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What is Satan? (Satanists only)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
There are basically co-related principles -- Satan as a being, Satan as a philosophy.

Satan as a being doesn't exist to me in the sense a physical human would though I feel psychically attuned to him. (I make no presumption of Satan having or requiring to have a sex... he is generally the accepted pronoun for speaking of a God unless they are specifically referred to as female. It is simply convenient.) I am not so much aware of Satan of being completely independent of myself, but rather as a part of me. I feel my piece of this more than anything I would guess. I guess in some ways that idea is pantheistic, but I don't feel that the force which binds us together and fuels the apparent and not so apparent cosmos is disconnected from us as that sort of goes against natural rules; force neither being lost or gained merely translated into some other force. There is more to this but I feel that it is no proof in a conventional sense and only in a subjective collective sense. Talking is cheap occasionally... I'm no mystic, and anyone can meditate to study their own version on the unconscious collective I don't need to interfere if you truly care. :p

My philosophy of Satanism is the most simple:

Rule #1 - I doubt it. Blind faith leads to the destruction of humankind. Even blind faith in science. Every single person should focus on researching every piece of information they receive. We need to focus on teaching critical thinking.

Rule #2 - Human nature is correct, and all natural inklings are correct. Your taste in aesthetics, sexual, and life partners are all good and well. Homosexuality and bisexuality exist in other animals as well.

Rule #3 - Survival is the highest rule. All humans have the right to do what is necessary to survive and not be abused. This also applies to allowing society to exist -- we are a social animal require others to be at our best. Rule #2 cannot infringe on this rule as a matter of principle. Killing people for any reason other than defense is then wrong in this rule because it violates a human need for society. We are wired to live in a herd, but we do not have to be sheep. Our most valuable resource -- that which sets us apart from the beasts is that most of our value comes from the resources we provide other people. Stealing things violates this rule as well, as you possibly violate someone else's right to survive or live as they please.

Rule #4 - Triviality is the only 'sin'. If what you are doing in life makes you worthless then you are a waste of oxygen. Focus too much on drinking, drugs, mass media, anything really and slowly you shall be torn from your spiritual center and deceived. Once these things become more important than seeking the truth, your personal advancement, or the advancement of society failure is imminent.

These are really the core of my ideas... As you can see, I sort of have some issues with LaVey's focus on garbage. Anything taken to excess is root of self-deception as you are no longer seeking the truth, but just a fix.
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Well-Known Member
There are basically co-related principles -- Satan as a being, Satan as a philosophy.

Satan as a being doesn't exist to me in the sense a physical human would though I feel psychically attuned to him. (I make no presumption of Satan having or requiring to have a sex... he is generally the accepted pronoun for speaking of a God unless they are specifically referred to as female. It is simply convenient.) I am not so much aware of Satan of being completely independent of myself, but rather as a part of me. I feel my piece of this more than anything I would guess. I guess in some ways that idea is pantheistic, but I don't feel that the force which binds us together and fuels the apparent and not so apparent cosmos is disconnected from us as that sort of goes against natural rules; force neither being lost or gained merely translated into some other force. There is more to this but I feel that it is no proof in a conventional sense and only in a subjective collective sense. Talking is cheap occasionally... I'm no mystic, and anyone can meditate to study their own version on the unconscious collective I don't need to interfere if you truly care. :p

My philosophy of Satanism is the most simple:

Rule #1 - I doubt it. Blind faith leads to the destruction of humankind. Even blind faith in science. Every single person should focus on researching every piece of information they receive. We need to focus on teaching critical thinking.

Rule #2 - Human nature is correct, and all natural inklings are correct. Your taste in aesthetics, sexual, and life partners are all good and well. Homosexuality and bisexuality exist in other animals as well.

Rule #3 - Survival is the highest rule. All humans have the right to do what is necessary to survive and not be abused. This also applies to allowing society to exist -- we are a social animal require others to be at our best. Rule #2 cannot infringe on this rule as a matter of principle. Killing people for any reason other than defense is then wrong in this rule because it violates a human need for society. We are wired to live in a herd, but we do not have to be sheep. Our most valuable resource -- that which sets us apart from the beasts is that most of our value comes from the resources we provide other people. Stealing things violates this rule as well, as you possibly violate someone else's right to survive or live as they please.

Rule #4 - Triviality is the only 'sin'. If what you are doing in life makes you worthless then you are a waste of oxygen. Focus too much on drinking, drugs, mass media, anything really and slowly you shall be torn from your spiritual center and deceived. Once these things become more important than seeking the truth, your personal advancement, or the advancement of society failure is imminent.

These are really the core of my ideas... As you can see, I sort of have some issues with LaVey's focus on garbage. Anything taken to excess is root of self-deception as you are no longer seeking the truth, but just a fix.

Interesting, I have a number of similar concepts, but I think of Satan as a more objective entity.

The only other thing I can think of to say though is that people are more akin to wolves. But not in the typical religious sense or common conotations, but as in the literal meaning... people live like packs of wolves as opposed to herds.

Really, look up wolf-pack behavior. It's really similar to dogs. From what I know, wolves act a lot like people in terms of social dynamics. Of course I may be remembering it wrong but from what I remember of wolf-pack behavior they are very similar to humans. They are not vicious to each other but are to their enemies and use team work.

People may be prone to acting like "sheep", but we are properly more like wolves. Remember, the dog is man's best friend, and dogs came from domesticated wolves. Wolves and dogs, like humans, largely learn by being taught. How else did they become our best friend if they were not like us? :)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Interesting, I have a number of similar concepts, but I think of Satan as a more objective entity.

The only other thing I can think of to say though is that people are more akin to wolves. But not in the typical religious sense or common conotations, but as in the literal meaning... people live like packs of wolves as opposed to herds.

Really, look up wolf-pack behavior. It's really similar to dogs. From what I know, wolves act a lot like people in terms of social dynamics. Of course I may be remembering it wrong but from what I remember of wolf-pack behavior they are very similar to humans. They are not vicious to each other but are to their enemies and use team work.

People may be prone to acting like "sheep", but we are properly more like wolves. Remember, the dog is man's best friend, and dogs came from domesticated wolves. Wolves and dogs, like humans, largely learn by being taught. How else did they become our best friend if they were not like us? :)

I believe there is a Satan, but I don't believe in the idea that it is a simple human-like intelligence. I have difficulty explaining this to a 'normal' human with a 'normal' frame of reference; not to imply I possess some superiority. Imagine you lived in a void... a dark pit, and from it you cast countless specks of yourself out to form the world and its dimensions and then you created 'spiritual vehicles' of yourself to experience this matrix-like reality you created. These 'spiritual vehicles' are eventually born into 'physical vehicles'... The creator learns from the created insomuch as the created may learn from the creator. In reality, both are one -- and the creator is thus living through us... but, not in the manner of like someone watching a movie... more like actually partly being there and sharing the experience. Ever play a video game like Minecraft and build a world... the real fun of it comes from living in it and exploring the map... The joy of building is good enough at first, but the experience and exploration are the real 'fun'. This is the reason people climb mountains... go on sea voyages, and trek through steppes! Life itself is the interesting part of the mix! The good and bad are all very entertaining! Thus we stand in our ant farm, a bit of our creator given a small field of view invariably suited to the most minute of details commonly required to be addressed in this thing we call life. What is reality but a mere set of vibrations the mechanics of our mind represent with sound, color, and dimension? Perhaps I should give another perception -- that my real reason for not screwing around with people is that it is actually sort of like screwing with myself..? Yes, I bet you were all busy building these intellectual fortresses to play in and I just kicked out a few keystones. :)

Maybe I just got your gears spinning... maybe you think I am full of ****e... go prove something to yourself -- I don't care! :) I don't want anyone to believe me at all... I just want them to start exploring their reality and challenge conventional assumptions. Time will tell if I am right or wrong... Invariably.. I don't give a damn. :) Life is a party or a white-knuckle ride! I think I like to party... :)

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Hmm. Satan is many things to me. I do identify Satan and Lucifer as being the same being or force, but different aspects of him. So I might use the terms interchangeably. I find that that suits me. I view him as a being of both Light and Darkness and many other dichotomies who is the Father of all Wisdom and Consciousness. In a way, I suppose I tend to view him as the embodiment of Baphomet or that Baphomet is an aspect of him. I do believe that this being is responsible for the advanced consciousness that humans have. How exactly this happened, I don't claim to know. I believe this being is the driving force of rebellion against tyranny of all sorts, the one who urges us to doubt and to question. He is the Destroyer of false and stagnating beliefs and paradigms, and the Creator of new ways of perception. In his Lucifer aspect, he is the Bringer of Enlightenment, of course.

So I think that Satan exists both within and without us. The Spark of Consciousness (what I call the Black Flame) is him within us.

I think that Satan is the modern manifestation of this being, who has existed for who knows how long. I think he has been known to us under many different names and forms. I don't envision him as having a static form. He's not really a male, either, being that he is pure Spirit. I also think he has a special affinity for humans and that he greatly loves us and accepts us as who we are and wishes for us to reach apotheosis. I view him as a teacher, friend, brother and guide.

I used to be a LaVeyan Satanist until recently. But now I feel urged in another direction. This is new to me. But it feels right, somehow.


Left Hand Path
Satan is a simple construct that consists in all dimensions.

It is a circle of Opposition, emitting from one source that manipulates the eyes of all onlookers.

In a way its like how a number or set of numbers (6, 16 etc) can resemble the first digit, one. So basically, the grouping of numbers (like 666) is described by one single phrase or grouping.


Satan is essentially pantheistic, not completely "God" like but reflective upon the laws of nature.

Thus leading to many variations and paradigms brought forth by the Satanic world.

With that being said Satan is simply the Opposition.

Which is intended to remain vague...until spoken otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I have found myself moving more towards a literal, one on one relationship of tester and tested... but to more of an extreme lately.


Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth

I understand "Satan" as a living current of energy... a primeval manifestation of mortals' and immortals' collective subjective perspectives of "evil".

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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Satan is the joyous blasphemy, the inherent fun in laughing at the rules. Yet even fun and laughter should be taken seriously, as they're two of the strongest forms of magic.


Active Member
haSatan is possibly a middle eastern jinn of Shaytan class or a link to Saturn in planetary terms.

He enjoys tempting / encouraging people to delve further into sacred numerology via gematria.

Maybe Azazel who taught mankind weaponry and Satan can be trusted because they have taught mankind WMD's (nuclear) and how to destroy Enlil and Enki (Annunaki leaders) who enjoy classifying themselves as Gods. Its Enki who enslaved mankind during the Sumerian era 400,000 years ago to mine gold and Enlil who flooded the planet when the humans got peeved off at being slaves.
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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
You know the band Ghost? That right there is the perfect incarnation of Satanism. Serious yet fun, blasphemous but providing a better alternative.