.
Yuga dharma, the dharma or duty for a particular time or yuga and then sanatana dharma, eternal duty. It sounds as a very big word,heavy but it is very light.
Sanathana dharma means eternity manifesting in the present. It is living moment by moment. It is freedom from the past and freedom from the future. A sannyasi in Hinduism lives in sanathana dharma. A sannyasi is not allowed to stay in any place.He has to be always on the move. He cannot take the food from this village to the next village.It will be provided there. Santhana dharma is the way a person lives. It is not identical with any religion. In Sanathana dharma an individual makes God a pilgrim. it is a pilgrimage from eternity to eternity.
In the Old Testament when God was leading the Israelites in the desert, he fed them with Manna. They were suppose to collect Manna necessary for that day only. They cannot collect more than necessary. If they do it would get spoiled. It is to be completely dependent on the providence of God. It is like the life of a sannyasi. Jesus Christ said, the foxes have their holes, the birds have their nests but the son of Man has no where to lay down and rest. This is living in Sanathana dharma, knowing and doing the will of God moment by moment. He did not know what will be the will of God next. Sanathana dharma is to live in a pathless path. Just as the birds make their journey without entering the traces left by others and do not leave the traces for the others to follow, just like fish make their journey without entering the traces left by others and do not leave traces for others so also a person who lives in Sanathana dharma lives like them. Just as the birds do not contaminate the sky, fish do not contaminate the waters so also a person who lives in sanathana dharma keeps the path uncontaminated for the others. He does not carry any burdens from the past and does not leaves any burdens for the future. He manifest eternity in the present. Sanathana dharma, though very big word, can be lived only moment by moment, freedom from all burdens or all other types of dharmas.
Hence sanathana dharma is that which frees people from the burden of all dharmas. Krishna told to Arjuna 'renounce all dharmas and come to me I will give you salvation'. Jesus Christ said, 'come to me all who carry heavy burdens I will give you rest. Take my yoke(dharma) upon you and learn from me that I am meek and humble of heart(free from all dharmas) and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke(dharma) is east and my burden is light. Jesus lived the life of sanathana dharma and he invited everyone to live the life of sanathana dharma and be free from all burdens.